What’s wrong with DA/SA handguns?

I have no idea. And I don’t care. Probably extremely low chance of that happening.

But if it did, or any situation where I have to pull a trigger did, I’d like it to be the same each time. And there’s a whole ridiculous amount of options out there that are dead nuts reliable that will give me the same trigger pull each time. So that’s what I’d go for.

Driving is the most dangerous thing we do. And when shits about to kill us, it’s generally braking properly that will save our skin. If I could have a brake pedal that id have to crush for one second then let up and then after that id only have to press gently to accomplish braking in an emergency situation, or one that always allowed me to press consistently with a medium amount of pressure to brake properly, I’d pick the consistent one if my life depended on it.

Brake pedals aren’t linear, cause you don’t want the car slamming on the brakes when you only want to slow down. Same idea for the first trigger pull being longer, so don’t discharge a round unless you really intend to.

Not saying it’s better, it’s just a trade off. I don’t carry a DA/SA, though I would if Sig made one G43X sized.
Da/SA is my preferred action, it's what I've shot most. CZ p-01 is a pretty goldilocks size da/SA for EDC. It's basically a G19 footprint with a hammer and alloy frame.
“Glock .45” according to the article. Dunno if it’s a G45 or .45 Glock. 😆
Ya I unfortunately saw that too. But, if it’s a Glock, its triggered pull is similar to the DA of a DA/SA. So I don’t think you can reasonably argue that this wouldn’t have happened if it was a DA/SA.
1911s are SA. Every time. Every trigger pull. You’re only and always going to pull a SA trigger. That’s feasible to get really good with. And reasonable to get acceptable with under extreme pressure. Partly because it’s a great trigger but also mostly because it’s consistent.

It’s very difficult to do things under extreme pressure and one of the best ways to become acceptable under those circumstances is to be consistent. DA/SA is not consistent. That’s really the knock on it. Is it doable? Ya. Probably won’t ever be an issue. But a lot of people don’t want inconsistencies in high stress situations where you might die if you f*** something up.

I’m not arguing for or against DA/SA and I couldn’t care less because I don’t and never will use or carry one. I’m just repeating what I’ve heard as the argument against them.
Like saying an Automatic is better at racing, But never been in a race car.
Started out with a DA/SA. Still my carry
Have a S&W shield I used on rare occasions but now is a take a newbie to the range gun, Now that I replaced it with a DA 357
And 25 yds would be nice but I practice at 50 ft. Some a**h*** wants to walk into a store I'll wait behind something until he gets close enough to open up that can of woop ass
Like saying an Automatic is better at racing, But never been in a race car.
Started out with a DA/SA. Still my carry
Have a S&W shield I used on rare occasions but now is a take a newbie to the range gun, Now that I replaced it with a DA 357
And 25 yds would be nice but I practice at 50 ft. Some a**h*** wants to walk into a store I'll wait behind something until he gets close enough to open up that can of woop ass
It’s hard for me to understand the points you are trying to make because of your lack of grammar and complete sentences. So I don’t want to respond under the assumption that you’re trying to make a point that you’re actually not.
Isn’t it like 5 lbs on the Glock vs 10 lbs on a DA?
It’s the longer pull that is similar in feel. But yes, the Glock trigger is lighter. I guess if you’re saying a heavier trigger with similar length of pull would have prevented this, then maybe you’re right. That’s obviously extremely difficult to prove and I wouldn’t assume that at all. I think you could make a better argument for that if it was a gun with a single action trigger, safety off, that she negligently discharged.
It’s the longer pull that is similar in feel. But yes, the Glock trigger is lighter. I guess if you’re saying a heavier trigger with similar length of pull would have prevented this, then maybe you’re right. That’s obviously extremely difficult to prove and I wouldn’t assume that at all. I think you could make a better argument for that if it was a gun with a single action trigger, safety off, that she negligently discharged.

Well i don't see how you can say a 10 lb DA trigger pull is more difficult when shooting, but not more difficult to discharge accidentally.
Well i don't see how you can say a 10 lb DA trigger pull is more difficult when shooting, but not more difficult to discharge accidentally.

