Things that make you cringe... on a firearm

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Why just old SxSs? The high-end Italian O/Us and SxSs are pretty much perfection mechanically and artistically.

Might as well throw in the British sxs guns too - just not my thing - the Italians tend to go over the top, The German/Belgian guild guns are also too much for me. More art than function. Modern guns don't have the same feel as the old iron.
The words "This state has a ban for that type of firearm." I also don't like the words you have to have a license to carry. I think that is the ugliest thing to have on a firearm.
ACE skeleton stocks.



methinks it looks [rockon]
I agree with everything you said except the one about the dog chewing on the grip. I love Glocks with one exception being the Grip area. When I found out about Grip Reductions and finger groove removal, I sent my G19 to Bowie Tactical and had the work done. This worked out great for my hand size and I shoot much better with this modification. I have since done some work of my own on my Glock 26 and 30SF and this works great for me. I know it looks like my cat scratched the hell out of the grip area but it feels just fine when I shoot.
You know what makes me cringe?

A thread about what makes people cringe when they see things on guns they didn't pay for.
That image of wood stocks on an AR just made me throw up in my mouth a little.

Let me swallow it and try looking at that image again...

Nope still puky.
Can't wait to show up to my first NES Shoot with My Stippled, engraving filled, camo taped XD .45 with a fake can and laser. I only hope I can find a gold trigger before then

Add a bayonet and it would be peRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRfect......[smile]
That being said, those would be perfect with the ATI .410 upper that I'd use for trap!

i would start shooting trap if i had one of those .410 uppers. i'd deal with the ridicule because it would be SO worth it to see the fudds start foaming at the mouth when i pulled an AR out of a case.

if possible i'd have a custom-made miculek brake for the rifle, too. two shots and i'd get banned from the field i bet.
I've never had a problem concealing my P239, complete with decocking lever.

See, decockers are too complex for Yeti's. They need opposable thumbs before they can work it properly - hence they stick to Glocks and XD's and M&P's and other guns designed for use by the mechanically challenged.
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