The Conference Committee has sent official language out - h.4885

Noncompliance isn't the same as resistance. I think you and @Warm_Garand are confusing the two. Resistance is activism, and I'm no activist. I'm just a guy who wants to live his life.

I'm not about to try to overthrow the government, or goad them into changing their ways. I'm not interested in their ways: I know them well. So I'm just going to live my life the way I want, because I'm tired of them trying to tell me what to do.

I cannot control anyone but myself, and my actions. What the legislature does? That's on them. It's not my problem. All I can affect is how I react to what they do.
Yes, and you are doing you.

But I'll gently suggest that your compliance affects my life, because it tells the legislature there are people like you who will stand in line to have their rights violated. Which, down the road, makes them think they can go a step farther. Then another step. Then another. Your compliance helps them do that.

Comply if you wish to, but don't pretend that's any more noble than noncompliance. Compliance with tyranny is ultimately an act that shatters liberty. If you're okay with that, great... but it affects me. That's why I call people out.

How is it that you don't understand that one can comply with a law (so the State doesn't have an easy way to take you down) AND resist?

ETA: You understand that Sherif/MAGA Arms was breaking no laws, right? He obeyed the laws, to the letter of the law--and he also went ass-to-mouth on the AG's office.
How is it that you don't understand that one can comply with a law (so the State doesn't have an easy way to take you down) AND resist?

I comply with laws all the time. But there's a point where they become inimical to liberty. Everybody's got a different line where that law goes too far; you might not have one, which is what @BigTimber was asking you upthread, when you got all weird in reply.

This law DIRECTLY contravenes the latest interpretation of a fundamental constitutional right. The law was blatantly passed as a "f*** you" to that right. Clearly, that doesn't bother you. Okay, fine.

Again, may your chains set lightly upon you.
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I comply with laws all the time. But there's a point where they become inimical to liberty. Everybody's got a different line where that law goes too far; you might not have one, which is what @MagGus1820 was asking you upthread, when you got all weird in reply.

This law DIRECTLY contravenes the latest interpretation of a fundamental constitutional right. The law was blatantly passed as a "f*** you" to that right. Clearly, that doesn't bother you. Okay, fine.

Again, may your chains set lightly upon you.

You make an awful lot of assumptions.

I've also not read a post by MagGus1820.

Got a link?
How is it that you don't understand that one can comply with a law (so the State doesn't have an easy way to take you down) AND resist?

That’s the beauty of it as far as the state is concerned. They will just pick us off one by one.

There is no way that you can comply with everything. When there are enough laws on the books everyone is guilty of something.

It will be interesting to see what happens with all of the illegal semiautomatic rifles and shotguns held by FID licensed individuals and those under 21 on 10/24. My guess is nothing……….until an EPO run’s across you squirrel or duck hunting or the man pays an unexpected visit to your life.

doesn't it say modern AMMUNITION, not the components
The antique exemption explicitly states "fixed ammunition" which statute does not define - therefore plain reading of the contextual definition applies.
I previously linked into a post the text of the law and a link to the definition of fixed ammunition.
A 209 primer is factually not fixed ammunition.
I comply with laws all the time. But there's a point where they become inimical to liberty. Everybody's got a different line where that law goes too far; you might not have one, which is what @MagGus1820 was asking you upthread, when you got all weird in reply.

This law DIRECTLY contravenes the latest interpretation of a fundamental constitutional right. The law was blatantly passed as a "f*** you" to that right. Clearly, that doesn't bother you. Okay, fine.

Again, may your chains set lightly upon you.
I comply with laws all the time. But there's a point where they become inimical to liberty. Everybody's got a different line where that law goes too far; you might not have one, which is what @MagGus1820 was asking you upthread, when you got all weird in reply.

This law DIRECTLY contravenes the latest interpretation of a fundamental constitutional right. The law was blatantly passed as a "f*** you" to that right. Clearly, that doesn't bother you. Okay, fine.

