The Conference Committee has sent official language out - h.4885

Not according to the GOAL FAQ:

SECTION 71. Assault Style Firearm
  • August 1, 2024 Assault Style Firearms and Large Capacity Feeding Devices - bans: possess, own, offer for sale, sell or otherwise transfer in the commonwealth or import into the commonwealth that was not lawfully possessed in the state prior to August 2, 2024.

I assume GOAL knows what the f*ck it is talking about.

Is my assumption wrong?

Source material LINK: H4885 Sumary by Subject Matter
Goal is wrong
131m(b) is one of four occurrences of "August"
The other three are for training requirements and reporting requirements.

Magazines are handled in 131m(a) and 131m(c)
I am pretty confused about dealer possession + post 8/1 transferring situations and dates. Been trying to keep up with all of the information and interpretations but it is confusing and in a lot of cases contradictory.

I ordered and paid in full pre-8/1 for something to be shipped to an FFL. No paperwork filled out. It's been received by and on the books but I won't be filling out paperwork until post-8/1. Is that playing in bounds and the firearm will be grandfathered, or am I going to have something that is banned on 10/24? Just trying to understand what's going on here.

At what point is it in possession (and whose)?
Whose possession must it be in to get that sweet sweet grandfather status?
Since it is in possession of the FFL then that satisfies the law’s requirements for pre 8/2 possession by the Licensee. It can be transferred to you via FFL. They must have had ownership/possession/and it being logged into their bound or online books.
I decided to work from home today and went out to run some errands. Decided to stop in at Gartman Arms just to see what was goin on there - one PCC on the wall left, otherwise they had a few tired looking bolt/lever/pump action long guns on the wall. Since I was in the neighborhood I figured WTF, and took a ride to Basspro & see what's going on there. There were a few people in line. Looked to see if they had any 10/22s or other semi rifles & shotguns, didn't see much. Gun counter guy said nothing is changing for them tomorrow.
I was surprised to drive by Mass Armament mid-day today only to find an empty parking lot. Either they sold out of everything or they just need to get some sleep after many days of non-stop crowds and business. 🤔 Could just be opening late so don't go by me.
I was surprised to drive by Mass Armament mid-day today only to find an empty parking lot. Either they sold out of everything or they just need to get some sleep after many days of non-stop crowds and business. 🤔 Could just be opening late so don't go by me.

I don't think they have ever sold lowers or post 1994 stuff... As such they are not the place people are panic buying at... And if so, I'm sure they sold out of pre 1994's
Not sure if posted yet, youtube high level summary


I left a comment on his channel a couple days ago saying that he should have considered taken the time to contact somebody, like GOAL, to get local insight.

He makes assumptions about some stuff and misses a lot of other factors due to a lack of nuanced understanding.
This is understandable as he is YouTuber on the exact opposite side of the nation, reading a bill that he just learned about the day it was signed; I say understandable but not necessarily forgivable, even though I kind of like his channel.

So what is legal for a Non residemt LTC owner to carry in Mass now ?

Same as a resident LTC holder: Any pistol or revolver, but only cripple-mags. All full cap mags must be unloaded and in a locked container when not in your house or at the range (or some other places you're not going to go anyway)
So what is legal for a Non residemt LTC owner to carry in Mass now ?
It seems to be very confusing, however it looks as though you cannot carry anything. You are allowed to travel through the state with the gun under your personal control, however if you get out of your vehicle the firearm must te unloaded and in a locked container and no possession of large cap magazines. You can got to a competition with you firearm but you have to regester it with the state first and it looks like it can't be anything semiauto pistol, shotgun, or rifle. This is how GOAL's interpretation. Go onto there web site to get there full interpretation. It just dosent seem to make any sense and the state is not giving any guidence but it look as though you can't carry even if you have an non-resadent LTC after 8/1/2024.
I don't think they have ever sold lowers or post 1994 stuff... As such they are not the place people are panic buying at... And if so, I'm sure they sold out of pre 1994's
I believe I did hear that they ran out of pre-1994 AWs (their specialty)... but last I knew, they were still selling new semi-autos that meet Maura's "non-copy/non-duplicate" criteria as well as shotguns and handguns. I have no idea whether or not they ever sold stripped lowers.

As always, don't go by me. For all I know, Gino has restocked everything and is loaded with pre-bans. 🤔
I believe I did hear that they ran out of pre-1994 AWs (their specialty)... but last I knew, they were still selling new semi-autos that meet Maura's "non-copy/non-duplicate" criteria as well as shotguns and handguns. I have no idea whether or not they ever sold stripped lowers.

As always, don't go by me. For all I know, Gino has restocked everything and is loaded with pre-bans. 🤔

A member here had gone to them not too long ago and the owner had told him either post 94 or 16 AW's were TOTALLY ILLEGAL!!!!!!
Can we or can we not carry large cap preban MAGS in our firearms? What the heck is the answer. This is like putting teeth with this freaking state. I am doing as I please but want to know the answer
This has been answered multiple times. No you can no longer carry prebans in your firearms. You can use them at the range but must transport them unloaded and in a locked container. But most people are going to continue business as usual.
I heard back from Kristin regarding license applications already in flight:

"All current “in process” LTC applications will still move forward with no issues. It’s only new applications received by the PD’s starting tomorrow."
And that is a bunch of crap since it technically should be 10-23-24 according to the law
Can we or can we not carry large cap preban MAGS in our firearms? What the heck is the answer. This is like putting teeth with this freaking state. I am doing as I please but want to know the answer
No you can possess however they can not be in your gun, they must be unloaded in a locked container for transportation, in your home. The only lime they can be in a gun is on the range, and they have to be pre September 13, 1994 magazines.
Somebody is misunderstanding something. He has been selling the same AR & AK alternatives (i.e., non-copy/non-duplicate guns) as everyone else.

I have never seen anything there that was post 94 there when I went in. Not often and not in a year.

So… maybe?

Supposedly he berated a member who asked about lowers… I was not there.
Can we or can we not carry large cap preban MAGS in our firearms? What the heck is the answer. This is like putting teeth with this freaking state. I am doing as I please but want to know the answer
Unless you are on private property you own, have control of or permission to carry on you cannot have a large cap unless unloaded and locked up

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