NES Member
I have no idea. And I don’t care. Probably extremely low chance of that happening.
But if it did, or any situation where I have to pull a trigger did, I’d like it to be the same each time. And there’s a whole ridiculous amount of options out there that are dead nuts reliable that will give me the same trigger pull each time. So that’s what I’d go for.
Driving is the most dangerous thing we do. And when shits about to kill us, it’s generally braking properly that will save our skin. If I could have a brake pedal that id have to crush for one second then let up and then after that id only have to press gently to accomplish braking in an emergency situation, or one that always allowed me to press consistently with a medium amount of pressure to brake properly, I’d pick the consistent one if my life depended on it.
Brake pedals aren’t linear, cause you don’t want the car slamming on the brakes when you only want to slow down. Same idea for the first trigger pull being longer, so don’t discharge a round unless you really intend to.
Not saying it’s better, it’s just a trade off. I don’t carry a DA/SA, though I would if Sig made one G43X sized.