Again, may your chains set lightly upon you.
An unconstitutional law is no law at all.

I will not knowingly break a righteous law.
Well, "real freedom" is about ignoring tyrannical laws. So, there's that.

I understand what happens if I get caught. I'm not going to whine about it if that happens. Instead I'll fight on. Because that's what you do with tyrants.

Or at least, that's what I do. YMMV.
Sometimes you say some killer stuff.....this would be one such time.
I got him confused with @BigTimber

Scroll on up. He asked you an honest question, then you ducked it.

Oh. I did answer him. I wrote:

lol. What the f*** are you talking about? Apparently you have NO idea what I am even talking about.

Driving around with loaded, unsecured mags is "standing up for your rights"?

If you think that behaving in passive-aggressive ways is "resistance" then you have no idea what actual resistance even is.

If you think that getting arrested for breaking a law is somehow "resisting" that law, then I don't know what to tell you.

I've noticed that you guys seem to do a lot of projection and make a lot of assumptions about other people's character and personal bravery. I flew down to Lobby Day to stand with the Virginians. That's all I'm going to say on the topic.
The antique exemption explicitly states "fixed ammunition" which statute does not define - therefore plain reading of the contextual definition applies.
I previously linked into a post the text of the law and a link to the definition of fixed ammunition.
A 209 primer is factually not fixed ammunition.


I didn’t make that distinction in my earlier post and I appreciate the correction. IIRC there is a muzzloader that uses a primer in a cartridge case but that wouldn’t qualify as “fixed” ammunition either

I swore that there was language that specified modern primer (ie:209) made it a modern firearm but that got pulled somewhere along the line.
MA needs some true civil disobedience. Refusing to comply isn't that. effective CD is a manufactured event with carefully selected participants. Take Rosa Parks. She wasn't just a random person, she was selected to take a stand. It was expected that she would be arrested, so she had no priors, and at that time a woman, even a black woman, was safer in jail than a black man would have been. And the press were in on it, or at least knew it was going to happen and it would be a newsworthy story.

So if you want to get noticed, put together some real civil disobediance. Participants have to know they will be arrested and are risking their 2a rights forever. Find a dealer willing tho throw it all away over this, and a person also willing to. Get some press, there is always some up and coming in the press that will work with you for the headline. And record the event. So with video, live witnesses, and the press, and even inform the local cops, have the dealer sell an off-roster gun to the person. Repeat this with a dozen other buyers. BTW the buyers have to be super squeaky clean, no record, no internet history to worry about.

This is obviously risky and not easily done, but it would get noticed.

The other route is fight it in the courts, which is what is/will happen.
Oh. I did answer him. I wrote:

lol. What the f*** are you talking about? Apparently you have NO idea what I am even talking about.

Driving around with loaded, unsecured mags is "standing up for your rights"?

I've noticed that you guys seem to do a lot of projection and make a lot of assumptions about other people's character and personal bravery. I flew down to Lobby Day to stand with the Virginians. That's all I'm going to say on the topic.

What's your line?

When is a law so unjust that you'll disobey it? Being that we're on a gun forum, it's fine to keep it to 2A topics...

Tell me when you'll say "enough" and stop rolling over to register your shit.
What's your line?

When is a law so unjust that you'll disobey it? Being that we're on a gun forum, it's fine to keep it to 2A topics...

Tell me when you'll say "enough" and stop rolling over to register your shit.
He doesn't have one. He's not a man of principle. In 1775 he would have said "it's only 3%" and turned in his neighbors.
That’s the beauty of it as far as the state is concerned. They will just pick us off one by one.

There is no way that you can comply with everything. When there are enough laws on the books everyone is guilty of something.

