The Conference Committee has sent official language out - h.4885

It’s the old DrPepper jingle.

yeah but we can do it in another key with some pads and 808 sounds, some oversaturated headphone-breaking trap beats on top, and then a quote from maura healy as the breakdown

bmmmmm tssst pah- tssst bmmmmm tssst badaaaa tssst
-those lyrics-
-breaking automatic transmission noises-
-relative quiet-
we don't encourage self help/-funny scifi noises-
-beat drops-

eta: work in progress, changes pending
eta2: ok im pretty happy with that
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700 is a bolt action - zero bans on possession or private transfer.
The issue is that it isn't on the approved firearms roster so a dealer can't transfer it to you.
I don't understand the term "roster".

Approved Firearms Roster​

Gen 5 Glocks are on the "roster".

They don't have a loaded chamber indicator, though - so they don't meet the AG regulations to be sold.

Will the new law allow Gen 5 Glocks to be sold, or not?

If not, can they still be sold in the next 90 days?
So... the only legal way a citizen can exercise a constitutional right is "suspended indefinitely."

Yeah............ IANAL, but I think the legal term for that is "that's f***ed up."
It looks that way right now. At least untill the the new training is in place. These clowns really knew what they were doing.
I don't understand the term "roster".

Approved Firearms Roster​

Gen 5 Glocks are on the "roster".

They don't have a loaded chamber indicator, though - so they don't meet the AG regulations to be sold.

Will the new law allow Gen 5 Glocks to be sold, or not?

If not, can they still be sold in the next 90 days?
Omg! Don’t you have a hot lingerie model to occupy your free time.

This has been discussed 10000000 times.

ETA: I have a few Gen 5’s

So interpret that.
This is wrong. The language calls out sections that refer to new language. Language that can not be retroactively applied. It’s to cover bases like “not serializing your pre 8/1 80% build” or “not registering your pre 8/1 ASW because it’s grandfathered”.

It is exclusively describing the need to comply with registration and serialization laws, if you do not, then they can/will tack on the ASW charges on top of your failure to register.

You and I both know the state will argue against the citizens. The doesn’t make their argument right. Just because they COULD make the argument doesn’t mean that’s what the law actually says. Stop fear mongering.
I am speaking directly to the language in the definition of "assault-style firearm"
167 (f) a copy or duplicate of any firearm meeting the standards of or enumerated in clauses
168 (d) and (e); provided, that for the purposes of this subsection, “copy or duplicate” shall mean a
169 firearm: (A) that was manufactured or subsequently configured with an ability to accept a
170 detachable magazine; and (B)(i) that has internal functional components that are substantially
171 similar in construction and configuration to those of an enumerated firearm in clauses (d) and
172 (e); or (ii) that has a receiver that is the same as or interchangeable with the receiver of an
173 enumerated firearm in said clauses (d) and (e); provided further, that the firearm shall not be
174 considered a copy or duplicate of a firearm identified in clauses (d) and (e) if sold, owned and
175 registered prior to July 20, 2016
See that bolded part - the f***ing Supreme Court says that it MUST be given meaning in the interpretation of the law.
No f***ING court can wipe those words from the law when interpreting it.
So one must ask what is the simplest meaning the one could take those words to mean that follows the previous version of the law and legislative intent.
The legislative intent is an easy place since the summary published by the legislature calls out the entries in the transaction database being the "registration" referenced in the law.

Yes in the future there.will be a registration system where you will be legally required to have every firearm in your possession listed unlike the FA-10 system, but that doesn't change the fact that the legislature has chosen to consider the FA-10 data a registry, no matter hoe flawed it is.
700 is a bolt action - zero bans on possession or private transfer.
The issue is that it isn't on the approved firearms roster so a dealer can't transfer it to you.
I'm about 98% sure most non box, non MA dealers will still be moving long guns to MA people that don't qualify as AWs because dealers outside of MA are not bound to the "list" doctrine.
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So it looks as though all new LTC's are suspended indefinitely untill the new training program is available

The opportunities for lawsuits just keep on coming don’t they.

I am reading through this thread and I am saying “That’s subject to a lawsuit, that’s also subject to a suit, and that, of yeah and that too.”

I don't understand the term "roster".

Approved Firearms Roster​

Gen 5 Glocks are on the "roster".

They don't have a loaded chamber indicator, though - so they don't meet the AG regulations to be sold.

Will the new law allow Gen 5 Glocks to be sold, or not?

