What’s wrong with DA/SA handguns?

The gun you want to have in a SHTF scenario is the best possible firearm, period. So yes, we can make striker fired arguments, AR arguments, et al. Aside from carrying a rifle around it's very difficult to argue that a metal framed high capacity DA/SA pistol isn't the best, given equal levels of training, when a nutjob walks into your local walmart bent on destruction.
Not sure if I'd carry da/sa. Does engaging the safety de cock them 100% of the time, or only certain guns? I'd try to incorporate the thumb action of cooking into my draw to have it done as I bring it up to target.

Prior to your comment, I thought you could have the hammer back, safety on to get SA trigger pulls from the first shot.

Please remove my ignorance, if any.
Shooting IDPA never had a safety fail to engage or disengage unless I forget to do it myself.
The gun you want to have in a SHTF scenario is the best possible firearm, period. So yes, we can make striker fired arguments, AR arguments, et al. Aside from carrying a rifle around it's very difficult to argue that a metal framed high capacity DA/SA pistol isn't the best, given equal levels of training, when a nutjob walks into your local walmart bent on destruction.
DA/SA vs striker doesn't even factor into what would go through my mind if a nutjob walks into a walmart with a slung AR rifle and I'm picking through avocados 60 feet away and have a 9 mil handgun on my waist. Def not gonna think oh YEA this is my moment to SHINE!
DA/SA vs striker doesn't even factor into what would go through my mind if a nutjob walks into a walmart with a slung AR rifle and I'm picking through avocados 60 feet away and have a 9 mil handgun on my waist. Def not gonna think oh YEA this is my moment to SHINE!

My thought would be "I hope I can back up all that shit I talked on NES now."
So...you're not interested in buying my HK45?

Seriously. Every HK I've bought, I've sold or tried to sell in the first year. They simply refuse to make decent triggers. What is that all about?

1. It’s in 45 aarp
2. See #1

But I could be persuaded to buy a p2000
My thought would be "I hope I can back up all that shit I talked on NES now."
Hand a complete COD gamer gun n00b an AR with a dot and he'll prob outshoot you at 25 yards if you've got a pistol with irons lol. Engaging a bad guy with a handgun when he's got a rifle only works in tv shows like the Rookie.
Hand a complete COD gamer gun n00b an AR with a dot and he'll prob outshoot you at 25 yards if you've got a pistol with irons lol. Engaging a bad guy with a handgun when he's got a rifle only works in tv shows like the Rookie.

If we were really going to let that play out in terms of 'if this then that', I'd wait for moment when shooter is not engaging me and start dumping copper solids center mass and hope he cheaped out on body armor and only has level 2.

Then switch to pelvis shots.
With a good DA trigger, it isn’t hard at all. My Shadow 2 is quite easy to draw, fire the first shot DA snd the second shot SA.

The problem is that most DA/SA guns come from the factory with a 10+ lb DA trigger.

With a good trigger, you don’t have to be some ninja and spend months training to master it. My Shadow 2 is so, so much easier to shoot accurately than a Glock with a - connector.

Get some Cajun parts for your shadow 2.

Night and day.

Not going to get into it right now, but I hate DA/SA guns.

But!!! Once I got a shadow 2 then added a Cajun kit, I was sold. It CAN be good. But not stock.

I now shoot a cajunized SP-01 in IDPA.
Get some Cajun parts for your shadow 2.

Night and day.

Not going to get into it right now, but I hate DA/SA guns.

But!!! Once I got a shadow 2 then added a Cajun kit, I was sold. It CAN be good. But not stock.

I now shoot a cajunized SP-01 in IDPA.
I’ve got a Cajun kit in it.
Hand a complete COD gamer gun n00b an AR with a dot and he'll prob outshoot you at 25 yards if you've got a pistol with irons lol. Engaging a bad guy with a handgun when he's got a rifle only works in tv shows like the Rookie.

It’s funny in movies and TV shows when a guy with a pistol walks past dead guys with rifles or MP5s lying on the ground. My 11 year old is like “pick up the rifle, idiot!” 😆
If we were really going to let that play out in terms of 'if this then that', I'd wait for moment when shooter is not engaging me and start dumping copper solids center mass and hope he cheaped out on body armor and only has level 2.

Then switch to pelvis shots.

Why you guys shooting a dude with a slung rifle? He’s probably looking to buy Takis. 🙄
I’ve always shot my best with 1911 style handguns and it’s always felt like the bullet was downrange before I felt the recoil. Anybody take a shot?
1911s are SA. Every time. Every trigger pull. You’re only and always going to pull a SA trigger. That’s feasible to get really good with. And reasonable to get acceptable with under extreme pressure. Partly because it’s a great trigger but also mostly because it’s consistent.

It’s very difficult to do things under extreme pressure and one of the best ways to become acceptable under those circumstances is to be consistent. DA/SA is not consistent. That’s really the knock on it. Is it doable? Ya. Probably won’t ever be an issue. But a lot of people don’t want inconsistencies in high stress situations where you might die if you f*** something up.

I’m not arguing for or against DA/SA and I couldn’t care less because I don’t and never will use or carry one. I’m just repeating what I’ve heard as the argument against them.
1911s are SA. Every time. Every trigger pull. You’re only and always going to pull a SA trigger. That’s feasible to get really good with. And reasonable to get acceptable with under extreme pressure. Partly because it’s a great trigger but also mostly because it’s consistent.

