Torn about doing business with the perceived enemy.

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You clearly know little of what you speak of. In point of fact, NET has been donating prizes to GOAL (and other clubs and organizations) for some time. So much for your claim of "damage control." [slap]

This is true. I won a nice Walther 22 that he donated to the RIMLC USPSA matches a few years ago. I actually ended up trading it in for an even better S&W 625 Revo. Ted treated me well, and always has. I would (and will) do business with him again.

This back and forth stuff is getting old.

I say buy it. I don't agree with what Ted did, I think he had better options, but alas I am also selfish. I would buy a gun from Mrs. Clinton if it was a model/caliber that I was in the market for at a good price. I will continue to shop at NET if they have something I am looking for, I will no longer go out of my way to purchase Ammo/accessories there but I won't boycott either. I've said it before and will be flamed for it again, but there are already too few gun dealers in this state already. Who does putting NET out of business serve? I'll tell you, it serves the Anti. Let us not cut off the nose to spite the face, no matter how much the nose looks like a rat. Just my .02.

Well said.

Sweet Lord, this is ridiculous. Everyone is going to make their own choice. No one is going to change the other side's mind.
The guy was happy to do harm to the community he is in the business of serving because it benefited him financially. I see him the same way I see the jokers that created micro-stamping. They tried to hide behind their NRA membership cards while they lined their pockets with money begotten by forcing gun owners to pay for a product we don't want, need, or gain any benefit from.

The best way to make money on a product or service no one wants is to get it legislated.
I don't have so much money to spend on guns and ammo that I need to spend it at NET.

My $$$$ will ONLY go to those who don't stab me in the back.

Sweet Lord, this is ridiculous. Everyone is going to make their own choice. No one is going to change the other side's mind.
Guess you didn't read what the OP said. He finally decided NOT to do business with NET because of what he read here. To you it's beating a dead horse but to others who will read this over time it'll help them make an informed decision.

This thread will die eventually on it's own but soon another one will pop up. If a politician,organization, or business does something that's against us gun owners obviously it's going to be a hot topic on a gun forum. If a civil lively discussion bothers you so much you want the thread locked then unsubscribe from the thread. Let the posters who want to defend NET have their say.[cheers]
I have more respect for Zumbo then this guy. Zumbo apologized immediately but still got punished severely by vendors and the public destroying his career. Maybe rightfully so.....

I have yet to see a public statement from Ted apologizing. Even rightfully so would be a change of career. We put ourselves in jeopardy if we continue to support his business model.

*And whomever made that spoof site was a genius. I laughed very hard! Thank you.*
This thread will die eventually on it's own but soon another one will pop up. If a politician,organization, or business does something that's against us gun owners obviously it's going to be a hot topic on a gun forum. If a civil lively discussion bothers you so much you want the thread locked then unsubscribe from the thread. Let the posters who want to defend NET have their say.[cheers]

I generally agree with this sentiment but one has to admit, there
is a lot of "windshield wipering with already used washer fluid" going
on here. It is more or less a rehash of the same argument that
occured in the original mega funhouse BPS thread, although there
were a few slightly different perspectives that crept into this one....

I think half the reason people are in this thread is they just like
staring at Scriv's avatar. [laugh]

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