This is the new wording for non_resadent licenses.
Nonresident licenses will only be issued for purposes of

A firearm competition.o A nonresident who is in the employ of a bank, public utility corporation, or a firm engaged in the business of transferring monies, or business of a similar nature.o A firm licensed as a private detective whose application is endorsed by an employer.o A nonresident who is a member of the armed services and is stationed within theterritorial boundaries of the commonwealth and has the written consent of their commanding officer.• Nonresident law enforcement prohibited from possessing “assault style firearms”.• A nonresident at least 18 years and can only possess common long guns and ammunition if the nonresident has a permit or license issued from their state of residence. That license must meet requirements of a Massachusetts license with the following exemptions.o to hunt during hunting season with a nonresident hunting license or a hunting license or permit lawfully issued from their state of residence which has substantially similar requirements to those in section 11 of chapter 131;o while on a firing or shooting rangeo while traveling in or through the commonwealth, provided that they are unloaded and secured in a locked container in accordance with sections 126B and 126Co while at a firearm showing or display organized by a regularly existing gun collectors’ club or association. • Nonresident Junior shooters/hunters under 18 cannot possess a pistol or revolver for any purpose.• Nonresidents traveling in or through the commonwealth for the purpose of hunting, they also have on their person a hunting or sporting license issued by the commonwealth or by their destination state. • A nonresident may carry a firearm on their person while in a vehicle lawfully traveling through the commonwealth, provided, however, that the firearm may not leave the vehicle and if the firearm is outside its owner’s direct control it must meet safe storage requirements