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I had a hard time finding this thread again. Might be better in the "General" thread like the others that got merged or locked
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I had a hard time finding this thread again. Might be better in the "General" thread like the others that got merged or locked
AnyonMeaning they don't have to be serialize and eFA10'd into the system before 8/1 and people can finish them next year, request a serial number and register at that time?
wouldn't it be better to EFA10 them now, so what ever we build out is grandfathered? Or am I missing something about 80% and the updated AWB?I'm not a lawyer, but my best educated guess, it shouldn't affect an 80% at all.
Townsend. They've always been great with my application and renewal (also when I forgot one renewal until the literal last moment).Please let us know how that comes together. I would be very curious. What town?
It’s about Massachusetts law, which is why I moved it to the Massachusetts Laws forum.I had a hard time finding this thread again. Might be better in the "General" thread like the others that got merged or locked
Unfortunate.I’ve merged three threads.
The thread about possessing and purchasing that you merged into this one. So instead of a nice clear description we get lost in the morass of childish “what about me?” Posts. Oh well. I tried.
Yep, which means campus police at universities are the same as rest of us, no more special treatment.I could be wrong, but you are reading from the old 131M section. Bill 4885 says:
(e) This section shall not apply to transfer or possession by: (i) a qualified law enforcement officer or a qualified retired law enforcement officer, as defined in the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004, 18 U.S.C. sections 926B and 926C, respectively, as amended; (ii) a federal, state or local law enforcement agency; or (iii) a federally licensed manufacturer solely for sale or transfer in another state or for export.
Appreciate your effort, thank you.The thread about possessing and purchasing that you merged into this one. So instead of a nice clear description we get lost in the morass of childish “what about me?” Posts. Oh well. I tried.
thanks for the effortThe thread about possessing and purchasing that you merged into this one. So instead of a nice clear description we get lost in the morass of childish “what about me?” Posts. Oh well. I tried.
No one knows at this time. Contact FRB and ask. Please let us know what the outcome was.Will there be any clarification on this issue from the FRB you think? But if there isn't does anyone have suggestions on what I should do? Should I contact my licensing officer and ask if my application will continue to be processed. I know my app has been entered into MIRCS because I have the dcijs receipt with the time and date of submission of my new applicant application. Just not sure what I should do I don't want to wait and then find out months later that I have to retake the firearm safety class. Then wait again for many months for my app to be processed again.
I'm not sure how the non-resadent licenses will be handled. It really dosent say what and if current non-resadent licenses will be honored untill they expire or they become void after 8/1/2024 of they can be renewed. As far as the new law there will be no non-ressdent permits unless you meet the new qualifiers and not many will be able to meet those.That’s usually the missing piece - implementation. It takes 12-18mo to spec out a system, bid creation of the system and get it online, assuming it’s funded and staffed from the get-go. And it’s usually not, so 2yr+ is a good estimate.
My lesson from MA’s Non-Res LTC system is that, knowing that they could not facilitate yearly renewals on time, the FRB made sure to confirm you were not carrying in MA during the time your Non-Res LTC was pending. Knowing it will take a long time for any legal challenge to the bottlenecks made by negligence on their part, they’ll just look at it as a plus in discouraging firearms ownership. They get paid, your rights are delayed/denied, and your money is being spent to on both sides to address the problem.
I seem to have missed these new qualifiers, I know about the training. But what are the new qualifiers?I'm not sure how the non-resadent licenses will be handled. It really dosent say what and if current non-resadent licenses will be honored untill they expire or they become void after 8/1/2024 of they can be renewed. As far as the new law there will be no non-ressdent permits unless you meet the new qualifiers and not many will be able to meet those.
Yes, that is the thread I was referring to that I couldn’t find anymore, guess it is buried here now lolThe thread about possessing and purchasing that you merged into this one. So instead of a nice clear description we get lost in the morass of childish “what about me?” Posts. Oh well. I tried.
This is the new wording for non_resadent licenses.I seem to have missed these new qualifiers, I know about the training. But what are the new qualifiers?
This is the new wording for non_resadent licenses.
Nonresident licenses will only be issued for purposes ofA firearm competition.o A nonresident who is in the employ of a bank, public utility corporation, or a firm engaged in the business of transferring monies, or business of a similar nature.o A firm licensed as a private detective whose application is endorsed by an employer.o A nonresident who is a member of the armed services and is stationed within theterritorial boundaries of the commonwealth and has the written consent of their commanding officer.• Nonresident law enforcement prohibited from possessing “assault style firearms”.• A nonresident at least 18 years and can only possess common long guns and ammunition if the nonresident has a permit or license issued from their state of residence. That license must meet requirements of a Massachusetts license with the following exemptions.o to hunt during hunting season with a nonresident hunting license or a hunting license or permit lawfully issued from their state of residence which has substantially similar requirements to those in section 11 of chapter 131;o while on a firing or shooting rangeo while traveling in or through the commonwealth, provided that they are unloaded and secured in a locked container in accordance with sections 126B and 126Co while at a firearm showing or display organized by a regularly existing gun collectors’ club or association. • Nonresident Junior shooters/hunters under 18 cannot possess a pistol or revolver for any purpose.• Nonresidents traveling in or through the commonwealth for the purpose of hunting, they also have on their person a hunting or sporting license issued by the commonwealth or by their destination state. • A nonresident may carry a firearm on their person while in a vehicle lawfully traveling through the commonwealth, provided, however, that the firearm may not leave the vehicle and if the firearm is outside its owner’s direct control it must meet safe storage requirements
I will post this again and hopefully it will answer most of the questions on applying for a new LTC and renewals. It has been pointed out to me that I missed putting in a colon on one of my previous posts and may have confused some of you.
