The U.N. is coming for your guns - Update #402

Mr Weebles I don't doubt that you mean what you say, but it is so hard to take you too seriously with you BUBBLES avatar.

Whit the great lines like;
Careful Bubbles there flying down real low....The shithawks.
Green Bastard, Parts Unknown.
It's a Samquanch.

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Heller's gun is a semi automatic. So for the sake of thoughtful discussion, what would make the banning of semi auto's reasonable?
I do not consider any gun control to be reasonable. ANY.

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And there will be news stories on every TV station that night talking about how "domestic terrorists" are murdering police/NG people and how if you suspect any of your neighbors of being "domestic terrorists" you should call the police immediately. Some warning signs that someone could be a terrorist are the owning of guns, gun-related stickers of paraphernalia, hunting, etc... what?
That is a good point, but the principal difference is that the bulk of the population will be brainwashed into believing the "domestic terrorist" BS that will be all over the various media outlets and internet, so organizing even small fringe groups would be difficult, if not impossible because in many cases your own neighbors, friends, and maybe even a family member will turn you in either for personal reward, or "for your own good" (to save your life). What will likely happen is there will be isolated people holed up in their own homes while it becomes "little Waco" at each location. Sure, you could always run, but to where?

The same as Afghanistan. Brainwashed population led to believe those who resist are "terrorists" and turning them in will get you a reward.

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Mr Weebles I don't doubt that you mean what you say, but it is so hard to take you too seriously with you BUBBLES avatar.

Whit the great lines like;
Careful Bubbles there flying down real low....The shithawks.
Green Bastard, Parts Unknown.
It's a Samquanch.


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Wasn't there an amnesty period for select-fire (NFA) and suppressors (GCA-68)? Same thing would happen this time for semi-auto or whatever class firearm they're targeting.
I believe there was a one-time opportunity to register NFA weapons back in 1934.
The same information dissemination the .gov seeks to control in order to not alert gunowners that they are coming will also make it difficult for blue balled libtards to report the Gadsden flag flying, reloading 2A lover next door. If they can report, we can alert.
I also don't believe that many countries would be willing to allow their troops to be used in America, knowing full well the sheer numbers of firearms in private possession and the willingness to use them. Hell, just look at how quick some of our " loyal allies " were jumping ship due to " heavy losses " in stan and post Iraq security duties. Bullshit, they loose a few and their tails are a running.
The other factor, and I know this has been mentioned previously, is that many, many troops will not obey unlawful orders to cut down their neighbors while the country they swore to protect is being destroyed by traitors. They may at first follow their marching orders, but defection rates will quickly skyrocket. It doesn't matter if troops from California are in New England and vice versa, Americans are Americans.
One other point, the .gov relies heavily on hi tech, that playing field can be quickly leveled, just look at Irag and Stan. It would happen so much quicker at home that DHS/MIL wouldn't have time to wipe their ass, they'd be shitting so much.
There are also many, many democrats that are far from being libtards that also respect and love the Constitution that would also stand their ground if it were to be trampled by outside forces. They may have fallen for the hopey changey bullshit, but will not follow that path this time, they actually have open eyes and an engaged brain, the wires are just slightly crossed though.
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. . . Hell, you can freaking PRINT an M-16 with a 3-d printer. May not work more than a few shots but you can just print more guns.

A link for anyone that thought I was kidding about printing a gun:

Way to late to close the lid on technology now, as long as The People retain Backbone.

(In full disclosure, though of course I WANT one, I don't have a 3d printer and probably can't afford one for a long time)
Are they really going to know who has guns and who doesn't? Not IMO... (well, maybe up there in Massachusetts [wink])

Am I the only one who is blown away by this thread having over 30,000 views?!
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Are they really going to know who has guns and who doesn't? Not IMO... (well, maybe up there in Massachusetts [wink])

Am I the only one who is blown away by this thread having over 30,000 views?!

The "sword in the thatch" in an old Irish tradition and MA is mostly Irish. No telling what anyone owns in the dark corners of their attics and basements.
smitty said:
it is so hard to take you too seriously with you BUBBLES avatar.

