In 49 states, a pulse.
It’s not a firearm until it’s 81%+
It would be comical if it were interpreted otherwise.
230 “
Firearm”, a stun gun, pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun, sawed-off shotgun, large capacity
231 firearm, assault-style firearm and machine gun, loaded or unloaded, which is designed to or may
232 readily be converted to expel a shot or bullet; the frame or receiver of any such firearm or the
unfinished frame or receiver of any such firearm; provided, however, that “firearm” shall not
234 include any antique firearm or permanently inoperable firearm.
369 “
Unfinished frame or receiver”, a forging, casting, printing, extrusion, machined body or
370 similar item that: (i) has reached a stage in manufacture when it may readily be completed or
371 assembled to function as a frame or receiver; or (ii) is marketed or sold to the public to become
372 or be used as the frame or receiver of a functional firearm once completed or assembled;
373 provided, however, that “unfinished frame or receiver” shall not include a component designed
374 and intended for use in an antique firearm.