Trail camera thread. Post ur trail camera photos.

Ring camera in the driveway this morning.

Oh tell me about it. I've dug three out of me this year. Always find them in the morning too.

My boots and pants got the pemethrin treatment last month. I also go crazy with bug spray.

Now my methods are as soon as I get home, strip down in the garage and go take a shower to check for ticks. Haven't found any since the pemethrin and changing to this method.
Permethrin is the real deal. I treated my hunting clothes once before deer season last year and I never had to pull a tick off. The year before when I didn't treat my clothes I was stalking a buck through some thick brush. Every 15 minutes I pulled 40-80 ticks off my legs.
Oh tell me about it. I've dug three out of me this year. