Tell Gov. Patrick what you think of his gun control proposals


Shooting at the big range in heaven
NES Member
Jul 30, 2005
Metrowest, MA & Points South and West
Feedback: 9 / 0 / 0
From the Four Seasons web site (

At the April 5, 2007 press conference Gov. Patrick said that he wants to
limit gun buyers to the purchase of one firearm per month, a measure the administration says is working in California, Maryland and Virginia.

He said that the measure targets "straw purchasers" who buy guns for convicted felons and others prohibited from owning firearms. Gov. Patrick also wants to "augment" the reporting requirements for private gun sales.

Below is a link to email or mail comments to his office.

I've already sent Gov. Patrick an email. Please send one also.

Darius Arbabi
I've heard a lot about this "straw purchases" problem. Granted, it makes sense --- most guns in criminal hads were originally from legal sources (obtained via straw purchase, theft, inheritance, or good guy gone bad). Does anyone actually have any UNBIASED facts regarding how much of a problem straw purchases are?

What percentage of illegally held guns were obtained illegally from a straw purchase?

What was the average number of weapons illegally purchased each time using this method (i.e. one person buying 20 guns vs. 20 people buying a gun each)?

There's info on google, but most of it is written by groups such as the Brady campaign or GOA...
I sent my letters as well. I also sent letters to all the members of the bills board.

I basicly sent a variation of this one.


I am writing about H. 3991. I believe that this is a fruitless attempt of smoke and mirrors to make it look like something is getting done by this administration. Instilling a law that limits law abiding MA citizens to one gun a month will not solve any of the current issues. As I say, the law will affect only LAW ABIDING citizens. Which stands to believe that the administration thinks that we can't be trusted.

Criminals, by their very definition, will still do what they want regardless if this law goes into place. There are already laws on the books regarding "Straw Purchases." If they want to do something regarding these issues, then enforce the laws already in place. Making more laws that will serve no purpose will not resolve the issue.

That should be our concern as Massachusetts residents, enforcing laws that are currently in place. Again, not making more laws that serve no purpose. Put more police on the streets to go after the people breaking said laws. Make a difference. Mass Gun Laws are some of the most strict in the Nation. Right up there with Chicago, California, and Washington, DC. Take a look at the crime rates in those places. Then, look at the crime rates of the states around us. ME, NH, VT.. Why aren't they as High?

If tyou really want to make a difference, if you want to make our state on what's currently in place. Not making up more laws that aren't going to be enforced. Laws that aren't enforced along with the ones that are there now.

Why do we have gun registrations? Why are they in place?

If crimes are being committed, then do records searches. Go after the people who's shown as the owners. That's why we have gun registration in MA, correct? If they are coming across state lines, then research those and question those people. The BATF has a form that's filled out if a purchaser buys more than one gun in a seven day period. Work with them to find out who's buying large quantities of firearms.

Do something to enforce what we have now. There's no need for more fruitless laws that only the law abiding people of our Commonwealth will follow. You are smacking the law abiding citizens of Massachusetts in the face. You are tell us that we can't be trusted. That us, the ones that follow the law, are the criminals. Not the people that are already breaking the laws in place, but the ones that follow the law.

I ask you, please do not push H. 3991. I'm asking you as a concerned citizen, a Massachusetts citizen, and a law abiding firearms owner.

Thank you for your time,

My version

What I sent to our beloved gov:

I am writing about H. 3991. One gun a month legislation is an idiotic attempt to fix a non-existent problem. Until you can show that the law-abiding gun owners of MA are serving as straw purchasers for criminals, there is no need for this legislation.

Actually, if you can show that law-abiding gun owners of MA are serving as straw purchasers you should be prosecuting those people and leaving the rest of us gun owners alone.

Feel-good legislation like H3991 only imposes more restrictions on people who are not the problem. If you don't like guns, come out and admit your phobia and work towards a resolution. If you want to ban guns, come out and say it and we'll have a discussion. Don't be taking these sneaky baby steps towards banning guns thinking we don't notice. We gun owners do notice, and we don't like being the scapegoats for your failure to prosecute criminals.
Here's what I sent.

Hey Cadillac Deval, you right winged pompous dink! Who the hell do you think you are. I'm a gun owner, and HOW DARE you tell me what I can, and can't do regarding firearms. Stick to the shit you know, like trying to get convicted rapist out of prison, and stay the hell out of my life. Hop your happy ass into the state police helicopter fly that som' bitch as high as it will go, and then hover there, while thinking about all your misappropriation of funds, and while the chopper is choking on the last of the fuel left in the tank, put your head between your legs, and kiss your pansy ass goodbye.