Hahaha I've said this so many times. At the last car shoot he was saying that not that many people know of TPB.
Are they really going to know who has guns and who doesn't? Not IMO... (well, maybe up there in Massachusetts [wink])

Am I the only one who is blown away by this thread having over 30,000 views?!

Well there are a ton of undocumented guns out there, but everything bought in the timeframe that the FA-10 system has been in place in the People's Republic of MA is listed someplace, you can count on that at least in this state, and I'm sure many other states use similar types of registration methods to keep track of who has what (at least in the case of us law abiding civilians). I'm not at all surprised about that number of views since this is a serious subject that you'd have to be seriously naive to think couldn't come to pass.

p.s. if you think for a second that every time your FFL calls in a NICS that your info isn't being recorded, I have a few bridges I could sell you.[laugh]
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Well there are a ton of undocumented guns out there, but everything bought in the timeframe that the FA-10 system has been in place in the People's Republic of MA is listed someplace, you can count on that at least in this state, and I'm sure many other states use similar types of registration methods to keep track of who has what (at least in the case of us law abiding civilians). I'm not at all surprised about that number of views since this is a serious subject that you'd have to be seriously naive to think couldn't come to pass.

p.s. if you think for a second that every time your FFL calls in a NICS that your info isn't being recorded, I have a few bridges I could sell you.[laugh]

Come to pass or come to pass next week? Of course it COULD happen. The question is whether or not it's about to. The answer to that is 'no'. A LOT would need to happen before things get to that point. IF things get to that point without there being a 'go time' then there's really no point in one.
What scares me is that most of the people I know are unaware of this treaty. And I really don't know many non-freedom, non-gun people. Makes me wonder if Fast & Furious was supposed to bear fruit this very week .

I wonder how the country would be feeling about this if we were in Year 2 of daily White House barrage of Drug Cartel violence being blamed on us. How much lead time does a conspiracy to disarm America actually need ?

If the UN gets it's act together and presents a finalized treaty , and the prez has the balls to sign it , and leans on the Senate to ratify it - they don't have enough Senators to pass it.

If during the next few days some random "lone wolf gunman" shoots up a kindergarten or an equivalent atrocity occurs - And John McCain starts talking about common sense laws - I will tighten down the tinfoil and go camping.

Otherwise I'll let John Boehner do his job to save us from the evil UN plot.
I'm sure many other states use similar types of registration methods to keep track of who has what (at least in the case of us law abiding civilians).

I'm sure you would be wrong about the number of states that keep track of civilian firearm ownership. Probably less than ten altoghether that track any kind of gun registration.

In most states there is zero record of firearm transactions outside of the 4473s stashed in a dealer's file cabinet.
The biggest illusion, and the reason they'll be successful, is because even the Americans who are aware of what is going on still believe that there is a "go time" that is yet to come. You'll always believe that. They'll be marching down the street and you'll still be talking about how we are "one tick closer to go time."

Go time already happened. You missed it, slave.
The UN is an irrelevant assembly of third world primitives who write angry letters and that's about it.

"Go Time" happened when King Franklin D. Roosevelt turned the presidency into a monarchy under the guise of economic depression and a world war. Privately owned gold was confiscated, the National Firearms Act was enacted, Japanese Americans were thrown in concentration camps against their will without due process, among other evils.
I'm sure you would be wrong about the number of states that keep track of civilian firearm ownership. Probably less than ten altoghether that track any kind of gun registration.

In most states there is zero record of firearm transactions outside of the 4473s stashed in a dealer's file cabinet.

So are you saying that those other states you refer to using the required 4473s don't have to call in for a NICS check? If they do, then you sir would be wrong because just because they are "not supposed to" retain that info after the check doesn't mean they don't. Anyone who believes .gov pays for that program, and doesn't keep any computerized files is truly delusional. When your FFL calls in the NICS check with your info, they are obviously accessing a database containing EVERYTHING about you, and they know what you are buying (hand gun, rifle, etc.), so how much effort would it take them to record that info once your file is open?
If you want to think of it that way. "Go Time", was well before that, when, President Wilson signed the "Federal Reserve Act".

True, Wilson started us down that road of central banking and fighting wars to make the world safe for democracy abroad, but he only served for 8 years and didn't do nearly as much damage as FDR who applied Wilsonian ideals and took them to the extreme.

