Show me your AK

This finally arrived Yesterday. You are looking at a very rare yugoslavian made Mitchell RPK-47 underfolder. Less than 400 of these made it into the country before the ban in 1989 and this one is in excellent condition. This is not one of the M90 models that had to have 3 features altered before being released by customs (night sites removed, pinned slant break, bayo lug ground down). These are considered by many to be the finest AK's ever produced.


Very nice rifle!
Very nice!

This finally arrived Yesterday. You are looking at a very rare yugoslavian made Mitchell RPK-47 underfolder. Less than 400 of these made it into the country before the ban in 1989 and this one is in excellent condition. This is not one of the M90 models that had to have 3 features altered before being released by customs (night sites removed, pinned slant break, bayo lug ground down). These are considered by many to be the finest AK's ever produced.





Отправить это!

while technically correct, it literally means "send them this thing". это - is not vague, like in English, it means more like this, this thing. There are three variations of the verb, высылать, посылать and слать which mean to send from, to send to and to send.

So my best guess would be шли - sh-lee, which is the last verb formed as a command to a thou (not you), это - is optional. So I'd say: шли ! or in different font, л is like Greek lambda шли
I have been building AKs for at least 10 years and currently own about a dozen, but this little Yugo M-92 is one of my favs. Fake can pinned on to bring barrel out to legal length.
Here are a couple of before, during and after build pics



while technically correct, it literally means "send them this thing". это - is not vague, like in English, it means more like this, this thing. There are three variations of the verb, высылать, посылать and слать which mean to send from, to send to and to send.

So my best guess would be шли - sh-lee, which is the last verb formed as a command to a thou (not you), это - is optional. So I'd say: шли ! or in different font, л is like Greek lambda шли

So, are we still sending it?

"Send it" like chinalfr from my can attached to a string from another can in the lair of the dark lord kramdar.
I need that in my life. Where did you get the kit and reciever from?

I built that 5 or 6 years ago and to be honest I don't remember for sure where I got the kit from but I think it was ORF. Kits were cheap and plentiful back then (except these M-92 kits, which were neither cheap nor plentiful) and I had them stacked like cord wood. I still have probably half a dozen kits put away and a couple of safes worth of finished AKs. I bend my own receivers.

More on this build here.
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Awesome work, I'd love one.

Thanks. I wanted to post some pics of more of my builds but this forum will not let me link to pics on my forum for some reason. I had to go open up a photobucket account just to get these pics to show up. When I get a chance I'll upload some more to photobucket so that I can post them here.
My AK Family

A few pics of the updated AK collection

Polytech Legend, milled receiver, manufactured at factory 386:


Polytech Legend, milled reciever, folding stock factory 386


Polytech Stamped receiver, fixed stock, factory 416



Polytech stamped receiver, double under-folder, factory 416



Romanian Intrac MK II (5.45MM), wearing East German furniture



Valmet M71S (5.56MM)



Thanks for looking

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