The Conference Committee has sent official language out - h.4885

The more I look at this I can see the technicality web weaved throughout this thing is crafted to effect a semiautomatic ban with killing the dealer outlets, shut down the flow in of anything, and control with Commie defined rosters, barriers with licensing and training, It’s not some “non-gun” idiot ramblings, it’s smartly crafted in many areas.

The Left Coast and Bloomberger have had a long time and a lot of money to fix all their small mistakes of the past and cut anything they deemed as “loopholes”.

Someone knew, a Benedict Arnold, and told them exactly how to write this thing to let the axes fall everywhere.

I had a dream last night of thousands of the Kings men marching on the commonwealth.

Ya, the king had that dream once too........and the founders killed every one of them.
I'm gonna register mine anyway. I'm sure that the efa10 system was designed to handle +1M records per-user. It probably won't crash. I bet the vendor that built it is probably still around and ready to help.

Might just write a script and share it here. 🙂
So you register once for each round the mag can hold right? :)

It’s gonna save lives. What a lying POS.
Good time to remind us all that the MBTA kills more people per year than AWs in Mass.
for which there are no rifles and shotguns on any roster at this time nor will there be in the near term (probably a year at the soonest)
Is this ripe for an injunction for 2A denial?
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Is this ripe for an injunction for 2A denial?
Absolutely - Just because it is ripe doesn't mean shit in the 1st circus and Mass district courts.
Even Lawtubers that have zero to do with Mass call out the 1st as by far the worst court for 2a issue. Given the positions and history of the 9th shows that this is a very high bar to overcome

So, while the issue is ripe we will not see any significant relief from any court lower than the Supreme Court.
Wow ...folks are waking up. Got a call from a person I have not talked to in years. He asked if I had heard about this new gun law....really he asked that. This guy is more of a hunter and collector than anything else and not really pro 2a. Well, he has a home built AR15...yes I was actually shocked. He bought it from a gun shop in 2017, it was used and the FFL said it was built before the 2016 edict since he knew the person who built it. Now he asked me if it was legal since this bill was signed. I told him I was not a lawyer. I stated he had no proof when the gun was put into the FA10 system except for his transaction, you have no proof of sale from that original builder on the lower. I told him he had 2 choices, sell or keep. Then he asked me if I knew where he could get any preban mags. I just laughed and said NES. I can't believe he just heard about this...

Honestly, he is probably OK, it is a SAA lower (Super Poverty Pony lower), but if they want to slam him they will.
I can’t believe I’m still realizing more problems with this law but I just realized I can’t figure out what happens if something legal by features (like MCX ranch or CMMG BR4 with pinned brake) gets added to the new banned AW rifle list later on? That would make it illegal to own. Does that create a new grandfather date for that specific model or do they just make felons out of anyone who owns that gun overnight??
I was assured this couldn’t happen, post Bruen. Things are different now!

Next steps should be AWB, mag limits, sensitive spaces, lifetime ban for non violent criminal convictions, approved rosters

The excess fees, excess training etc will probably be gone at the circuit court level.

The SCOTUS rulings will be enforced. You are living in a delusional fantasy world.

The left has lost the 2A war, they just don’t grasp it yet. These moves now are desperate and failing attempts.


We're in a new era. Bruen changed everything.
I can’t believe I’m still realizing more problems with this law but I just realized I can’t figure out what happens if something legal by features (like MCX ranch or CMMG BR4 with pinned brake) gets added to the new banned AW rifle list later on? That would make it illegal to own. Does that create a new grandfather date for that specific model or do they just make felons out of anyone who owns that gun overnight??
If they add a weapon to the roster, they must give owners notice and a time period to dispossess.
The law does not give the regulatory agency the power to grandfather currently possessed items, only to add them to an "assault-style" roster and thereby incorporating them into 131M
The only caveat is that if the firearm was possessed on 8/1/2024 per 131m(b) then it is exempt (grandfathered)
I've filled out the 4473's and assumed that anything beyond that was handled by the dealer.

Funny you said that - I have been thinking along similar lines. Say a responsible LTC owner has purchased legally all his stuff from FFLs- eFA10s, 4473s... He has filled out, signed and did everything the FFL has asked him before he was handed the goods.

So one's consumer inclination is that unless he gets something specifically addressed to him in the mail (or even a phone call or whatever), he is not going to go register additionally anything. When he gets the official "invitation" to go log into the new portal and compare what the portal has already imported from the eFA10 system and add what is missing- that is a different story. Until then- all is legal and nothing needs to be done on the gun owner side of things.