New applicants are required to complete the new training that has not been developed yet how will be they able to apply for an LTC? It looks as though the LTC process for new LTC's would have to be suspended untill the new training is developed and put in place. It dosent seem to have any provesion to do business as usual untill the new training is developed and put in place. I have bold lettered the section in the bills text that states 1575 No application for the issuance of a firearm identification card or license to carry shall be accepted1576 or processed by the licensing authority without such certificate attached thereto; provided. They are refering to a certificate that dosent exest yet and can't untill the new training is developed and implemented.
Acctual Text from the bill:
Persons lawfully1570 possessing a firearm identification card or license to carry firearms on August 1, 2024, shall be1571 exempt from this section upon expiration of such card or license and when applying for renewal1572 of such licensure as required under this chapter; provided, however, that persons possessing a1573 firearms identification card or license to carry firearms prior to the implementation of live1574 firearms trainings as required in this section shall also be exempt from such requirement. No1575 application for the issuance of a firearm identification card or license to carry shall be accepted1576 or processed by the licensing authority without such certificate attached thereto; provided,1577 however, that this section shall not apply to: (i) any officer, agent or employee of the1578 commonwealth or any state of the United States; (ii) any member of the military or other service1579 of any state or of the United States; or (iii) any duly authorized law enforcement officer, agent or1580 employee of any municipality of the commonwealth; provided, however, that any such person1581 described in clauses (i) to (iii), inclusive, shall be authorized by a competent authority to carry or1582 possess the firearm so carried or possessed and shall be acting within the scope of their duties.
provided, however, that persons possessing a firearms identification card or license to carry firearms prior to the implementation of live firearms trainings as required in this section shall also be exempt from such requirement.
That’s usually the missing piece - implementation. It takes 12-18mo to spec out a system, bid creation of the system and get it online, assuming it’s funded and staffed from the get-go. And it’s usually not, so 2yr+ is a good estimate.
Yes I think what they are trying to say is if you already have an LTC or FID you are exempt tThe new 131P(a) language explicitly exempts anyone from the new requirements:
'course, it doesn't say what happens if they promulgate "live firearms trainings" before all the other requirements.
And it kinda reads like the basic firearms safety certificate requirement doesn't even exist before the implementation of "live firearms trainings" I'm pretty sure we know that's not the case in application, but that's what the law actually says.
Why? You’ve made a mess.I’ve merged three threads.
SECTION 153. A valid license to carry a firearm issued under sections 131 or 131F of
chapter 140 of the General Laws, a valid firearm identification card under section 129B of said
chapter 140 or a valid license to sell under section 122 of said chapter 140, shall remain valid
until the expiration, suspension or revocation of said license and shall entitle the holder to
possess the firearms authorized by the license at the time it was last issued or renewed.
Yes I think what they are trying to say is if you already have an LTC or FID you are exempt t
from the new training. However it then goes to say no new applications after 8/1/2024. It just goes back to if you have an LTC or FID prior to 8/1/2024 you are OK if not you must wait for the new training certificate that you can only get with the new training. This thing is so screwed up.
My guess is 2 years is very optimistic for any system the state will depoly. Hell they are still working the bugs out of the web service they began transitioning to in 2016.
Well I'm going to need to find it in the law, after all it's important to be sure of the details when you're thinking of making yourself a test case. I'll have to wait out the 90 days, and maybe longer if there is a stay on the law taking affect.This is the new wording for non_resadent licenses.
Nonresident licenses will only be issued for purposes ofA firearm competition.o A nonresident who is in the employ of a bank, public utility corporation, or a firm engaged in the business of transferring monies, or business of a similar nature.o A firm licensed as a private detective whose application is endorsed by an employer.o A nonresident who is a member of the armed services and is stationed within theterritorial boundaries of the commonwealth and has the written consent of their commanding officer.• Nonresident law enforcement prohibited from possessing “assault style firearms”.• A nonresident at least 18 years and can only possess common long guns and ammunition if the nonresident has a permit or license issued from their state of residence. That license must meet requirements of a Massachusetts license with the following exemptions.o to hunt during hunting season with a nonresident hunting license or a hunting license or permit lawfully issued from their state of residence which has substantially similar requirements to those in section 11 of chapter 131;o while on a firing or shooting rangeo while traveling in or through the commonwealth, provided that they are unloaded and secured in a locked container in accordance with sections 126B and 126Co while at a firearm showing or display organized by a regularly existing gun collectors’ club or association. • Nonresident Junior shooters/hunters under 18 cannot possess a pistol or revolver for any purpose.• Nonresidents traveling in or through the commonwealth for the purpose of hunting, they also have on their person a hunting or sporting license issued by the commonwealth or by their destination state. • A nonresident may carry a firearm on their person while in a vehicle lawfully traveling through the commonwealth, provided, however, that the firearm may not leave the vehicle and if the firearm is outside its owner’s direct control it must meet safe storage requirements