The Conference Committee has sent official language out - h.4885

No, I think 2016 is the new date for evil features as they're exempted from the definition of AWs under this pile of shit. But people in the other thread were questioning whether pre-2016 ARs could be transferred between private parties. I believe they can still be transferred, but can somebody smarter than me confirm?
1526 Section 131M. (a) No person shall possess, own, offer for sale, sell or otherwise transfer
1527 in the commonwealth or import into the commonwealth an assault-style firearm, or a large
1528 capacity feeding device.
1529 (b) Subsection (a) shall not apply to an assault-style firearm lawfully possessed within the
1530 commonwealth on August 1, 2024,
by an owner in possession of a license to carry issued under
1531 section 131 or by a holder of a license to sell under section 122; provided, that the assault-style
1532 firearm shall be registered in accordance with section 121B and serialized in accordance with
1533 section 121C.
Yes, you can transfer anything if it was "lawfully possessed" pre 8/1
There's some unasked questions or they have been but I'm like Tommy, deaf, dumb and blind. Like for instance, one feature of an AR is you can switch out the upper to change lengths, calibers or other features. How far down the rabbit hole will this go as in say intent by way of assemblage or being popped for a 5.56 that is now a .22 if it were "registered"? I have a dedicated upper in .22 and to switch it I just need to swap out the buffer and spring then reassemble it with the .22. There are other similar situations as in I own a S&W 22S but I have two barrel assemblies for it, one is its original bull barrel and one is a long slide version with a pistol scope. Naturally the frame has the serial number. On the unnatural side, I also own a pair of Ruger Mark 4's. On Ruger Mark pistols, the barrel/chamber has the serial number. I can buy what's called a take-off barrel (no bolt, just the barrel) from companies like Tandemkross or Volqaustsen who modify Mark 4's for customers but have no use for the barrel so if I wanted to, as all mark 4 barrels fit all mark 4 frames, I could switch from a completion model, to target to tactical, whatever. In order to get the barrel, it needs to go through an FFL How do they propose I go about filing with a bunch of halves.
questions that shouldn't be asked in a forum cuz then "they'll" fix them
There's some unasked questions or they have been but I'm like Tommy, deaf, dumb and blind. Like for instance, one feature of an AR is you can switch out the upper to change lengths, calibers or other features. How far down the rabbit hole will this go as in say intent by way of assemblage or being popped for a 5.56 that is now a .22 if it were "registered"? I have a dedicated upper in .22 and to switch it I just need to swap out the buffer and spring then reassemble it with the .22. There are other similar situations as in I own a S&W 22S but I have two barrel assemblies for it, one is its original bull barrel and one is a long slide version with a pistol scope. Naturally the frame has the serial number. On the unnatural side, I also own a pair of Ruger Mark 4's. On Ruger Mark pistols, the barrel/chamber has the serial number. I can buy what's called a take-off barrel (no bolt, just the barrel) from companies like Tandemkross or Volqaustsen who modify Mark 4's for customers but have no use for the barrel so if I wanted to, as all mark 4 barrels fit all mark 4 frames, I could switch from a completion model, to target to tactical, whatever. In order to get the barrel, it needs to go through an FFL How do they propose I go about filing with a bunch of halves.
Imagine having something like a MGI Hydra
Was chatting with a coupe LEO's in the gun shop the other day. They were panic buying and also buying 10 round mags so they can carry when they're off duty. They were not happy about this BS and claimed their union is not happy and was also going to fight this new BS law. According to them, they were told when they clock out they need to also switch to a 10 round mag to comply with the new law.

ha ha simpsons GIF

Suck it, bitches!
A copy or duplicate in the transaction database prior to 7/20/16 is not an ASW by definition - so it can be in its standard, extra-killy configuration.

What about a non-copy/duplicate in the database on 8/1? If one were to have acquired a Bren this year, for example. Folding stock OK?
Was chatting with a coupe LEO's in the gun shop the other day. They were panic buying and also buying 10 round mags so they can carry when they're off duty. They were not happy about this BS and claimed their union is not happy and was also going to fight this new BS law. According to them, they were told when they clock out they need to also switch to a 10 round mag to comply with the new law.

I am sure that there will be an amendment passed that excludes military and police.
Because, as you all know, they're the only ones who are trained to safely handle firearms.

<insert DEA shooting his own leg in a classroom full of children after asserting that he was the only one in the room qualified to handle a firearm>
<insert FBI agent doing backflip on dance floor which caused his gun to fall out, him grabbing it and shooting other person in club>
<insert cop dumping firearm into recycle bin>
In the bill the word promulgate occurs eleven times in text similar to this:

The regulations themselves point back the the section of law that delegates authority to the regulating body
501 CMR 7.00
Correct, and the only thing I can find in Section 123 is line 997 which only applies to subsection (n). I can't see anywhere that authority outside of subsection (n) but inside of Section 123 is given to the Executive Office of Public Safety. Specifically subsection (o)
I am sure that there will be an amendment passed that excludes military and police.
Because, as you all know, they're the only ones who are trained to safely handle firearms.

<insert DEA shooting his own leg in a classroom full of children after asserting that he was the only one in the room qualified to handle a firearm>
<insert FBI agent doing backflip on dance floor which caused his gun to fall out, him grabbing it and shooting other person in club>
<insert cop dumping firearm into recycle bin>
too last, it's been signed
It makes no diffrence how the media portrays this new law. Even if they did a full blast on all of what this bill has in it and how it changes things for gun owners in the state the majority of the populus won't care or will personal think it is all good. The fact that the majority of people in the state are not gun owners and in many casses really beleave guns are dangerous and all gun control laws will make them safer eventhough this is not a reality they beleave it is. it also dosent apply to them personally so they don't care and can not see past that reasoning.

