The Conference Committee has sent official language out - h.4885

The bill also changes how state law defines “assault-style firearms,” which has some gun owners worried that many modern semi-automatic rifles could be considered illegal under the new law.

Yes, we're "worried" that those rifles "could be considered illegal." What a joke.

Democrats who drafted the bill that Healey signed have said it will stand up to any constitutional challenges.

A bunch of constitutional scholars no doubt. I wonder if any of them would be willing to make a wager on it.
This thread has become too big having too many conversations about too many topics and too active to be able to keep up anymore. Mods - It would be great to have multiple sticky threads regarding the new law broken into subjects like Training requirements, AW changes Pre-Ban Mags and grandfathering, Non Resident License changes, etc etc, Then people could just read and interact on the topic they are interested in. My .$02
Yes, we're "worried" that those rifles "could be considered illegal." What a joke.

A bunch of constitutional scholars no doubt. I wonder if any of them would be willing to make a wager on it.
"A bunch of constitutional scholars no doubt. I wonder if any of them would be willing to make a wager on it."

They are hoping the landscape of the SCOTUS is dramatically different by the time it's gets before SCOTUS.
This thread has become too big having too many conversations about too many topics and too active to be able to keep up anymore. Mods - It would be great to have multiple sticky threads regarding the new law broken into subjects like Training requirements, AW changes Pre-Ban Mags and grandfathering, Non Resident License changes, etc etc, Then people could just read and interact on the topic they are interested in. My .$02
Everything is intertwined and convoluted you could never separate it all. It's just the way it is with such a deeply effed up bill.
In the past they raised a stink if the credit card billing address was in MA.
I forgot to write the fix for that.

If you have online access to your CC it's a piece of cake.

Go in and change your CC's billing address to the friends house.

Do the transaction

Go back in and change it back to your correct mailing address.

I wait a day before changing it back just in case, some kind of check runs after the web site transaction is completed. I don't know if this is necessary. But it's what I do and have never had issues.

One time I forgot to change it back and was reminded of this a few days later when an amazon purchase was declined because amazon had my original address. It was as simple as "Oops". Then I went back into my CC account and changed my address back to my home.

So in summary Ordering from PSA and having something shipped to a friends is a piece of cake.

Some times it's not worth the hassle. But . . . . well, a couple of years ago I bought a mid length 16" upper including BCG and CH for $265. It runs fine and is reasonably accurate.

Most of the time it hosts a .22 cal conversion kit.

Maura - please note that this method helps to circumvent PSA's policies. I am in full compliance with all state and federal laws.
Where's the probable cause? If all your shit is being transported according to the law, nobody can see it. How would he know what you have in the trunk?
Never consent to a search.

If a cop is going to steal your shit, they're going to steal your shit. The current and upcoming laws don't change that.
If someone moves from another state to Massachusetts, does the FRB have a list of those firearms if they were not registered in the previous state? Also, if you are pulled over by a police officer, can they see if you own firearms?
The NRA is coming to the rescue. That actually f***ing happens. I’ll send them some money. I’m sorry I already bought Wayne enough suits…

This law has made so many people stupid it’s unbelievable…

I’m taking my listings down. I can’t deal with any more retards. I wouldn’t even get into it. If I was a moderator.. I’d ban these people for being stupid.
What would you suggest?
So we would be better off if the NRA just stayed out of this???
Joke/Humor/Sarcasm. It's great that this got noticed but what has the NRA done this century besides line their pockets? I donate to GOAL and Comm2A. Let my NRA membership lapse years ago.
Right. So hypothetical.
Traffic stop. Cop runs your plate and sees you have a LTC and sees your FRB list. Asks if you have any guns in the vehicle. You say yes, im on the way home from the range. You have your lawfully posessed pre 8/1/24 AR in the trunk. He asks to check it because no ASWs on your list.
Now what? He is anti gun and follows the opinion that no FA10 means unregistered. You get charged. LTC gets pulled.
Judge may or may not concur, but meanwhile all your $stuff is stolen by the state.

What worries me slightly is the GOTCHA! state we live in. Every year they tie more state systems together and tie them to your drivers license. They also love to saddle you with these things without telling you. You only find out when you go to renew your license or registration that some town you never lived in says you owe excise from 6 years ago on a boat you never owned. That, in my opinion is the big blindside. A passing cruiser’s plate reader hits on your unknown to you suspended registration. Car has to towed and he does an inventory. Now that I think of it, do they still have plate readers on cruisers? But anyway, this state loves to pile shit on without letting you know. Just like they’re not going to notify anyone until the day after they became a felon.
If someone moves from another state to Massachusetts, does the FRB have a list of those firearms if they were not registered in the previous state? Also, if you are pulled over by a police officer, can they see if you own firearms?
No, FRB has no record of any firearms you’ve owned/registered unless you did so or a MA dealer did in MIRCS.

MA police can see if you have an active or expired LTC and all FA10 transaction data.
If someone moves from another state to Massachusetts, does the FRB have a list of those firearms if they were not registered in the previous state? Also, if you are pulled over by a police officer, can they see if you own firearms?

Under current law:

If you move from another state and you get an LTC within.. 60 days (I think, see below) there is no requirement to "register" your guns or report the non-existent transaction on the eFA10 portal.

Therefore there is no record of them in the state's databases, and the cop that pulls you over will not know anything. Mass cops can't look at other states' databases without a bunch of legal/procedural hassle, so they won't. The cop will absolutely know if you have an LTC though, and might go on a fishing expedition.

Under the new law, once the registration system is up and running, you will be required to make sure the state's database matches what you actually own, and the cop will (almost certainly) be able to look that information up.

I can't remember if it's 60 or 90 days. Many well reasoned respected people believe that no matter how long it takes you to get your LTC, any gun you owned before you moved to MA is not an "acquisition" or "purchase" and therefore "registering" them through the FA10 system is not necessary.
The State's position seems to be a copy/duplicate could not be cured through deleting enumerated features. Therefore all C&D firearms always were assault weapons.
So the the 7/20 exemption from C&D definition of an ASW therefore C&D with compliance mods would be considered as lawfully possessed.

Post 7/20 the compliance work doesn't matter because it still fails the C&D part of the definition and therefore was not lawfully possessed regardless of the state not pursuing charges.

So then the 8/1 exemption covers all non-C&D or enumerated firearms that would fail the new ASW definition.

So a pre-7/20 C&D (including pre-94 anything) would be lawful after 8/1 since they were lawfully possessed.
However any C&D or enumerated firearm after 7/20 is banned for not being lawfully possessed.
Firearms considered an ASW only for features will be exempt as long as they are legally held on 8/1 (they are in compliance)

Once the smoke clears, all of the exempted guns can have as many features as you want but post 7/20 C&D must be dispossessed before the 90 day enactment delay window

I don't agree with the interpretation but it is what makes sense from what the state has said they intended to enact - therefore that's what the police are likely to enforce until a court finds different.
Just to be 100% straight with this, a pre 7/20 owned and possessed by a Ma. LTC holder than transferred to Ma. LTC holder thru the portal after 7/20 is now illegal? Thanks for all the time you've taken for trying to inform dumbasses like me on this.
If someone moves from another state to Massachusetts, does the FRB have a list of those firearms if they were not registered in the previous state? Also, if you are pulled over by a police officer, can they see if you own firearms?

I do not believe the FRB has such a list. I have little doubt they could get it if they wanted it.

If you are pulled over in MA and have an LTC it will show when they call you in. I have been told they are also given a list of firearms, or can quickly ask for it, however I DO NOT have any concrete evidence or proof of this.
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