The Conference Committee has sent official language out - h.4885

WTF... if he proved he sold it, that should have been the end of it... That's messed up... Especially if it was not a possible crime gun...
A while back Comm2a filed a lawsuit against bonded warehouses for pay to play schemes. The feeling from comm2a on this matter was that the officer was trying to confiscate for the kickback and didn't care.
Im betting 70-80% of gun owners in the state have no clue this is even going on. Sure, we do but we’re the fringe minority. This has been advertised nowhere and every day Joe shmoo is in for a shock.
What is interesting, and was posted in another thread, is the 8/1 date says lawfully possessed by FFL or LTC holder. Every lower, complaint, and even non-complaint rifle was lawfully possessed by a MA FFL.
Excellent point. And an important point. It really means that if a dealer sells an item he had in stock prior to 8/1 to someone they can still keep it after 10/23
Excellent point. And an important point. It really means that if a dealer sells an item he had in stock prior to 8/1 to someone they can still keep it after 10/23
I got an email from Four Seasons this morning saying they still had limited inventory of rifles that were legal to sell since they were in his inventory as of 8/1. He stated he can't bring more into the state however, so once it's sold, that's it...
I got an email from Four Seasons this morning saying they still had limited inventory of rifles that were legal to sell since they were in his inventory as of 8/1. He stated he can't bring more into the state however, so once it's sold, that's it...
Wonder if they are jacking their prices up to the retarded level that they sell their shitty Glocks at?
Stop confusing 121b registration with the legislative intent registration of the copies and duplicates exemption
Yes, the transaction portal is a defacto registration as described by the exemption text and the legislature's summary.
We've all complained that the portal is a registry while knowing it's a poorly executed and extremely faulty one at at.

An extended family member who is a retired chief of police here in the Republic was asked by another family member about whether or not the FA-10 system could be employed to accurately report what firearms were in fact in the possession of a specific individual at any given point in time. He responded that it was his opinion that the system was in such a state of disarray that he believed any information about any firearms owned more than 10 years ago would be completely lost in the bureaucratic mists of time.

Having owned firearms of various types over the course of the last 48 years the question that arises in my mind is this:

All firearms were purchased using a FA-10 issued by a FFL dealer.
A very few of them were privately sold to individuals I personally knew who held valid LTCs using the IBM style punch card formats that were used to report the private sale to Boston back in those long ago days.
The vast majority of previously owned firearms were sold to or traded in to FFL dealers with a brick and mortar store.
The trade-ins/sold were entered on the dealers books but I would not have received any new FA-10 paper work to indicate my having transferred the firearms to the dealer.
At least 3 of the FFL dealers that I can recall having done business with are no longer in business these days so all of their records are supposed to be in the possession of the ATF.

So.....should we fail to succeed in fighting this blatant infringement of our Constitutional Civil Rights in the judicial system and that failure results in the Republic some time in the future actually confronting gun owners pursuant to what firearms they own my response will be simple.....let me get this are asking an old man who has difficulty in remembering what he had for dinner the previous night...... what guns he has owned over the course of the last 48 years I understand this request correctly??

Should that unfortunate situation come to fruition I would anticipate a certain degree of entertainment value in such a meeting.
Im betting 70-80% of gun owners in the state have no clue this is even going on. Sure, we do but we’re the fringe minority. This has been advertised nowhere and every day Joe shmoo is in for a shock.
Actually it's more like 90-95%. I shoot in 3 different clubs on weekly basis and only very few knew about the bill but even then very vaguely. The rest either didn't know at all or were like " yeah I heard about it so tell me what it's about" From what I understood nobody gives a $ht anymore
An extended family member who is a retired chief of police here in the Republic was asked by another family member about whether or not the FA-10 system could be employed to accurately report what firearms were in fact in the possession of a specific individual at any given point in time. He responded that it was his opinion that the system was in such a state of disarray that he believed any information about any firearms owned more than 10 years ago would be completely lost in the bureaucratic mists of time.

Having owned firearms of various types over the course of the last 48 years the question that arises in my mind is this:

All firearms were purchased using a FA-10 issued by a FFL dealer.
A very few of them were privately sold to individuals I personally knew who held valid LTCs using the IBM style punch card formats that were used to report the private sale to Boston back in those long ago days.
The vast majority of previously owned firearms were sold to or traded in to FFL dealers with a brick and mortar store.
The trade-ins/sold were entered on the dealers books but I would not have received any new FA-10 paper work to indicate my having transferred the firearms to the dealer.
At least 3 of the FFL dealers that I can recall having done business with are no longer in business these days so all of their records are supposed to be in the possession of the ATF.

