Trail camera thread. Post ur trail camera photos.

Set up my stand today and checked my cameras, this guy walked right through one of my shooting lanes.
Interesting Skunk. Mostly black. Years ago, I had a totally white skunk coming through my yard, but he/she had a black stripe! It would set off my motion detector yard light and I saw it frequently in the fall.

Tails up.... stay away. Tails down, stay still!

I've had skunks walk across my boots in the woods (surprise, thought it was a bird or a squirrel) and as long as you leave them alone and do not frighten them, I have not had a spray.
Frustrating pull today. Camera has soaked since the start of August. Saw three total deer on the cam in a month and a half and nothing since the start of September.

Got a Doe with twins (one a buck) and another doe. Not leaving me feeling great for the coming season, but I'm hoping!

Got some great shots of a grey squirrel eating nuts, too. :/

STC_0074.jpg STC_0022.jpg
Just remember, as the seasons change so wont their routes of travel for food etc.. And if you see doe on your cam, come the rut you will see bucks.
fisher......good size one.

this is my next door nieghbors yard. I spotted the black blob in the tree trying to come down. I could only emagine he was up there all night and was trying to get down. He kept running back up with each passing car. Finally got my phone cam working and here he is....
keep on on left hand corner of screen
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Bobcat and fisher in Rhode Island. The better resolution from pictures (not video) would have been cool but I guess that's the trade-off to capture movement.
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