Suppresor advice needed


NES Member
Apr 18, 2011
In the woods of NH
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I will be a NH resident in May and have been researching suppressors for: Tavor x95, S&W 15-22, H&K vp9, Ruger mkiii and G17. Any recommendations or considerations? Looking to only buy 2 suppressors to handle all of the above at this time. Really appreciate any real world advice. Real world applications: backyard range and possibly nightstand gun (VP9). Thanks!
Personally, I would buy a dedicated 9 can, and dedicated 22 can. I'd leave the Tavor alone for now and get a can for that down the road.
I would bump that up from two to three and get a rimfire, 9mm and a 5.56 suppressor. I don't think a do it all suppressor that can handle 9mm would be great with 5.56. What's the reason for wanting just two? Budget?
Budget is a concern but if not practical I could do 3.
Personally, I would buy a dedicated 9 can, and dedicated 22 can. I'd leave the Tavor alone for now and get a can for that down the road.
So really I should be looking for 3. I can increase the budget but been trying to simplify my life and have been purging crap.
Budget is a concern but if not practical I could do 3.

You can start with two. Just know you'll be back for more later. I think it's inevitable once you get a taste of shooting with a suppressor. I started with a rimfire can but it wasn’t until I got my RC2 that I had a revelation. I can’t put this thing down since my form 4 got approved. Now I want to suppress a few more calibers.


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My list:
Omega 9k (9mm, 300blk sub)
Huxwrx flow 7.62 (7.62 and down and hard use on gas gun)
Rimfire cans are kinda dealers choice. Mask as mentioned before is a solid can but there really are so many. Energetic makes a good one but in any instance make sure its serviceable and I would pick a little more weight in favor of more durable materials.
I will be a NH resident in May and have been researching suppressors for: Tavor x95, S&W 15-22, H&K vp9, Ruger mkiii and G17. Any recommendations or considerations? Looking to only buy 2 suppressors to handle all of the above at this time. Really appreciate any real world advice. Real world applications: backyard range and possibly nightstand gun (VP9). Thanks!
Tavors work exceptionally well with flow-through suppressors. Huxwrx HX-QD 556 is the official suppressor for X95. It also works great on ARs. This suppressor has been out for seven years or so. I suspect you'll be able to find a good deal on them.
Get a 7.62 can - that will handle 7.62/.308 and 5.56. Get a 45 can - that will handle 45 and 9. Get a Rimfire can for .22.

Personally, I prefer dedicated cans for each caliber. But if you are on a budget, the above is the way to go. Dead Air Mask or Rugged Oculus for .22, Rugged Obsidian for 45/9 and Dead Air Nomad for 7.62/5.56 (plus keymo brakes for interchangeability).

Do not use a 5.56 can for Rimfire. Rimfire gets super dirty. I prefer the Mask for easiest cleaning. Getting the baffles apart on the Oculus is a PITA. But the Oculus is the toughest built of all the .22 cans I have tried.
SiCo Sparrow, SiCo Omega 45K, and SiCo Omega 300. I’d also get a Velos LBP.

Sparrow can handle .22 and 5.7. Omega 45K is great for .380, 9, 45, 300 BLK. Omega 300 is a great .30 cal rifle can for 5.56, 300 BLK, .308, .338, etc.

I know you said 2 cans, but you really want to buy 4.
Question gets asked all the time. Don't waste time and money attempting to identify and purchase "crossover" caliber suppressors. They will NOT function quietly as intended. Prioritize your current gun / caliber and purchase a caliber specific suppressor.
For anyone that cares or any newbies like me, I ended up getting

1) S&W (Gemtech) Mist 22lr suppressed barrel paired with a Magpul 10/22 takedown backpacker. Got to try it out first and it’s great. Easy disassembly for cleaning. And I can hike my property with it and do some plinking.

2) B&T 22 can for a Tippmann m44 22lr elite pistol with brace and a G44 with threaded barrel

3) Rugged Obsidian 9mm FDE paired with a Glock 19x FDE
I’m in the same boat OP, I’m interested in seeing how this plays out except I only have a budget of ~1K

I was thinking about getting the Hybrid 46M cause it covers all in one can
I’m in the same boat OP, I’m interested in seeing how this plays out except I only have a budget of ~1K

I was thinking about getting the Hybrid 46M cause it covers all in one can
Being the “expert” I am now 😂. After consulting here and with real live humans with years of experience, unfortunately you’re going to really want to save and buy multiple dedicated cans.
I’m in the same boat OP, I’m interested in seeing how this plays out except I only have a budget of ~1K

I was thinking about getting the Hybrid 46M cause it covers all in one can
I have just a Hybrid 46 but was looking at getting the 46M recently but SilencerCo never has it in stock.

