How could the new feature test, which wasn’t the law or in the AG notice, be applied before the law is effective? The OLD feature test mattered for rifles on 8/1.
Not my language, that's from GOAL, but both are applicable because of definitions and timing. In this case GOAL should have written "
only meet the new features test". In other words according to GOAL 8/1 applies to everything that passes the copies and duplicates test while failing the features test.
Ironically, if you didn't fail any new test, you don't get Assault-Style Firearm grandfathered.
The new law defines what an "Assault-Style Firearm" is while the old law does not. The old law defines "Assault Weapon".
The new law says that 131M sub a) which bans the ownership, possession, sale and so forth of "Assault Style Firearms" does not apply to "Assault-Style Firearms" lawfully possessed on 8/1.
Note that Assault-Style Firearms does not equal Assault Weapons. In order to qualify for grandfathering you have to FAIL any "Assault-Style Firearms" test (copies, features, enumerated, roster) while PASSING the "Assault Weapons" feature test. Practically everything fails the new "Assault-Style Firearms" test due to the barrel shroud.
The Tavor fails the new feature test while passing the old feature test and its not a copy or duplicate regardless of when it was purchased prior to 8/1 so it's grandfathered.
On the flip side, funny enough, if you have a completely compliant pre 8/1 mini 14 ranch rife, you don't get grandfathering because it's not an "Assault-Style Firearm" by enumerated exclusion and features. So you can't upgrade it to have a folding stock like you can with other things that are "Assault-Style Firearms" like an MCX that will be grandfathered.
It's crazy how this has to work.