Things that make you cringe... on a firearm

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Take a picture of it next to a cat.

Kali style AR-15's FTW...


What n the name of Stoner is that... thing?

Most any "tacticool" addition to an AR. Just shoot the thing already, MAYBE with a nice piece of glass. No one cares about your skull logo on the side.
How about my NES logo on the side?

duval patrick.... alot of you just cringed hahaah

More at your lack of comprehension (Honestly, I've never seen Deval Patrick on a firearm), punctuation and the fact that you don't even know the name of our governor. [rolleyes]
I'm going to get on the ace skeleton stock bandwagon. I hate those things.

And dwarven, I wasn't refering to all logos on ARs, just the ones that are supposed to signify to everyone else on the line that you're a "switched on warrior", when it's more like "mall ninja". [laugh]
And dwarven, I wasn't refering to all logos on ARs, just the ones that are supposed to signify to everyone else on the line that you're a "switched on warrior", when it's more like "mall ninja". [laugh]

Ohhhhh... I see. Yeah, the NES logo on mine just means that I like logos and we had a group buy. [laugh]
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