View attachment 905681

Check out these two posts:

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There is still quite a bit of unclear bullshit so I have been interested in reading what GOAL and COMM2A say daily. Their experience far exceeds mine and I will lean on them quite a bit over the coming months.
Noncompliance isn't the same as resistance. I think you and @Warm_Garand are confusing the two. Resistance is activism, and I'm no activist. I'm just a guy who wants to live his life.

I'm not about to try to overthrow the government, or goad them into changing their ways. I'm not interested in their ways: I know them well. So I'm just going to live my life the way I want, because I'm tired of them trying to tell me what to do.

I cannot control anyone but myself, and my actions. What the legislature does? That's on them. It's not my problem. All I can affect is how I react to what they do.

I’m not confusing them and I don’t think the other guy is either. In fact, I’m also trying to point out the distinction between the two. And I am saying that non-compliance doesn’t really impress me. Resistance does. But if someone isn’t resisting, and they’re just not complying, then I can’t take that person seriously when they call people who comply boot lickers.

If someone is not complying with the law but will comply with the penalty, that doesn’t impress me. Thats not patriotism or resistance. That person has no right, in my opinion, to call anyone else a boot licker.
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MA needs some true civil disobedience. Refusing to comply isn't that. effective CD is a manufactured event with carefully selected participants. Take Rosa Parks. She wasn't just a random person, she was selected to take a stand. It was expected that she would be arrested, so she had no priors, and at that time a woman, even a black woman, was safer in jail than a black man would have been. And the press were in on it, or at least knew it was going to happen and it would be a newsworthy story.

This is exactly what I am trying to say. Secretly non-complying isn’t doing anything for anyone. It’s not standing up for a cause or fighting tyranny or defending one’s freedoms. I fully respect secret non-compliance as a lifestyle choice. But it’s not impressive.

It is pretty unimpressive in a lot of ways, actually. That someone would believe in something so strongly, that they would resort to doing it secretly instead of taking some stance against the tyranny that is preventing them to do it publicly, as they believe they should be able to. It’s not any more or less virtuous than complying, in my opinion.
I’m not confusing them and I don’t think the other guy is either. In fact, I’m also trying to point out the distinction between the two. And I am saying that non-compliance doesn’t really impress me. Resistance does. But if someone isn’t resisting, and they’re just not complying, then I can’t take that person seriously when they call people who comply boot lickers.

If someone is not complying with the law but with comply with the penalty, that doesn’t impress me. Thats not patriotism or resistance. That person has no right, in my opinion, to call anyone else a boot licker.

I can see your point.

I do think there's a difference between people complying because they are quietly habitual law-abiders, and people getting all worked up enough to post anxious questions here like, "Hey! Where can I register? I want to do it ASAP!"

I think I might have lived too long out West. My brain has a hard time comprehending the MA mindset sometimes.
I can see your point.

I do think there's a difference between people complying because they are quietly habitual law-abiders, and people getting all worked up enough to post anxious questions here like, "Hey! Where can I register? I want to do it ASAP!"

I think I might have lived too long out West. My brain has a hard time comprehending the MA mindset sometimes.

I agree. And I’m all for not complying as a lifestyle choice, if that is what someone wants to do. It’s just that I don’t think those people have any right to judge anyone else for their choice.

Now, if the person is going to stand up for what they believe in by publicly non-complying or resisting in some way, then by all means shake everyone else who is complying despite what they believe in. But those who shut their mouth and comply in secret ought to shut their mouth when it comes to their opinions on those who do comply.
I will say this, take it for what its worth.

1/6 the Government refused security for the Trump Rally/Protest. They planted Feds in the crowd. BLM had known agitators in the group with MAGA hats.

The ensuing mess was exactly what they wanted.

Each must do what they trust in but don't give them any reason to create a 1/6 atmosphere.

Resistance is fine for sure, but be smart, be clever, be alert and lets win this damn thing at the end.

And winning begins this November by stop voting for Democrats and do not allow the Obama Puppet Harris to win the election.

For now the national courts will cure the MA courts. That's battle one.
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