What part of this bill has to do with glocks? I’m trying to follow all this BS. Someone asked me today about hand guns under this. I know some how glocks will be band but not sure how. Want to make sure I’m giving the right info. Told them about lgs not being able to sell to Leo’s.
New bill has nothing to say about Glocks specifically. The definitions for all guns have changed. The existing safety regs for roster approval of pistols (now called “firearms”) has changed slightly to this section below wrt Chapter 140 Section 131.75.
“SECTION 51. Said chapter 140 is hereby further amended by striking out section 131¾, as so appearing, and inserting in place thereof the following section:-
Section 131¾. (a) The secretary of public safety and security shall, with the advice of the firearm control advisory board established in section 131½ compile and publish a roster of assault-style firearms banned under section 131M and a roster of firearms approved for sale and use in the commonwealth using the parameters set forth in section 123. The secretary shall, not less than 3 times annually, review, update, and publish the rosters online, and send a copy to all persons licensed in the commonwealth pursuant to section 122. Licensing authorities shall provide information on these rosters to all permit and card holders and licensees upon initial issuance and every renewal.
(b) The secretary, with the advice of the firearm control advisory board, shall also compile and publish a roster of firearms solely designed and sold for formal target shooting competitions or Olympic shooting competitions. The board shall, not less than biannually, review, update and publish these rosters and make them available for distribution.
(c) The secretary may amend any roster upon their own initiative. A person may petition the secretary to place a firearm on, or remove a firearm from, the roster, subject to the provisions of this section. A petition to amend a roster shall be submitted in writing to the secretary, in the form and manner prescribed by the secretary, and include reasons why the roster should be amended. Upon receipt of a petition to amend a roster, the secretary shall, within 45 days, either notify the petitioner that the petition is denied or modify the roster. An addition to the roster shall be effective on the date it is published online by the board.”
Because the definition of all guns has now changed to “firearm” every gun whether shotgun, rifle, or pistol now has to fulfill the requirements of 131.75. That means no guns outside of the current roster are allowed to be sold in Ma by dealers after 10/23 unless it’s existing stock from pre 10/23.