Trail camera thread. Post ur trail camera photos.

Well i got some new pics on my camera. and i cant figure out how to post them. i uploaded and nothing seems to happen. anything im missing?
Went out for ice cream with my son and girlfriend tonight and about a mile from my house in a small feild, We saw a nice deer so we pulled over to watch him. He was only about 25 30 feet from my truck what a beauty nice mature buck He had 10 or 12 points It was starting to get dark I could not count them well. We watched him for about 5 min it was awesome, I never get to see bucks roaming I always see does. Tried to take a pic but it was to dark for cell phone pics:(
more likely some one in their new ghilley suit.

Take a close look.
2 wings (slightly folded back), tail wing, and left leg (feathers in different direction) going down to grab a critter of some sort.
There actually looks like a small tail on the ground too, right under his leg, the victim?

An Owl caught in motion grabbing it's prey. :) I would bet on that one.

I added the awesome talons in the pic. But it gives you a better idea of what I see.

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That's it, my camera needs to get back into the woods. I need a new spot though, I checked it out this past weekend and a beaver has decide to make my old spot unreachable unless I want to kayak. Should be fun getting the ladder stand out of there. [thinking]
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