Howie should make him take a class or 2 with Toby.
I seem to recall that Taylor has.
At least one of Taylor and Grace is on one or another of those cusps of inhibition
I remember myself so clearly:
wanting to take the class,
and then wanting to get licensed,
and then wanting to get guns,
but not being certified,
and then not applying for the LTC,
and then not going out and buying guns.
But maybe at least one has guns by now.
Hell; it'd be prudent for them to pretend on-air not to have gotten guns,
but be armed to the teeth in real life.
I'm frankly glad it slips my mind.
Also, I'd never expect a commercial range instructor
to sheep-dip a student in Massprudence, RKBA conservatism,
or even self-defense law
while teaching them how to shoot safely and well.
Plenty of students need all their neurons to be safe,
and aim, and all that.
And some students dread the thought
of a range session turning into a political indoctrination session.
(I bet some other students you don't want to get started on politics,
because they start jumping up and down the way Arlo
got assigned to the Group W bench; screaming "Kill! Kill!").
If he’s still employed, that is.
Bah; while Howie will have read the texts (and any EMail whinging),
I don't imagine any dire consequences.
(The third fundamental fly in Taylor's ointment on Friday
is that he seems to be putting
way too much credence
in the "outcome" of the "investigation" into Ashli Babbitt's death.
Because it was asking the Deep State to be honest.
If and when evidence comes out that it was a sham,
he'll smacking himself in the forehead so hard that
V8 Corp will call him up and ask him to do vegetable juice commercials).
It might be kewl if the program spent less time on Tapioca Joe's
latest sound bites and more time on legal minutiae.
But those topics may not be ready for Drive Time Radio.
So, short of something like Officer Mark coming on the show on Monday
to explain stuff like the Ladder of Force that legit cops have to deal with every day,
I'm not expecting a lot of clarity on the program about what makes
for a justified shoot. I have none of that training,
but at least I know It's a Thing.