Amputee Marksman
NES Member
Right. So hypothetical.
Traffic stop. Cop runs your plate and sees you have a LTC and sees your FRB list. Asks if you have any guns in the vehicle. You say yes, im on the way home from the range. You have your lawfully posessed pre 8/1/24 AR in the trunk. He asks to check it because no ASWs on your list.
Now what? He is anti gun and follows the opinion that no FA10 means unregistered. You get charged. LTC gets pulled.
Judge may or may not concur, but meanwhile all your $stuff is stolen by the state.
General comments:
I would never tell them I am on my way home from the range. I never small talk or tell officers anything other to answer the questions with short concise answers. When they ask where I am coming from, where I am going and what i have been doing I do not answer. If they ask "do you know why I pulled you over" I would say something like No, I am sure you will tell me.
I drive a truck. I quit transporting everything in the back seat. Now I transport everything in locked cases in the bed of the truck with a cover and locked tailgate. No need for LEO or EMT to see any range bags, firearms cases in my vehicle.
Specific to above:
I am not going to lie to the officer. If I decide to answer I will say yes. If he asks to see the firearms I might ask what is his basis for that. Regardless I am going to refuse to show him the firearms and I am going to refuse a search. After that I am going to STFU and ask for an attorney. I will also refuse to provide keys, combinations to open anything. If they search me and take my keys and then open stuff up there is nothing I can do. I will also be recording to protect me.
In this situation it is pretty much a non-win deal. Screwed if you let them look, screwed if you don't. I will say in the last couple of years I have trained myself and gotten in the habit of totally obeying speed limits on local roads. I don't push yellow lights etc. On the highway I sit in the middle lane and roll with traffic. Last thing I need is to get jammed up for an easily preventable traffic offense.
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