For 22 I have a Q Erector which I really like.
I have just a Hybrid 46 but was looking at getting the 46M recently but SilencerCo never has it in stock.

For 22 I have a Q Erector which I really like.

My 22 Q Erector is sitting at the dealer waiting for my form-4 approval. Sigh.
I would bump that up from two to three and get a rimfire, 9mm and a 5.56 suppressor. I don't think a do it all suppressor that can handle 9mm would be great with 5.56. What's the reason for wanting just two? Budget?

I agree with that. I went (Basically) that route, 22, 9mm and actually a 30 cal can. I would get a dedicated 556 suppressor because it will be lighter, shorter and give you better flash suppression vs using a larger caliber can on your Tavor. Silencerco is good, I have a 22 suppressor by them and it's great. Honestly I would go with low weight and flash suppression as my first to priorities, then durability and suppression last. I wear hear pro with everything, so a few extra dBs doesn't matter IMHO, but you will have to carry that weight all the time and anything with a lot of flash causes my NVGs to auto-gate (might not be a consideration for you). Especially now that suppressors only take a few weeks to get you can be less concerned with durability.
I own eleven suppressors at our place in AZ from when I used to live in America. I made some mistakes along the way, mainly with some cheap or multi caliber suppressors. I had wait times from 22 days to 14 months. I haven’t bought any since 41P in 2016, so my specific suppressors might be out of favor now.

.22 suppressor - must have. I purchased a Liberty Kodiak TL as my primary on a 4” AR22 SBR, of all the guns I have this is my favorite combo. The Liberty has proven very durable even without regular cleanings. I have another cheapy .22 can with an aluminum outer tube that is fine for a low volume pistol, but I shouldn’t have bothered with it.

9mm suppressor - should have but a .45 suppressor can work and .45ACP is already subsonic. Omega 9K on a Scorpion SBR, Liberty Mystic on a 5” AR9 SBR, Octane 9HD for the CZ or Glock, and a Tirant that works fine but is hard to clean. The Tirant was very inexpensive, but I shouldn’t have bought it. The Omega 9K is awesome. I bought the Liberty Mystic 9mm multipurpose suppressor as one of my first ones. It worked fine and is easy to clean, but it’s larger than it needs to be for most calibers. I never did the upgrade to the next generation baffle and tube cut from Liberty.

45 Suppressor - must have. Octane 45HD, great on the FNX 45 Tactical or Glock 21. Also works fine on 10mm (not subsonic) and 9mm as needed. Suppressing centerfire pistols is the least rewarding experience. You usually get hot shit coming back on you.

5.56 - buy the 7.62 instead. I have a Saker 556 on a 10.5” AR SBR. It works great, but the extra length of the 7.62 wouldn’t really make a difference and it’s about the same volume.

7.62 - yes please. I have a Saker 7.62 for the AR10 and use an Omega 30 for my 6.5 bolt gun. I like both but if I were just buying one I’d choose the Saker so I could beat it up more on a 5.56.

12 Gauge - the Salvo 12 deserves a mention for fun factor, but isn’t necessary or practical. The 8” configuration on my 11.5” Saiga S12 SBS is pure stupidity. I got thrown out of the Fudd trap range with it a couple times.

In summary: dedicated .22, 45 pistol can, and a 7.62 will handle most things. Regardless of 45 or 7.62 get an 300 blackout rifle, preferably an 8” SBR, and shoot subsonic ammo. Omega 9K is awesome, but I never tried it with .300 blackout. In reality once you buy the first couple you’ll end up with 6 before you know it. Don’t compromise along the way, used suppressors have little to no value since people can buy brand new for not that much money.
I am about 3 weeks shy of the median wait time (~78 days for form 4 trust) per SS data. So crossing fingers September will bring good news.
I remember it being something like Christmas at age 6 years when I got that email.
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