There is no myth out there that Wilson saved capitalism in the same manner stupid people believe FDR saved capitalism.
So are you saying that those other states you refer to using the required 4473s don't have to call in for a NICS check? If they do, then you sir would be wrong because just because they are "not supposed to" retain that info after the check doesn't mean they don't. Anyone who believes .gov pays for that program, and doesn't keep any computerized files is truly delusional. When your FFL calls in the NICS check with your info, they are obviously accessing a database containing EVERYTHING about you, and they know what you are buying (hand gun, rifle, etc.), so how much effort would it take them to record that info once your file is open?
OK, whatever you say chief.

PS, you forgot about FTF sales. [laugh]
So the question for you is: SInce "Go Time already Happen", Where were you, and what did you do about it, When it happen?

I didn't do anything. And, its a cowardly act that I don't do anything with all of the tyranny that I see every day. But, I'm one of the only ones who are honest about it. Everyone who pretends they will do something about it and hasn't done anything about all of the tyranny that has happened in this country in their lifetime, is full of shit. Atleast I'm honest.
Scranton PA , just sent out short checks to all their "Public Sector " people. Everyone got $7.25 an hour. They have no mo money. I'm sort of thinking every .gov unit is closing in on that point to different degrees.

At what point does a police officer , or soldier who doesn't get paid anymore just quit showing up for work ?

it's possible that they , our dear leaders with their minions , burn their own house down before the freedom minded ever get to a GoTime.

Then we'll just have to deal with 350 million panicked sheep stampeding around.
There is only so much you can do. Going out as a "lone wolf" is a no win. There are many that had stood on thier own only to get played as being kooks when they really weren't. By the time the public really finds out what happen it is not even notable. (Carl Drega comes to mind) So we must continue to communicate with one another and make ready, there will be a tipping point, and those of us far enough away from the urban centers will be ready.

There won't be any tipping point. If that is your logic, that tyranny can exist to such an extreme point, but as long as its not your "tipping point", you're not going to do anything about it. So, obviously they're calculating that and they're going to push it to that point along a slippery slope.

Tolerating all of that up to the "tipping point" doesn't do us any good. Because, everyone's "tipping point" is different. And you think everyone is going to magically gather together for whatever you think just crossed your tipping point to go do something about it then?

That doesn't do us any good.

If you're comfortable living with the absolute most tyranny just shy of your tipping point, then that is what you are going to live with.

Unfortunately, as I can admit, we are cowards and we will not do anything about it. The government will push us as far as they calculate what the "tipping point" may be. And, we will have to live with that until they slowly disarm us through a cultural war, and then you'll be a lone wolf either way.
Hopefully, the dealers have their 4473's set for flash burn in the event of confiscation because they will be the first places to be hit by confiscation forces. If your name pops up from a database as a firearm owner, you premises will be searched with the belief if you own one, you may own more. Any firearm listed as in your possession will need to be turned over and then they clean your closets, if you sold it and have no record, you will be detained as in the belief that your lying. At this point, many of the anti's will be dumbfounded because their hunting family members will also be in the crosshairs, you know, the guys that own one bolt action and a shotgun that sits above the fireplace as a dust collector, its too late then because what's left of our shredded Constitution has now been burned.
Urban centers are a joke, there's usually only a couple ways in and out, easy enough to shut down and go block by block for firearms owners, except New York City, we all know no one owns guns there. [wink]
As far as a timeline on something like this happening, it's anyone's guess, even if it was to happen. But the way our beloved president stands now, he's on a real rocky reelection slope. Any chance of him seeing his idea of a socialist/communistic state becoming a true reality, one that he has full control over the people, needs to take place either before the election to insure he doesn't lose or shortly thereafter due to mass confusion caused by him declaring he's won when in fact Romney has won, taking that 3rd world approach, create the confusion and capitalize, he could do this with an economic situation also, either way the next few months will either be the most pivotal in American history or just another boring electoral count on Nov. 6th.
Just curious, is the left wing attack on private gun shows in the scope of the Global UN gun ban? Does anyone know where I could actually read the content of the treaty?

BTW- If all democrats are wiped out (politically) in November, this goes bye bye
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