The idiot is at it again

When I went to the store last week to buy my Ruger/Marlin 1894 I saw this sitting on the counter. I inquired if they are able to actually sell these in view of its rather eye-watering price. I was informed that they are quite able to "rehome" these rifles with a surprising degree of regularity.

When I turned to point out this marvel of engineering to Mrs. Christopher her eyes turned a steely grey and she said........."don'".

Having received my command guidance for the day I was delighted to leave the store with my new 1894.

Only $9,000

Is this a great country or what........

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That's a .50 BMG I could get behind. A buddy of mine bought a Grizzly Big Boar .50 BMG and got absolutely screwed to the tune of $5000. For a single shot, bolt action, not particularly accurate and extremely heavy .50 bmg rifle. In 2009/2010 I want to say. It's sad, but the ammo he has is worth more than his rifle. You can buy a LAR Grizzly Big Boar for like $1800 now, sometimes with an optic.
That's a .50 BMG I could get behind. A buddy of mine bought a Grizzly Big Boar .50 BMG and got absolutely screwed to the tune of $5000. For a single shot, bolt action, not particularly accurate and extremely heavy .50 bmg rifle. In 2009/2010 I want to say. It's sad, but the ammo he has is worth more than his rifle. You can buy a LAR Grizzly Big Boar for like $1800 now, sometimes with an optic.
He wanna sell it for 1800?
You gotta write a book. Markey ain't wrote no books.

If you or I wrote a bestseller, we'd get SOME money. By no means could you sell 10 million books and retire. Books that sell for $18-20. You'll get pennies on each book. Maybe 25c a copy?

What DOES happen is that they take some of YOUR book profits and they seed it to "famous" people they want to make happy. There is no way that Fauxcahontas has sold enough of her boring-ass books to make what she's made - even at the low estimate. Her tax returns say she makes all sorts of book revenue. It's a great way for liberals in charge of companies to funnel $ to their friends and relations.

It isn't uncommon. To believe that all music producers treat artists the same or anything else is naive. But it sure is amazing that these Democrat elected officials write books while in power and then make a fortune off of them.

This is not part of some major conspiracy. Just that publishing houses are run, today, by the hippies of the 60's and 70's and their "offspring" so they are bent towards "oh, the Dems are taking care of us, we need to take care of them." There is no cabal. Just morons. Most confuse incompetence with conspiracy. Or something like that.
I thought the book deals were dark money payoffs like art sales.
That's a .50 BMG I could get behind. A buddy of mine bought a Grizzly Big Boar .50 BMG and got absolutely screwed to the tune of $5000. For a single shot, bolt action, not particularly accurate and extremely heavy .50 bmg rifle. In 2009/2010 I want to say. It's sad, but the ammo he has is worth more than his rifle. You can buy a LAR Grizzly Big Boar for like $1800 now, sometimes with an optic.
It is my understanding that people who shoot for a living think rather well of these Barrett rifles. What really surprised me was the fact that there is a retail demand for this sort of rifle in lieu of its $9,000 price...........but on the upside it does come with a nice case.

I guess if one can afford the initial purchase price than the cost of ammunition to feed it is a mere trifle consideration in their version of the Grand Scheme of Things.

There was a meme that said a 500 Smith and Wesson Magnum revolver was useful for shooting at a home invader.........hiding behind the your neighbor's house.

This rifle could be employed if the refrigerator the home invader was hiding behind.........was at a house on the other side of the Republic I would think.........
To be fair, Pelosi's husband is filthy rich. She wasn't anyone prior to 2008. And she hasn't written 17 books or anything like that.

Lizzie??? Either in academia or government her entire career. No way you accurate that $.
Pelosis husband made $$$ from getting inside info from Nancy. They bought plenty of real estate and stocks from her inside knowledge.
I thought the book deals were dark money payoffs like art sales.

Publishing? That's not very dark money. It's more of a Dove Gray (see - every yuppie's wall color).

Pelosis husband made $$$ from getting inside info from Nancy. They bought plenty of real estate and stocks from her inside knowledge.

How do you make $ in R/E by being married to a Congressperson in DC???? I would think you could make more with a local. Maybe he traded on her name a bit, but it's a stretch otherwise. (Think about it - the feds don't buy and sell property taht much, they allocate $ to the states to build and create projects. Plus all of your approvals and such are state-based.)

What I think is you WANT to believe that. Even the latest "insider trading" scandals associated with her??? They are like you stealing a $2 scratch ticket from the convenience store. It's just not significant enough to even bother.
Publishing? That's not very dark money. It's more of a Dove Gray (see - every yuppie's wall color).

How do you make $ in R/E by being married to a Congressperson in DC???? I would think you could make more with a local. Maybe he traded on her name a bit, but it's a stretch otherwise. (Think about it - the feds don't buy and sell property taht much, they allocate $ to the states to build and create projects. Plus all of your approvals and such are state-based.)

What I think is you WANT to believe that. Even the latest "insider trading" scandals associated with her??? They are like you stealing a $2 scratch ticket from the convenience store. It's just not significant enough to even bother.
They had / have lots of knowledge of what is happening in San Fran ( don't forget that weasel G. Newsome is her nephew) and have bought property for a steal knowing that later on the area would be profitable. Her , and her husband are complete scumbags , and you can bet your ass she used her power and info to enrich their family
So Liz.......tell me again how you are able to save $67 million on a salary of $285,000.........inquiring minds want to know........evidently an honor graduate of the Nancy Pelosi School of Financial Managment I guess.......

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Everyone of those f***s should be shot out of a cannon into the sun. As well as 95% of congress.
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