Target Sports Delivering Again - Megathread

Know the reason why a glock 19 slide wouldn't go fully forward/lock in place? Hard to rack, hard to slam the slide forward? Cleaned it, changed out the RSA. Still happened, so far 5-6 times within 1-2 cases of Scorpio 9mm.
Only the scorpio?

If no other 9mm then the cases may be outta spec and/or tight in the breech.
Only the scorpio?

If no other 9mm then the cases may be outta spec and/or tight in the breech.
Put about 5k+ rounds (steel, brass) through the gen4-19, no consistent problems with all ammo except for the gen 4 occasional brass to face. STV Scorpio 124g usage has resulted in the aforementioned serious lockups. There are some out of spec comments online about the Scorpio. Just cracked open some steel tula, and no problems so far in 200 rounds.
shootingbot will tell you if you sort by the “stock” column. Not long ago

How much were they on GB?

$110/1000 for CCI, more than I wanted to pay but better than not having them if things continue to go south. I was hoping that primer prices would be coming down more but that doesn't seem to be coming to fruition. I should have bought them when TSUSA had them earlier this year for around $85-90/1000. I have been communicating with the seller and I might buy some CCI small rifle and small pistol magnum primers from them for $60/1000 so it will all balance out I guess.
$110/1000 for CCI, more than I wanted to pay but better than not having them if things continue to go south. I was hoping that primer prices would be coming down more but that doesn't seem to be coming to fruition. I should have bought them when TSUSA had them earlier this year for around $85-90/1000. I have been communicating with the seller and I might buy some CCI small rifle and small pistol magnum primers from them for $60/1000 so it will all balance out I guess.
MSS had CCI LRP for $95 per 1k 5 days ago
MSS had CCI LRP for $95 per 1k 5 days ago

Yeah, I checked today and they were sold out, at least for now. Just concerned with the Czech company buying CCI, Federal, Remington ammo and what will happen with availability in the coming months if their production gets shifted to military purposes, which was the motivation behind the Czech company making this acquisition. And if war really breaks out in Mideast, there will be nothing for a couple years. Then again, peace could break out all over and primers, etc. will be dirt cheap and I will have way overpaid.
Yeah, I checked today and they were sold out, at least for now. Just concerned with the Czech company buying CCI, Federal, Remington ammo and what will happen with availability in the coming months if their production gets shifted to military purposes, which was the motivation behind the Czech company making this acquisition. And if war really breaks out in Mideast, there will be nothing for a couple years.
Yeah it’s not looking good it seems.
So tried a few different boxes of 9mm in some P80s

AE 115gr - ran flawless
AE 124gr - 1 stovepipe
Blazer 124gr - few double feeds related to one gun
Magtech 115gr - flawless
New Republic 115gr - three light primer strikes. Avoid this ammo.
Geco 124gr - flawless
Norma 115gr - flawless

The Geco and the Norma were the cleanest punchiest of the group. I would buy alot more if found. AE was okay. Blazer kinda sucked. Magtech was surprisingly nice to run and 115gr seems to be the best grain for these builds. I will not be buying New Republic 9mm at all. That one box was the free one with the Ammo+ new membership.

I will run some Scorpio and S&B through them this week when I get a chance.
So tried a few different boxes of 9mm in some P80s

AE 115gr - ran flawless
AE 124gr - 1 stovepipe
Blazer 124gr - few double feeds related to one gun
Magtech 115gr - flawless
New Republic 115gr - three light primer strikes. Avoid this ammo.
Geco 124gr - flawless
Norma 115gr - flawless

The Geco and the Norma were the cleanest punchiest of the group. I would buy alot more if found. AE was okay. Blazer kinda sucked. Magtech was surprisingly nice to run and 115gr seems to be the best grain for these builds. I will not be buying New Republic 9mm at all. That one box was the free one with the Ammo+ new membership.

