This cop did a few things wrong, I think

Umm. Doesn't he have mace? How about a taser? Night stick?

Oh yeah. I can't imagine any of those would work if the dude had already been shot in the gut!?!? [thinking]

I can't believe the cop didn't kick him in the nuts when the cokehead grabbed his radio. That might have worked.
It's easy to sit here and second guess everything he did. I'm sure he's done it a thousand times in his own mind. Would have, could have, should have.
He went home that night and the shithead is still breathing. What went wrong?
Well, this occured in 1993. I hope things have changed since then.
If one shot from a .45 didn't put him down AND he still had the knife, I think a few more shots would have been acceptable!
Also, the suspect WAS stating that his neck was broken. I think I could have accomodated him and made sure that it was!
That's where the old 5-cell mag-lites we used to carry back in the late 1980s-early 1990s would come in handy to "throw some light on the situation"! [wink]

Very glad that the Trooper was able to walk away from that one! Too bad the perp was also able to walk!
God knows why he wasn't cuffed almost immediately.
Cuffing a struggling suspect by yourself is neither easy nor safe.

The officer went home unharmed. The perp should be thankful to be alive.

Isn't great how the .45 is the uber one-shot-stop cartridge [rolleyes]
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