If not, can they still be sold in the next 90 days?
CMR940 still blocks glocks, unless you find a dealer willing to do a rugsweep job and risk getting clapped in civil court for violating that, unless there's some verbiage in this pile of shit that nulls out cmr940. So deli ticket emporium will probably still be flipping those 300 dollar pre 98 specials from summit. 🤣
You’re missing a subtle but important difference. If you have a stripped lower with a manufacturers info and serial number on it, you are not building it, you are assembling it. Stripped lowers are not firearms in MA. Purchase requires a 4473 but not an FA10. Once you assemble that lower and upper, and it can discharge a round, you are required to submit an FA10 within 7 days. The state can’t prove when that happened, and technically, if you un-pin the upper and remove it, it isn’t even a firearm anymore (in Mass) and there’s no way to prove you ever finished assembling it.

What you read refers to building a firearm. You started with an unfinished receiver (an 80% receiver) or constructed one from scratch and built a functioning firearm. Homebuilt firearms are not required to be serialized (federal or state) and there is no requirement to FA10 one because it was “neither purchased or obtained”.

This is all past tense. How it worked prior to the new bill.
You are required to submit an FA-10 entry to the portal for firearms, rifles and shotguns you purchase or obtain.
Is assembly a purchase or obtain?
CMR940 still blocks glocks, unless you find a dealer willing to do a rugsweep job and risk getting clapped in civil court for violating that, unless there's some verbiage in this pile of shit that nulls out cmr940. So deli ticket emporium will probably still be flipping those 300 dollar pre 98 specials from summit. 🤣
Since some dealers played the "frame game" or just didn't care - do you expect some dealers to defy the this new law as well?

Because if dealers don't care about the new law - why should I max out my credit cards to buy a stock of Gen 5's?
You are required to submit an FA-10 entry to the portal for firearms, rifles and shotguns you purchase or obtain.
Is assembly a purchase or obtain?
We all know all of its bullshit, but “purchase or obtain” refers to the serialized receiver of the newly assembled firearm. It’s so absurdly convoluted. A Mass gun law flowchart would need to drawn by MC Escher.
Since some dealers played the "frame game" or just didn't care - do you expect some dealers to defy the this new law as well?

Because if dealers don't care about the new law - why should I max out my credit cards to buy a stock of Gen 5's?
Most dealers moved to frames because it's 100% safe. There's probably still a few that rugsweep intact glocks but you're going to pay more for that. Also consider the chilling effect of these laws. This shit may make many less willing to risk /anything./

There will always be ways. But the difficulty is going to increase.
I am speaking directly to the language in the definition of "assault-style firearm"

See that bolded part - the f***ing Supreme Court says that it MUST be given meaning in the interpretation of the law.
No f***ING court can wipe those words from the law when interpreting it.
So one must ask what is the simplest meaning the one could take those words to mean that follows the previous version of the law and legislative intent.
The legislative intent is an easy place since the summary published by the legislature calls out the entries in the transaction database being the "registration" referenced in the law.

Yes in the future there.will be a registration system where you will be legally required to have every firearm in your possession listed unlike the FA-10 system, but that doesn't change the fact that the legislature has chosen to consider the FA-10 data a registry, no matter hoe flawed it is.

The ATF has set precedent that post 2016 POSSESSION is lawful. That’s indisputable.

The “crime” of failing to register does not constitute unlawful possession. Setting aside the fact that, for example, you could lawfully move here 2017-2024, with MA compliant AR, and LAWFULLY not “register” it, and ATF would approve your SBR.

This new language can’t retroactively make your actions in 2017 unlawful. I don’t care how you define registration/transfer, etc. It simply doesn’t matter. Per MGL up to 8/1 2024, a MA compliant AR was LAWFULLY POSSESSED. You can’t retroactively change that by tying it “registration visa vie EFA-10”.

The example of the person who moves here with a MA compliant rifle is the clearest example I can give.
Most dealers moved to frames because it's 100% safe. There's probably still a few that rugsweep intact glocks but you're going to pay more for that. Also consider the chilling effect of these laws. This shit may make many less willing to risk /anything./

There will always be ways. But the difficulty is going to increase.
Every reinterpretation by every agency is chilling, because we never have any recourse. It’s infuriating that the writers and enforcers of unconstitutional legislation face zero repercussions. We, as a group or individually may eventually see vindication, but at a staggering cost. There should be a real and tangible penalty,(for lawmakers) not just “sanctions”.
Since some dealers played the "frame game" or just didn't care - do you expect some dealers to defy the this new law as well?

