Stripped Lower Storage Requirements

I treat any stripped lower as its an expensive watch or a un-replaceable piece of jewelry, does it have to be locked up? NO, but its probably a good idea to be locked up in the very un-foreseen chance of a burglary/theft.
I've owned my home and lived in my neighborhood for many years and like most law abiding gun owners/avid shooters/hunters or anyone who enjoys the shooting sports, I have never (unless personally invited) had police officers roaming around my house warranted or unwarranted, nor have i ever had to worry about it.
If you are worried about police entering your home looking for things to jamm you up, you probably shouldn't own firearms.
I treat any stripped lower as its an expensive watch or a un-replaceable piece of jewelry, does it have to be locked up? NO, but its probably a good idea to be locked up in the very un-foreseen chance of a burglary/theft.

I think my most expensive stripped lower I have was like $75. I just bubble wrapped each one tossed them in a plastic tote in the garage.
There are two types of people in this thread. Those who follow the law and those are afraid to follow the law so they handicap themselves by following the law harder in order to avoid risking following the law. Go figure.
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