How about that...
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Who's going to educate the cops on this law???

8 out of 10 didn't understand the existing gun laws
I asked 2 cops I know about this when I was getting coffee this morning.

"So, how do you feel about not being able to buy any of your super citizen mags and guns in MA anymore"

"What are you talking about? Dealers can get us what we want"

"Not anymore they can't. Dealers are no longer exempt from LCFD and AWs"

Cops: looking at me sideways "you must be wrong"
I tend to watch the news and weather for a few hours every morning. The Boston news stations all reporting that Herr Healy just signed a "ghost gun Ban" that also strengthens red flag laws. That's it. Nothing about banning, mag limits, rosters, etc


Almost like they don't want anyone to know what they actually did....
I was assured this couldn’t happen, post Bruen. Things are different now!

They are different now. And this law won't happen, in the long run. It'll last two years? Three years? Five years? And then it'll go away forever. Because Bruen.

It's been posted a billion times here: this won't happen overnight. Bruen secured rights for our country, not necessarily for us who are sitting here now. So many NESers seem to have no concept of posterity. Sometimes, we do things not for ourselves, but for those who come after us.

If that mindset had afflicted Adams and Hancock, we wouldn't be free today. If it had afflicted King and Abernathy, black people would still be disenfranchised. There are countless other examples, as well. You're pissy because you can't snap your fingers and make magic happen right now... well, we're in this boat because our predecessors thought like you: they didn't fight for us, who are living now, because we weren't around yet.

We curse those predecessors for letting things get this bad, and rightly so. Unlike some, I don't want my children to curse me the same way.

It's funny how in the news articles I've seen about the bill it only mentions "ghost guns" and ERPOs. Not how the roster change is the biggest blanket gun ban to ever take place by a state law.

I've posted about this. Most antis have no clue about the way the state already regulates guns; they've been told you can buy Glocks on the internet, and that's what they believe. So the media won't bother.

The vast majority of gun owners in MA have no idea how far reaching this new law is.

NES isn't the typical gun owner, we're a very small percentage

I talked to someone just today. He had no idea this would create a "roster" for his beloved bolt-actions. Well, he does now.
Let me get this straight...........You are trying to equate disobeying traffic signs and rules of the road to disobeying or working around unconstitutional gun laws? Is that what I'm reading?

That is such a poor comparison.

When you blow through a stop sign or red light, there is the high possibility of severe bodily harm to yourself or ending your life or that of someone else......immediately.
It's common sense and innate survival instinct to obey basic rules of the road. Not doing so usually provides instant karma with very poor outcomes.

Boston Police gun collector huh? How many "throw downs" have you ever provided to your fellow officers? How many guns have you illegally taken or received from people on the streets over the years?

Don't tell me it doesn't happen......I've physically seen the results (the booty) of such actions. A Boston cop who was the uncle of someone I dated in junior high school 55 years ago, had a five foot, chest of drawers FULL of illegally confiscated weapons, with two large drawers full to the top of pistols and the rest full of knives, nun chucks, slingshots, zip guns, spiked maces, throwing stars, throwing knives, saps, billy clubs, taped up short pieces of steel pipe, bull whips, straight razors, brass knuckles, blow guns, bolos, belt buckle knives, short logging chains with taped and braided handles.

Growing up, Boston Police were notoriously corrupt and I don't think they've become any less in the past five decades, I think they've just figured out better ways to hide their corruption from public scrutiny.

Are you gonna stand there and tell me he had no whistlin' bungholes, no spleen splitters, whisker biscuits, honkey lighters, hoosker doos, hoosker don'ts, cherry bombs, nipsy daisers, with or without the scooter stick, or one single whistlin' kitty chaser?

Sorry but it did sound like Joe Dirt ripping on the Indian at the fireworks stand.
If they add a weapon to the roster, they must give owners notice and a time period to dispossess.
The law does not give the regulatory agency the power to grandfather currently possessed items, only to add them to an "assault-style" roster and thereby incorporating them into 131M
The only caveat is that if the firearm was possessed on 8/1/2024 per 131m(b) then it is exempt (grandfathered)
So buyer beware post 8/1 and make sure you watch the ban list like a hawk if you don’t want to be a felon in waiting. Got it. Uhg.
The only thing I would ever consider registering is a bunch of 80% receivers I have not even bought or completed yet, Just to hook up the younger crowd getting into the sport in the coming years
Similar to register a piece of pipe as a Sten gun before the MG ban

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