It’s very difficult to do things under extreme pressure and one of the best ways to become acceptable under those circumstances is to be consistent. DA/SA is not consistent. That’s really the knock on it. Is it doable? Ya. Probably won’t ever be an issue. But a lot of people don’t want inconsistencies in high stress situations where you might die if you f*** something up.

I’m not arguing for or against DA/SA and I couldn’t care less because I don’t and never will use or carry one. I’m just repeating what I’ve heard as the argument against them.

If we’re talking about civilians here, what are the odds we’ll get into a situation where we not only need to use our handgun but we need to hit an 8” target at 25 yards?

Most likely you’ll be engaging at close range where you won’t need the perfect trigger.
If we’re talking about civilians here, what are the odds we’ll get into a situation where we not only need to use our handgun but we need to hit an 8” target at 25 yards?

Most likely you’ll be engaging at close range where you won’t need the perfect trigger.
Why not train to be better at 25 yards?

Just saying…
Why not train to be better at 25 yards?

Just saying…

Absolutely, that’s what they do at the Sig classes, train DA/SA at 25 yards.

That female cop who just shot the guy in the leg at a traffic stop, I bet he’d be fine if he had a DA/SA handgun. People act like the ease of trigger pull is the most important factor in a handgun.

That first shot is always going to be the most important- not the accuracy of it, but whether you take that first shot or not. So making that shot easier to make happen isn’t always ideal.
Hand a complete COD gamer gun n00b an AR with a dot and he'll prob outshoot you at 25 yards if you've got a pistol with irons lol. Engaging a bad guy with a handgun when he's got a rifle only works in tv shows like the Rookie.

What are you, 9?

I used to think that the shit that rapetile posted was retarded but then whenever I think that you come along and post up some kind of gem like this. 🤣
Absolutely, that’s what they do at the Sig classes, train DA/SA at 25 yards.

That female cop who just shot the guy in the leg at a traffic stop, I bet he’d be fine if he had a DA/SA handgun. People act like the ease of trigger pull is the most important factor in a handgun.

That first shot is always going to be the most important- not the accuracy of it, but whether you take that first shot or not. So making that shot easier to make happen isn’t always idea

My 104 class at sig went out to 25 yards.

I love to think after all my training that I’m juuuuuust slightly better than the average xxxxx.
Absolutely, that’s what they do at the Sig classes, train DA/SA at 25 yards.

That female cop who just shot the guy in the leg at a traffic stop, I bet he’d be fine if he had a DA/SA handgun. People act like the ease of trigger pull is the most important factor in a handgun.

That first shot is always going to be the most important- not the accuracy of it, but whether you take that first shot or not. So making that shot easier to make happen isn’t always ideal.

I know this is going to sound absurd but on a lot of DA/SA handguns the DA pull is actually not the problem. I've honestly had more trouble transitioning to SA trigger which on a lot of these guns ends up being pure dog shit because the amount of effort required to break sear sort of promotes you pulling the trigger too hard in turn pulling the gun off the target by having to slap the damn trigger to get the gun to fire. Not universally but a lot of Sig and Beretta handguns in this configuration have a horrible secondary trigger where the things either a wall above five or even 6 to 7 lb or it has a massive amount of creep in it. Not to mention a lot of them have the trigger reset force equivalent to like a gay butler throwing a paper towel at someone.
My 104 class at sig went out to 25 yards.

I love to think after all my training that I’m juuuuuust slightly better than the average xxxxx.

Yeah same for my 102 (whatever the second class was), steel targets at 25 yards, by the end of the class everyone could hit it, though most like 1 in 4 shots or worse?

I wonder if recent Sig pistol classes are still DA/SA oriented? We did mostly draw, two shots, decock, reholster. Seems DA/SA focused.
Yeah same for my 102 (whatever the second class was), steel targets at 25 yards, by the end of the class everyone could hit it, though most like 1 in 4 shots or worse?

I wonder if recent Sig pistol classes are still DA/SA oriented? We did mostly draw, two shots, decock, reholster. Seems DA/SA focused.
I shot a Glock 17 for my class. Yes I got shit.

It was a mix. Several people borrowed sigs.

One guy with a borrowed sig all but shot himself reholstering
If we’re talking about civilians here, what are the odds we’ll get into a situation where we not only need to use our handgun but we need to hit an 8” target at 25 yards?

Most likely you’ll be engaging at close range where you won’t need the perfect trigger.
I have no idea. And I don’t care. Probably extremely low chance of that happening.

But if it did, or any situation where I have to pull a trigger did, I’d like it to be the same each time. And there’s a whole ridiculous amount of options out there that are dead nuts reliable that will give me the same trigger pull each time. So that’s what I’d go for.

Driving is the most dangerous thing we do. And when shits about to kill us, it’s generally braking properly that will save our skin. If I could have a brake pedal that id have to crush for one second then let up and then after that id only have to press gently to accomplish braking in an emergency situation, or one that always allowed me to press consistently with a medium amount of pressure to brake properly, I’d pick the consistent one if my life depended on it.
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