The U.N. is coming for your guns - Update #402

How many Senators did H.Reid control at his prime ? 75 Senators give or take a few " Isle crossers " is not unimaginable.

SO it looks like this thing would ( some one else should check my dubious sources ) :

Create an international gun registry.
Ban ALL semi auto firearms from private ownership.
Require all "illegal" weapons to be destroyed.

What's the 2A problem here ? We'll all still be allowed to play with trap & skeet guns as long as our papers are in order.
Yup. People keep talking about this pipe dream of international treaty not being able to nullify the constitution. We have already gotten the response from the .gov WRT the constitution. It is as follows:


How would the UN treaty be any different we got stuck with it. Maybe the response would be:

"FOAD, we are taking your guns. You may kill a few of us, but since you all are to scared to actually organize and stick together, we'll just pick you off one at a time. We will kick in your door, shoot your dog, and take your guns. Or we will level your house in a drone attack. Don't like it? See original response above."

Yup, that about sums up my beliefs on this matter as well. Doesn't mean that many of us won't try our best to stand our ground, but if you seriously believe you could hold off a an assault by the NG, or even a good SWAT team for very long you have been watching too many Rambo type movies. As soon as .gov gets a whiff of ANY form of large scale organization/rebellion, they will nullify that very quickly. Good luck holding down your home with an AK, AR, etc. when the APVs are rolling over your house.
and it can NOT be contrary to anything the US Constitution states. Since SCOTUS said that the 2A is an individual right in the Heller case, it'll never happen. You won't ever see 2/3rds of the Senate vote in favor of such a treaty, let alone the mountain sized obstacle the 2A represents.

SCOTUS has never ruled that banning semi-automatic firearms or maintaining a firearms registry would violate the Second Ammendment. The facts that several states that maintain registries have not challenged them strongly suggests that the belief is a registry would past constitutional muster. As for the semi-auto ban, I'm not sure I'd want to take that gamble at the moment either after the recent decisions out of SCOTUS.
Congressmen have nothing to do with it. All they ever get involved in is voting to fund what a treaty enacts. (They can stop a treaty when they vote to block the funding.) The initial treaty vote, yea or nea, is up to the US Senate. POTUS signs the treaty. Repeat: a treaty can NOT over ride or otherwise negate what is said in the US Constitution.

I disagree. Congress is at least partially responsible for keeping the executive branch in check. Congress is the voice of the citizens in the federal government. When the executive branch oversteps its authority, it's congress that needs to act.
I'm sure the Russians and Chinese will be happy to comply...

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OK, so what will "Go time" look like?

Let's just say, for purpose of discussion, that the UN somehow "bans guns" on an international basis. They have a collection program, where you can either drop off, or they come to your house so you can voluntarily give them up. Assume some sheeple will do it voluntarily.

Then what? Do they start going door-to-door? Who will be the first people to start doing the knocking, knowing full well that they'll likely get shot by the homeowner? Our state or local government (police)? The UN? "Who" in the UN? Our own army? French or Canadian forces? Seriously. Who?

They better bring a lot of body bags...

And of course, armed opposition of the "International Gun Ban" would only further serve to somehow "justify" the ban, no?

Or does shooting all the gun grabbers make the problem go away?
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First will come a letter , in Registration States. Then a knock on the door.

The knock at your door will be a face you know - officer Bob , the one you say hi to at the coffee shop. He's going to be all reasonable and semi apologetic. " How's the family ? Nice doggy. Just doing my job. "

Local SWAT will be a few levels of resistance away , Then State Police , then State led NG ,

then maybe blue helmets - if people have gone all Domestic Right Wing Terrorist on their arses ...
Other countries (like Iran) tell the UN to FOAD and the UN writes another letter.

Our current Administration (dare I say Government in total?), would roll out the welcome mat, provide transport, and pay them for their time.

Said it before in this thread - Molon Labe
First will come a letter , in Registration States. Then a knock on the door.

