Lonely Mountain Arms
So I'm at a party, and I don't know how it started, but I hear someone declare that the Bush Administration pressured Tony Blair to have the 21 terrorists arrested this week because of "politics".
Me: Really? What were they trying to accomplish?
BM: Well, it was political - the timing, that is.
Me: And why did they arrest them that day? What political end did it serve? For example, why not do it two days earlier and shore up Sen. Liberman's campaign? For that matter, where are you getting this information? Who said it?
BM: Well... it was fourth hand... on the blogs... *mutter, mutter*
For the record, this particular barking moonbat is a friend of mine... but I couldn't let his assertion pass unchallenged. And when challenged, it seems to be nothing more than a case of BDS*.![Roll Eyes [rolleyes] [rolleyes]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/042.gif)
*Bush Derangement Syndrome
Me: Really? What were they trying to accomplish?
BM: Well, it was political - the timing, that is.
Me: And why did they arrest them that day? What political end did it serve? For example, why not do it two days earlier and shore up Sen. Liberman's campaign? For that matter, where are you getting this information? Who said it?
BM: Well... it was fourth hand... on the blogs... *mutter, mutter*
For the record, this particular barking moonbat is a friend of mine... but I couldn't let his assertion pass unchallenged. And when challenged, it seems to be nothing more than a case of BDS*.
![Roll Eyes [rolleyes] [rolleyes]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/042.gif)
*Bush Derangement Syndrome