Because if dealers don't care about the new law - why should I max out my credit cards to buy a stock of Gen 5's?

Old law has a terrible definition of firearm. Had to go bang, didn’t include any thing other than completed handguns.

Frame transfers were 100% legal.

After 8/1 or 90 days or whatever that time period is, EVERYTHING will be subject to the rosters. The ONLY exceptions will be grandfathered ASW’s. So private parties can sell off roster FTF same as always. But dealers can only sell on roster non ASW’s, or grandfathered ASW’s. Frames would be either non grandfathered ASW, or off roster, depending on the frame type.
Since some dealers played the "frame game" or just didn't care - do you expect some dealers to defy the this new law as well?

Because if dealers don't care about the new law - why should I max out my credit cards to buy a stock of Gen 5's?
Now that $500 pre ban mags and $3000 lowers are worthless in a week. And I don’t need a fleshlight, it’s finally time to block you.

And I’m still f***ing pissed you screwed up and shot my target at the Tom Givens shoot at Pelham years ago. You almost ruined my score with you shitty shot.
I was hoping something good would pop out of the woodwork and be listed (on here or on Armslist) by someone selling to finance buying guns on the verge of being verboten, but nothing. Overall pretty boring with much stupid thrown in so far but I'll continue to keep my eye out.
When mid-late last year we had that disinflationary move I purchased a putload of optics, uppers, parts, etc. Probably about $10k worth as I knew prices that low weren’t gonna last long and here we are now with this shitty bill and the probability that many online retailers will say, “Sorry we don’t ship there”. Hasn’t really happened yet but some things since summer 2023 no one can find since it’s dried right up and no longer available.

This doesn’t even include ammo which if one would be wise they would load up on .22lr, .380, 9mm, and a few other calibers that are at a bargain price not too far from the Trump Slump of 2017-2018. Battle calibers are pricey but that shouldn’t stop the loading up on the value driven calibers.
As far as the way the law is written it won't matter the only LTC's are the ones currently in the mail prior to 08/01/2024 all others will have to take the new training. This is the way the law is written. So it looks as though all new LTC's are suspended indefinitely untill the new training program is available
Persons lawfully possessing a firearm identification card or license to carry firearms on August 1, 2024, shall be exempt from this section upon expiration of such card or license and when applying for renewal of such licensure as required under this chapter; provided, however, that persons possessing a firearms identification card or license to carry firearms prior to the implementation of live firearms trainings as required in this section shall also be exempt from such requirement.
LTCs issued prior to the new training being implemented are also exempt.
Question on training that is unclear to me. My son wants his LTC. Will current training programs still be accepted after 08/01 until the law takes effect on Oct 23 (?) or will he need to take the new program that is to be developed by MSP, which we know has not been funded and will most likely never happen

GOAL needs in the next 24-48 hours the following plaintiff candidates
- those who just turned 21 or are about to turn 21
- those who have recently become a victim of domestic violence
- those who just moved in to MA from outstate and own firearms
*** names and contact info go to Jon Green ASAP,
Jon will interview them to be a good fit for the lawsuit
When mid-late last year we had that disinflationary move I purchased a putload of optics, uppers, parts, etc. Probably about $10k worth as I knew prices that low weren’t gonna last long and here we are now with this shitty bill and the probability that many online retailers will say, “Sorry we don’t ship there”. Hasn’t really happened yet but some things since summer 2023 no one can find since it’s dried right up and no longer available.

This doesn’t even include ammo which if one would be wise they would load up on .22lr, .380, 9mm, and a few other calibers that are at a bargain price not too far from the Trump Slump of 2017-2018. Battle calibers are pricey but that shouldn’t stop the loading up on the value driven calibers.
My credit card is unhappy about how accurate this is. Just slammed another round of purchasing at TSUSA. Man I hope they don’t stop shipping. My love for TSUSA is easily the only good thing I can think of that came out of all the Covid nonsense.
My credit card is unhappy about how accurate this is. Just slammed another round of purchasing at TSUSA. Man I hope they don’t stop shipping. My love for TSUSA is easily the only good thing I can think of that came out of all the Covid nonsense.
I think mine caught on fire
So... the only legal way a citizen can exercise a constitutional right is "suspended indefinitely."

Yeah............ IANAL, but I think the legal term for that is "that's f***ed up."

"Justice delayed is justice denied." Since we're talking about an enumerated right in the Constitution my hope would be that a court would move quickly to correct this, but then again, we are talking about Massachusetts, so who knows.

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