Thats about the only thing you could do to improve this state.

Brent B
I do not usually post this type of reply, so please excuse me for what I am about to write:

Where does this no good f***ing carpet bagger governor get off coming to this state and telling me what the f*** I can and can't do.

He has his head so far up his ass, he will never see daylight again. The dumb son of a bitch thinks I need him to "help" me. Well here is a little news flash, a**h***, the best way you can help me is to climb your ass back into whatever you drove here and get the f*** out of the state I have called my home for all of my life so far. I don't need your bleeding heart bullshit spread like fertilizer all over this commonwealth and I am sick and tired of all you god damned wash a shores coming here and totally f***ing up what we have.

Thank you, I needed that and again I apologize and hope no one was overly offended. If you were, screw you too [laugh]
My response:
Re: One per month firearms purchase limit

Dear Governor,

As a legal owner of firearms and an active participant in the shooting sports within the state of Massachusetts, I am writing in opposition to your proposal to limit firearms purchased to one per month.

The supposition that this limitation will in any way affect the rate of violent crimes in our great state is not justifiable. This move does nothing but distract from the true sources of violent crime: drug and alcohol addiction, weak family structure, and lack of education.

You do a great disservice, both to gun owners and those in our inner city neighborhoods who live in daily peril, by suggesting such a move will affect violent crime positively. With one move you will chip away at the constitutional right to keep and bear arms, and simultaneously distract our legislature and state officials from finding creative solutions to the real problems from which violent crime springs.

Reactive and distracting governance has become the status quo in our age, but it is leadership through innovation and direct action against the root causes of our State's troubles that will bring true change to our State. I challenge you to take such action and to abandon the course of distraction you are on.

Heck with e-mail, I boxed up the following and sent it to him as a token of my appreciation of him calling me a criminal:

I do not usually post this type of reply, so please excuse me for what I am about to write:

Where does this no good f***ing carpet bagger governor get off coming to this state and telling me what the f*** I can and can't do.

He has his head so far up his ass, he will never see daylight again. The dumb son of a bitch thinks I need him to "help" me. Well here is a little news flash, a**h***, the best way you can help me is to climb your ass back into whatever you drove here and get the f*** out of the state I have called my home for all of my life so far. I don't need your bleeding heart bullshit spread like fertilizer all over this commonwealth and I am sick and tired of all you god damned wash a shores coming here and totally f***ing up what we have.

Thank you, I needed that and again I apologize and hope no one was overly offended. If you were, screw you too [laugh]

+ Infinity. Well said RGS[laugh2][rofl]
Guys I work up on the hill and I am a legal gun owner, right now the bill is on the back burner. The Rep that came up with it has left the Hill for a bigger and better pay check, so I think it will be over a year before you even see it come up again.

But that does not mean let the issue die, soon as I hear word of this bill coming up for a vote you guys will be the first ones to know!!! I emailed the Gov and Reps on the hill as well.

When email or calling or sending a letter try to be as tackfull as you can it will not help to loss your cool. There is no hard facts that shows these firearms are coming from straw buys, I have emailed and asked and never heard a word back! This is just a try to limit our rights as firearms owners and if you let this one go throw next bill you will not be allowed to own a firearm at all.
Heck with e-mail, I boxed up the following and sent it to him as a token of my appreciation of him calling me a criminal:


Believe it or not, Fed Ex is the best way to send it. Tissue paper is also a nice touch so when it is opened, it looks like a gift.

How do I know?????

A friend told me [smile]
His law would also count a high cap mag a a firearm so one handgun and 2 mags = no more purchase for 3 months if I read it correctly.

Guy is a bradey camp meatball with his head is fairytail land.
I think of Patrick's gun law proposal like I think of the people he used to protect and defend when he was a criminal defence lawyer... [angry]
be professional

While i thought some of these were very humurous i think the comment
about being polite and courteous is appropriate.

I would guess that these would be discarded by someone long before
the Governor sees them.

I'm think the "highly flavored" replies were not actually sent to the gov. Just venting among friends, but outsiders do see what is posted here and it does make some impact.

I would hope none of us are foolish enogh to send rantings full of explitives (or worse: threats) to plead our case.

You can be sure that the Gov (no matter who he is) sees NONE of the Mail/Email on a particular bill. He has underlings whose job it is to answer phones, check Email and read the letters. They keep a tally of how many are for and how many are against after vetting the names/addresses against the voting records of same. Those that aren't registered to vote (or not in that precinct) are usually tossed out of the tallies.

Maybe Henchmen77 can add more here, or refute what I've stated. [wink]
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