I can't wait to see the arguments they put on the ballot
Remember those? Each side gets to make an argument for and against and it's published on the question.
I applaud the effort, it would be a great win to be able to just repeal the law, but I'm skeptical it will work.
The average non gun owner thinks gun laws work....not understanding that people who do bad things with guns are unencumbered by laws
You should see how many shocked faces I get when I explain to coworkers who take the time to listen:
1) Most pistols don't have a safety...some do, but many do not. Too much TV
2) There is no gun registry either at the state or federal level. MA is "closer" with transaction tracking but it has gaping holes
3) over half the states require no permit at all to carried a loaded firearm
4) ballistics is not as accurate as a fingerprint (again too much Perry Mason) and rarely used. Shoot a few thousand rounds through a barrel and it's characteristics change...the barrel can be changed completely...intentionally damaged...and rarely is there a fragment that is in tact enough to test PLUS you
need a weapon to test it against. They think crimes are easily solved cause someone found a spent casing on the ground.
5) There is no such thing as a silencer....suppressors are like mufflers....and criminals never use them...they don't have to
6) No you can't buy guns over the internet and have them shipped to your door unless you a collector with a permit for certain collectibles
7) A so-called "assault weapon/rifle" is not a machine gun - this was intentional subterfuge and it appears to have worked
8) of course having a serial number on guns doesn't keep up safer. It proves nothing unless you tie a transaction to a person and the firearm to a crime
9) There is no gun show loop hole no matter what PBS says