NES Member
Picked it up last night. About half way through. I think his writing has improved since One Second After.
Don't think so. Day of Wrath was horrible. Maybe it's improved since Day of Wrath, lol.
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Picked it up last night. About half way through. I think his writing has improved since One Second After.
Don't think so. Day of Wrath was horrible. Maybe it's improved since Day of Wrath, lol.
William Forstchen is just a shitty author who found his niche within a genre of writing in which most readers don't give a shit about anything besides fulfilling their masturbatory survival and gear fantasies.
Thanks for reading, derek. As I was writing it, I knew that would annoy the hell out of folks on these forums.I was trying to make him a relative n00b to firearms and almost wrote the book with him not even owning a gun, but I figured if I did that, it would be a short series, because he'd be dead in book 1. lol.
Thanks for the feedback. I'm working on the second book and hope to have it out by Christmas.Bought on Amazon the other day and finished it last night. I thought it was excellent and can't wait for the sequels, would be nice if you could do one once a week ��. Seriously, when is the next one?
Very few strong points in the book in my opinion, disjointed follow up story with weak attempt of action at the end..
I could hardly get through the free preview, decided not to get it.
Dude, the One Year After free preview was like 2 tiny pages!
I think I'm done with this author, there's a lot better ones out there.
I came across a series from A American - Getting Home (The Survivalist Series) not sure if it was already reviewed here. Pretty good reading not too long, some good equipment references. I think there are about 6 books in the series.
I loved the Going Home series. But maybe I just don't ever expect a SHTF novel to read like Odysseus, because that's not the genre.
I just found the writing of the first two books to be overly redundant, too convenient and loose with stereotypes.
I really wished the survival/prepper genre actually had some talented writers. The Going Home series is the perfect example of a subpar storyline written by a subpar "author".
I though the same thing about anything written by Stephen King. You can rip a hundred pages out of any of his novels and not miss anything LOLyes, but that didn't bother me. I think with alot of these books you can skip dozens of pages of scene set ups and not impact the story.
I really wished the survival/prepper genre actually had some talented writers. The Going Home series is the perfect example of a subpar storyline written by a subpar "author".
Try Dirk Patton's Voodoo Plague series, that's my favorite author of what I've read so far. Although it's more of a zombie novel than a prepper novel.
I don't mind the zombie genre. As much as he is a total liberal toolbag, I enjoyed what Max brooks did with WWZ. I like stories that don't rely on the superhuman ex military do every thing guy as their lead character.
Just finished one year after. I hope he does another!
I just started it and like it so far. If you liked the first book, you will like this one
the chunk on Amazon was pretty political....did it get better?