I will run some Scorpio and S&B through them this week when I get a chance.
Did you try the New Republic in anything else? I’ve put maybe 1500 rounds through my 43X and PTR 9R with no issues.
Did you try the New Republic in anything else? I’ve put maybe 1500 rounds through my 43X and PTR 9R with no issues.
Not yet but based on running plenty of other ammo with no primer issues I will steer clear since I have not invested in a case of it. Could be just these two builds.
Not yet but based on running plenty of other ammo with no primer issues I will steer clear since I have not invested in a case of it. Could be just these two builds.
Ive run lots of new republic thru my Mossy MC2 and maybe 500 thru both my Tisas 9's and G17 and had no issues and no light strikes. I haven't found any of the Turkish shit to be well....shit.
Winchester.....not so much, I have some steel case that is ass.

Wouldn't use turkish shit for carry, don't really care about reliability. The mags get filled back with 124 HST after for carry, this is just range ammo.
If I am not mistaken they are literally made in the same factory in Hungary.

Not too sure as they don’t specify where the pistol ammo is manufactured. All they state is that it’s produced in Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, and Hungary. I do know the precision rifle rounds are made in Germany/Switzerland from research awhile back.
Ive run lots of new republic thru my Mossy MC2 and maybe 500 thru both my Tisas 9's and G17 and had no issues and no light strikes. I haven't found any of the Turkish shit to be well....shit.
Winchester.....not so much, I have some steel case that is ass.

Wouldn't use turkish shit for carry, don't really care about reliability. The mags get filled back with 124 HST after for carry, this is just range ammo.
Take a look at those primer strikes though. Could have been a nail set with a framing hammer lol. One box with three bad primers doesn’t negate everyone’s personal experience of course.
So tried a few different boxes of 9mm in some P80s

AE 115gr - ran flawless
AE 124gr - 1 stovepipe
Blazer 124gr - few double feeds related to one gun
Magtech 115gr - flawless
New Republic 115gr - three light primer strikes. Avoid this ammo.
Geco 124gr - flawless
Norma 115gr - flawless

The Geco and the Norma were the cleanest punchiest of the group. I would buy alot more if found. AE was okay. Blazer kinda sucked. Magtech was surprisingly nice to run and 115gr seems to be the best grain for these builds. I will not be buying New Republic 9mm at all. That one box was the free one with the Ammo+ new membership.

I will run some Scorpio and S&B through them this week when I get a chance.
Norma is still my favorite, then scorpio/SB

Worst 9mm was Ammo inc
I posted a little bit back, but out of a case of new republic 115gr 9mm I only had like 6 issues, couple light primer strikes that went off second time, and couple like 4 stovepipes. I attributed all the malfunctions to guns being dirty. was tried in a host of weapons.

was also good training for hagnfires - hold in steady direction, of the stovepipes having to rerack. obviously not things you would want happening in a real life situation but good training none the less. not exactly muscle memory building but at least being familiarized with scenarios.

ymmv, but I just snagged a case of the 124gr to try out. I like 124gr hst's for carry so will use this as the range training ammo. Ill report how it goes. I won't shoot the whole case in two weekends though this time, I don't have access to the multiple machine guns this time [rofl]
Have to add Armscor to that list. Have had many FTF with their 357 mag and 45 acp ammo. I stay away from it like the plague.
I bought some Armscor once....won't do that again. That stuff sucked for me as well.

By far worst ammo I've ever bought and still have is Winchester USA steel case. I gave most of it to the local pistol instructor at our club to induce and practice failure drills. It won't run in any pistol I own.
Good practice ammo. Unexpected FTF.

I was somewhat surprised as I'd heard a few people who swear by it for training ammo. Out of a box of 50 I had 7 FTF rounds of 357 Mag and in another box of 50 I had 3 FTF of 45acp. To me that is way too many for me to ever buy it again.
I was somewhat surprised as I'd heard a few people who swear by it for training ammo. Out of a box of 50 I had 7 FTF rounds of 357 Mag and in another box of 50 I had 3 FTF of 45acp. To me that is way too many for me to ever buy it again.
That is a lot.
Did you try with a different gun?
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