Exactly. They’ve been convinced that every time some kid is shot and killed it’s the fault of the NRA members and white gun owners. The more you get screwed the happier they are.
What about a non-copy/duplicate in the database on 8/1? If one were to have acquired a Bren this year, for example. Folding stock OK?
This is where things get confusing - it looks like its fine since possession of assault style weapons are grandfathered as of 8/1
But only copies and duplicates pre 7/20/16 are exempt from being an ASW.
And if it isn't an enumerated or copy/duplicate it would have to fail a feature test to be considered an ASW which was illegal to possess but now its legal and allowed.
But ASWs possessed on 8/1 are exempt from 131m so are legal to possess.

yeah - real clear.
too last, it's been signed

I understand that.
Perhaps "amendment" is an incorrect choice of words.
I seriously believe that that law will be amended/changed/supplemented so that LEO in MA have a carveout.

I'd love to be wrong, because it would make cops live under the same laws as the rest of us, (well, you 'cause I don't live in MA). I think that them being forced to live under the same laws would create backlash against the law. There' also potential to have police arrested for the same reasons that they would arrest otherwise law-abiding gunowners.
Was chatting with a coupe LEO's in the gun shop the other day. They were panic buying and also buying 10 round mags so they can carry when they're off duty. They were not happy about this BS and claimed their union is not happy and was also going to fight this new BS law. According to them, they were told when they clock out they need to also switch to a 10 round mag to comply with the new law.

I hope it chafes their a**.
Correct, and the only thing I can find in Section 123 is line 997 which only applies to subsection (n). I can't see anywhere that authority outside of subsection (n) but inside of Section 123 is given to the Executive Office of Public Safety. Specifically subsection (o)
1453 Section 131¾. (a) The secretary of public safety and security shall, with the advice of the
1454 firearm control advisory board established in section 131½ compile and publish a roster of
1455 assault-style firearms banned under section 131M and a roster of firearms approved for sale and
1456 use in the commonwealth using the parameters set forth in section 123.
I think that them being forced to live under the same laws would create backlash against the law. There' also potential to have police arrested for the same reasons that they would arrest otherwise law-abiding gunowners.

Well, let's not go TOO crazy.

No LEO is ever going to arrest a fellow LEO over carrying a standard-cap mag off-duty in violation of this law. The best we can hope for is that their supervisors will go full Linsky and demand their compliance.

I love that they're feeling the pinch right now. Maybe they'll remember that once they get their carve-out, which I agree they'll get as an amendment to this law... but I hope it doesn't happen until the NEXT legislative session, so that they can wriggle like the rest of us in the meantime.
Is there anything from preventing owners of ARs registered after 2016 from re-registering as non-large capacity and converting to fixed mag? The whole "lawfully" possessed language seems to be where things get murky. If one were so inclined to err on the side of extra cautious, isn't this a sure work around as it wouldn't be an AW?
This is where things get confusing - it looks like its fine since possession of assault style weapons are grandfathered as of 8/1
But only copies and duplicates pre 7/20/16 are exempt from being an ASW.
And if it isn't an enumerated or copy/duplicate it would have to fail a feature test to be considered an ASW which was illegal to possess but now its legal and allowed.
But ASWs possessed on 8/1 are exempt from 131m so are legal to possess.

yeah - real clear.

Surprised they aren’t worried about all the bayonets that are going to make their way into mass now 🤣
I don't think they understand that by exempting those guns without language stating they had to be in a compliant state made it so that every one of them could legally be returned to its intended killy mode.
Honestly, he is probably OK, it is a SAA lower (Super Poverty Pony lower), but if they want to slam him they will.

The fact that is a lower priced firearm will make no difference if they go after him.

If you're speeding and get pulled over do you think they're going to let you go solely because you are driving a Kia instead of a Mercedes.
Is there anything from preventing owners of ARs registered after 2016 from re-registering as non-large capacity and converting to fixed mag? The whole "lawfully" possessed language seems to be where things get murky. If one were so inclined to err on the side of extra cautious, isn't this a sure work around as it wouldn't be an AW?
The f***?
go back and read what I wrote.

Edit - My shock and surprise has subsided slightly.
1st - reach down and grab your junk - now act like you have some

The Healy declaration did NOT have force of law and the Supreme Court's holding in Loper makes it an impossibility for it to have regulatory authority
So that means your currently Mass compliant gun is lawfully possessed - so as of 8/1 it will be grandfathered as an ASW (copy and duplicate) that may be possessed, sold and transferred.
And as an exempted ASW, it doesn't matter how many of the ASW feature tests it fails - so once the bill takes full effect, you may delete the compliance work.

Making the gun even more compliant is an absurd idea - You would have to be out of your mind since per the new law there is NO way to cure an ASW by modification after manufacture.
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I've spent the last 20 years at least reading and parsing complex contracts, statutes, and emails from my boss and the various a**h***s I work with and nothing I've ever seen in that time has made as little sense as this confusing, nonsensical pile of shit that Healey signed.
Was chatting with a coupe LEO's in the gun shop the other day. They were panic buying and also buying 10 round mags so they can carry when they're off duty. They were not happy about this BS and claimed their union is not happy and was also going to fight this new BS law. According to them, they were told when they clock out they need to also switch to a 10 round mag to comply with the new law.

There's more than one emperor that FAFO'd with the praetorian guard. I'd would be entertained if it went this way. I hope they raise the flag of the 13th legion when they march.
I've spent the last 20 years at least reading and parsing complex contracts, statutes, and emails from my boss and the various a**h***s I work with and nothing I've ever seen in that time has made as little sense as this confusing, nonsensical pile of shit that Healey signed.
It reads like a contract that had 15 people write it, one at a time, and the guy previous was fired before the next started
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