The knock at your door will be a face you know - officer Bob , the one you say hi to at the coffee shop. He's going to be all reasonable and semi apologetic. " How's the family ? Nice doggy. Just doing my job. "

Local SWAT will be a few levels of resistance away , Then State Police , then State led NG ,

then maybe blue helmets - if people have gone all Domestic Right Wing Terrorist on their arses ...

The minute they start knocking on doors, you'll see just how far patriots are willing to go.
In Heller, SCOTUS ruled the 2A was an individual right, subject to reasonable restrictions. They specifically tossed Washington, DCs handgun ban. Heller's gun is a semi automatic. So for the sake of thoughtful discussion, what would make the banning of semi auto's reasonable?
The minute they start knocking on doors, you'll see just how far patriots are willing to go.

And there will be news stories on every TV station that night talking about how "domestic terrorists" are murdering police/NG people and how if you suspect any of your neighbors of being "domestic terrorists" you should call the police immediately. Some warning signs that someone could be a terrorist are the owning of guns, gun-related stickers of paraphernalia, hunting, etc...
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Not everyone at the same time:

They will prioritize, known or suspected terrorists first - you know X-military, Tea-Party, Christians, Gadsen Flag flying folks......Terrorists.

Sites like this will be down, they can do that now with the new Executive Order signed this weekend. So it might not even get a mention on the msm.
There is no way possible that they will be able to knock on all the doors of all the firearms owners at the same time. There is no way that they can keep the plan a total secret. There will be enough notice if people pay attention. Then act accordingly, for those you that have the balls to do so.

Most would probably freely give them up. All they need is a little fear-laden infomericals and people would be lined up at the drop-off depots. Name, address, phone number. Gun make, model and serial. NEXT!

Sure, they'd be a few hold-outs or folks that "forgot" about the "one" in the attic. And those folks would be instantly rebranded as domestic terrorists seeking to overthrow the government, or some other cockamamie, BS line and it'll work.

Wasn't there an amnesty period for select-fire (NFA) and suppressors (GCA-68)? Same thing would happen this time for semi-auto or whatever class firearm they're targeting.
Yup, that about sums up my beliefs on this matter as well. Doesn't mean that many of us won't try our best to stand our ground, but if you seriously believe you could hold off a an assault by the NG, or even a good SWAT team for very long you have been watching too many Rambo type movies. As soon as .gov gets a whiff of ANY form of large scale organization/rebellion, they will nullify that very quickly. Good luck holding down your home with an AK, AR, etc. when the APVs are rolling over your house.

I agree that a lot of people will be put down with ease, but if the American people DO decide to fight it will be more like Afghanistan. History has proven that small insurgencies can be extremely effective.

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I agree that a lot of people will be put down with ease, but if the American people DO decide to fight it will be more like Afghanistan. History has proven that small insurgencies can be extremely effective.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2

Only takes a few to raise hell for a decade. If even a fraction of a fraction of a percent take up arms, you're talking hundreds of thousands of people. It will make Afghanistan look like Disney World.
Pandora's Box = Information Age

It is no longer POSSIBLE to disarm a populace that has access to tools and knowledge.

What level of technology is required to build an AK-47? Is it something a teenager in the slums of Afghanistan could make with rudimentary tools?

Hell, you can freaking PRINT an M-16 with a 3-d printer. May not work more than a few shots but you can just print more guns.
I agree that a lot of people will be put down with ease, but if the American people DO decide to fight it will be more like Afghanistan. History has proven that small insurgencies can be extremely effective.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2

That is a good point, but the principal difference is that the bulk of the population will be brainwashed into believing the "domestic terrorist" BS that will be all over the various media outlets and internet, so organizing even small fringe groups would be difficult, if not impossible because in many cases your own neighbors, friends, and maybe even a family member will turn you in either for personal reward, or "for your own good" (to save your life). What will likely happen is there will be isolated people holed up in their own homes while it becomes "little Waco" at each location. Sure, you could always run, but to where?
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