Because I don’t think it was accidentally fired due to the trigger coming in contact with something else while the gun was being handled, which may have been prevented by a heavier trigger. I think it’s more likely she pulled the trigger out of habit.
Because I don’t think it was accidentally fired due to the trigger coming in contact with something else while the gun was being handled, which may have been prevented by a heavier trigger. I think it’s more likely she pulled the trigger out of habit.

Good lord, yeah, I suppose that's possible. :oops:
Good lord, yeah, I suppose that's possible. :oops:
It’s not only possible, it’s quite well-documented. And there’s tons of videos of people doing this. Not just out of bad unloading procedures. People handling a loaded firearm, and pulling the trigger out of habit. Sometimes shooting themselves, sometimes shooting others. You name it, and it’s been shot in this manner. I personally know one person that has done just this and fortunately no one was hurt. But it does happen, and adding stress to the mix doesn’t help.
IMO/IME, the DA/SA (or SAO) gets most of it's disrespect from die hard grock fanbois. Or those that DAO is the ONLY valid action type. Personally, I hate DAO pistols with a passion. Almost all of my handguns are SAO, with only my revolver being DA/SA. Most of the time, I use the revolver in SA mode. Mostly because the trigger is sweet that way. Even DA, the trigger (revolver) is good.

I've carried a 1911 before, without any issue or concern (condition 1 or cocked and locked). I've shot competitions with it as well with solid results. Sure, people do that with DAO guns too, these days at least. Back when I was into competition shotting, I don't recall seeing any DAO, or striker fired, pistols. Granted that was about thirty years back now. 🤪

I grew up shooting a 1911, so working a thumb safety is muscle memory or not any issue at all. IMO, only very new shooters, or people who've only shot DAO pistols before have any real issue with thumb safeties.

DA/SA guns without safeties exist. They should feel reasonably familiar to anyone who is used to carrying a striker fired gun. The only difference is the DA to SA transition. Can still carry hammer down, no safety.

As a striker fired guy, something like the b92gts is appealing.
It’s hard for me to understand the points you are trying to make because of your lack of grammar and complete sentences. So I don’t want to respond under the assumption that you’re trying to make a point that you’re actually not.
I could blame it on the boston publix schools, Spell check, Or trying to find that last can of beer and not paying attention
But I won't.....
I could blame it on the boston publix schools, Spell check, Or trying to find that last can of beer and not paying attention
But I won't.....
Hahah. I would accept any or no answers. It doesn’t matter. I just didn’t want to take what you were saying out of context.
Shopping for optics but walked out of the lgs with a P229 Legion. (The most I’ve ever paid for a handgun but they give you a magical coin, range bag AND official inclusion into the Legion. What are some of the reasons DA/SA are sort of disrespected. I’ve always shot my best with 1911 style handguns and it’s always felt like the bullet was downrange before I felt the recoil. Anybody take a shot
Without reading everyone else's posts, my main concern is the non-standard trigger. Unless you carry it hammer down, the first trigger pull is light, while the follow up trigger pull is longer and slower. Then you have the reset. That's 3 different trigger pulls in the same platform, at different stages of being in a gunfight, which is the only thing that matters to me. Shooting on a range doesn't matter to me, I want everything the same, every pull.

I have a 229 that is SA/DA and I tended to double tap unintentionally. Yeah, it's me that's the problem, but not something I want to happen under stress.

If it's all you carry, probably less of an issue, but I was carrying a Baretta 96D at the time with a trigger 80% of you all would think was broken. I've never fired a gun like that 96 since I handed it in for my HnK almost 20 years ago now.
I got this S&W 3913 as my first semi auto 9 mm in 2012 at four seasons. I mostly carry revolvers now. But this is a happy medium between a J frame or a k frame snub and a semi auto. Modifications

1. Safety/decocker level smoothed out by Pullman arms in Worcester
2. Rubber grips I did run original S&W plastic grips but with age the plastic just broke down probably from being carried.
3. I added a regular hammer any 3rd gen hammer fits the S&W 3913 you just have to punch out the hammer strut as it comes from a full size 5906 and replace it with the 3913 hammer strut. This is a project that requires multiple youtube videos.

