SHTF currency

I would never consider ammo as currency.
In a SHTF situation I don't want the people around me having ammo. Even if I trade to good guys, when the bad guys kill them to take their stuff they'll have that much more to use against me.

Toilet paper and tampons will be worth their weight in dollar bills.
It will only be good after 95% of the population dies off and the 5% that's left rebuild society. In the first 10 to 20 years I don't think much trading will be going on. It will be all force in those days and not until a more civilized society emerges will currency become relevant.
for about 3 years now I have been buying 1 oz. silver bars and some coins. just testing the water and looking to see what others are buying or planning to use as trade bait or currency when the grid goes down and the banks are closed. does anyone have a plan. care to share?

.22lr and canned corn

I just buy from a couple of the most reputable places on Ebay (APMEX, MCM). I could buy direct from the same shops but Ebay lets you use CCs, get Ebay bucks etc, discounted Ebay gift cards etc. You just have to wait for deals.

Do you suppose many people bought paper metals with plastic?
Where are you going to make change for a gold coin?
" Hey can ya break a 1400"? [rofl]
Have you ever hear of "pieces of 8"? You cut the coins into pieces. Plus if you are buying SHTF coins/bullion you should be buying 1/10 oz coins/bars not 1oz.

For me it's 22lr, 9mm, 12 gauge and lots of primer/powder.
Food, booze, cigarettes, maybe some ammo (but enough people only stock ammo for an emergency so it likely won't be worth as much as you think). Any emergency supply will be worth it's weight in gold though, so buy 2 of everything (flashlights, stoves, fire starters, first aid stuff, tents, sleeping bags, etc...)

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It will only be good after 95% of the population dies off and the 5% that's left rebuild society. In the first 10 to 20 years I don't think much trading will be going on. It will be all force in those days and not until a more civilized society emerges will currency become relevant.
i would think people would establish their own local govts quickly in the rural areas. the cities, well, Mad Max.
i would think people would establish their own local govts quickly in the rural areas. the cities, well, Mad Max.
I agree with that. If society completely breaks down, government will be rebuilt more quickly in the rural areas. The form that government takes in rural areas might be interesting. WROL, tyrants will come out of the woodwork. In most of America these tyrants will be dealt with quickly. In the rural parts of non-free states like MA, NY, CA, there will be a very real chance of people setting up fiefdoms and ruling cruely.
i would think guns would actually be more sought after than ammo.

you figure your average NESer is well stocked with guns and ammo, and won't need more of either, but all the liberal anti-gun types will be trading their first born for a means of self defense once SHTF.
i would think guns would actually be more sought after than ammo.

you figure your average NESer is well stocked with guns and ammo, and won't need more of either, but all the liberal anti-gun types will be trading their first born for a means of self defense once SHTF.
But why would anyone trade a gun to someone else? It arms a person that may get so hungry they try to take your things. Not even your most trusted neighbor is trustworthy when they or their kids haven't eaten in a week.
...some coins. ...

Coins will get you a "dinner reservation for twelve" as well as a room at The Continental.

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I buy silver and I have ammo to trade. I have it from 1/10 coins to 1kilo bars assorted. Also medical supplies to trade also. I think if you can make your own ammo and booze you're well off.

I have a good amount of silver eagles and maple leaves. I make my own ammunition in .38/.357/9mm/.45acp and can do some .40 in a pinch.
If the SHTF I plan on opening an Ammo shop and let people bring me what I need in return for ammo... Just need to work out security but I have 3x Marine Corps veterans on my street and we are tight. They all know to head to my house if things go south.
Food/water will be my major planning items.
But why would anyone trade a gun to someone else? It arms a person that may get so hungry they try to take your things. Not even your most trusted neighbor is trustworthy when they or their kids haven't eaten in a week.

You're not gonna last long if you're completely on your own and can't trust anyone.

Might as well say you'll never barter with anyone, cause that person could be planning to shoot you and take your stuff. (a valid viewpoint, but it would kill the thread).
About 4 years ago I started to hit the thrift shops and buy up silverware. The real silver, not plated. The way I figure it, I will have the best mis-matched plate settings in Bristol County until the need arises for trading during a SHTF scenario. No sarcasm, this was the plan.
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