So.....should we fail to succeed in fighting this blatant infringement of our Constitutional Civil Rights in the judicial system and that failure results in the Republic some time in the future actually confronting gun owners pursuant to what firearms they own my response will be simple.....let me get this are asking an old man who has difficulty in remembering what he had for dinner the previous night...... what guns he has owned over the course of the last 48 years I understand this request correctly??

Should that unfortunate situation come to fruition I would anticipate a certain degree of entertainment value in such a meeting.
Even if the system was flawlessly managed and created.

The system by design is very imperfect. All of the below examples are LEGAL ways that a gun can be moved within or into or out of the commonwealth with no FA10 completed.

1) If you moved here with guns, you are not currently required to register them. This is changed with the new law.
2) If you separate a gun into a frame and upper/slide and sell it within the state, there is no need to do a FA10 on the frame. So the gun will remain associated with you.
3) If you sell the gun to someone out of state and don't go through a MA FFL, the state will think you still own the gun. This includes driving it to an out of state dealer or shipping it to them, for transfer to the new owner.
4) you have a weekend place in NH, ME, VT, and complete a face to face transfer in that state.

Numbers 1 and 2 change with the new law. 3 and 4 REMAIN with the new law because the state doesn't have the authority to tell you what you can and can't do in another state. So the new registry will not be a true registry either.
I've noticed one funny tendency: the degree of pantshitting is almost 100% age related. Strictly my observations:
early-mid 20ies probably have to wear daipers now
late 20ies-mid/late 30ies cautious, confused and don't know how to proceed. Keeping roll of TP nearby just in case
Late 30ies-mid 40ies kinda "fok it" group of people
50ies up... ZERO Fks given
A while back Comm2a filed a lawsuit against bonded warehouses for pay to play schemes. The feeling from comm2a on this matter was that the officer was trying to confiscate for the kickback and didn't care.
Don’t forget lied. And of course the court system backed his play. They don’t care either…
I've noticed one funny tendency: the degree of pantshitting is almost 100% age related. Strictly my observations:
early-mid 20ies probably have to wear daipers now
late 20ies-mid/late 30ies cautious, confused and don't know how to proceed. Keeping roll of TP nearby just in case
Late 30ies-mid 40ies kinda "fok it" group of people
50ies up... ZERO Fks given
Its funny. I'm 50+ and while I'm eager to understand the law and did have some anxiety when I didn't know what was in it. As my understanding improves and I've read more of it, I really don't care. Well. I do care. But it's not going to impact me. And I do everything 100% legal.

But I have some advantages that younger guys don't have.

1) I own weekend property in a free state. I will always be free to move some stuff there rather than register it and keep some in MA and register it. I will also still be able to acquire anything new and cool that comes out. If it's AR related, I can buy the latest and greatest gun and attach everything to a MA registered lower and now have that latest and greatest in MA.
2) I LEGALLY own a number of firearms that nobody knows about.
3) I have enough money to throw at problems. In almost all cases the judicious application of cash can LEGALLY get you around almost any gun law.
4) I'm going to have pretty much everything I could want either out of state or grandfathered.

If I was 22 years old and owned a P365, a bolt gun, and a PSA AR, I'd be worried.
On the one hand, the efa10 system will provide a bit of documentation that you owned the lower prior to the cut off, on the other, your efa10 doesn't mean shit.

I bought a used gun who's prior owner was arrested on a non-violent charge, guns were not involved.

That gun was confiscated from me even though I had and provided copies of the efa10 to the police department showing that:

A) I owned the firearm
B) The transfer came out of a ffl inventory
C) The owners ltc was not revoked when the firearm was transferred to the ffl.

Basically the paperwork was only good to wipe my ass with. It wasn't proof of anything.

So an FFL sold you a gun, and because it had been one owned by someone who never lost his license but got arrested, they confiscated it?

Was the previous owner a friend of yours?
Im betting 70-80% of gun owners in the state have no clue this is even going on. Sure, we do but we’re the fringe minority. This has been advertised nowhere and every day Joe shmoo is in for a shock.
The every day Joe Shmoo thinks this law is only about ghost guns and red flag law and has nothing to do with them. The media and the state are doing the general public a great disservice by not really disclosing what is really in this law.
So help me out: Everyone's panicking over magazines , but the letter of the law is today is just the cutoff for AW transfer? No language naming a magazine restriction until the law goes into effect in October?
I'm probably all wrong, but I kinda got the impression a while back that Comm2A had gone dormant as a result of its own successes.
I'm probably wrong also but I felt they went dormant after losing in court and they felt conquered. They unfortunately lost that "FFLs can't sell new Glocks in Massachusetts" case even though Glocks are used by countless PDs across the state.

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