All and all I always go back to this gun for edc. I haven’t found anything better. I truly think as of this date unless S&W comes out with a CSX DA/SA the S&W 3913 is the best deep concealment DA/SA that’s easily to grip the only gun better probably would be a CS9


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Lots of opinions.

The 1911 single action was and is the standard for the past 100+ years.

Deal with it and keep your finger off the trigger until it’s “time”.

How complicated is this????

Stop trying to advocate for safety’s so you do not shoot someone because of your lack of finger discipline/control
Lots of opinions.

The 1911 single action was and is the standard for the past 100+ years.

Deal with it and keep your finger off the trigger until it’s “time”.

How complicated is this????

Stop trying to advocate for safety’s so you do not shoot someone because of your lack of finger discipline/control

And don't drop it (loaded) onto a hard surface.
The 1911 single action was and is the standard for the past 100+ years
Standard of what? It’s been very popular but it’s certainly has not been a standard as far as popularly being used by military, police, or CCWs for decades.
Stop trying to advocate for safety’s so you do not shoot someone because of your lack of finger discipline/control
1911s have at least two and in many cases 3 safeties.
Standard of what? It’s been very popular but it’s certainly has not been a standard as far as popularly being used by military, police, or CCWs for decades.

1911s have at least two and in many cases 3 safeties.

The 1911 has been safe, most used and is the MOST copied pistol ever.

How many guns have used them as a platform? Id say a lot.

1911s have at least two and in many cases 3 safeties.
The 1911 has been safe, most used and is the MOST copied pistol ever.

How many guns have used them as a platform? Id say a lot.
Dont take offense to this. Have you been drinking tonight? I have, so this is the circle of acceptance right here. No shame. But I don’t think the 1911 is the most used pistol ever. Especially when, like I said, it’s not been even the most popularly used pistol in at least 40 or so years among the aforementioned groups. And you’re claiming it’s been the standard for the past 100+ years. That’s crazy to say. In what way was the 1911 the standard in 2011?
And you said stop trying to advocate for safeties. But the gun you are advocating for literally has half a handful of them.
Dont take offense to this. Have you been drinking tonight? I have, so this is the circle of acceptance right here. No shame. But I don’t think the 1911 is the most used pistol ever. Especially when, like I said, it’s not been even the most popularly used pistol in at least 40 or so years among the aforementioned groups. And you’re claiming it’s been the standard for the past 100+ years. That’s crazy to say. In what way was the 1911 the standard in 2011?

And you said stop trying to advocate for safeties. But the gun you are advocating for literally has half a handful of them.
Lost me.

The 1911 has been copied by sooo many companies

Yup. Multiple safeties

The new version is the 2011, mostly the same gun but in 9, and double stack.

I’m standing by with it’s the most coppied pistol ever.

How many custom builders start with a 1911? @Greg Derr has dedicated his time to 1911’s.

What’s wrong with DA/SA handguns?​

Absolutely nothing. Sig DA/SA triggers are wonderful, especially the short reset version if you are into that. 1911 triggers are also good and the best of them have no comparison. All striker fired triggers suck. Some of them very little, but they still suck. Glocks make great utility guns but the triggers are sh!t- all of them. Anyone who thinks they are any better than 'tolerable' has not shot a good DA/SA nor SA.

If you are a DA/SA or SA shooter and want to get a feel if striker fired triggers are for you, especially Glocks? If you can't try a buddy's gun and don't want to spend a lot of money to check one out just get a mouse trap and some peanut butter for bait. Once you have yourself a fresh, dearly departed mouse drop it on the floor and take your shoes and socks off. Step on the mouse gradually until you reach full body weight. That squish-squish-squish-crunch-pop sensation is exactly like pulling a striker fired trigger, though I think the mouse will break more consistently.
100%. I have an Sig P226, M11A1 and Sig P229 Elite with SRTs, and they are absolutely wonderful. Silky smooth shooters and some of the most reliable pistols I own. I have a Walther PPQ, PPQ Q4 SF and a PDP and they have great triggers……..for striker fired pistols.
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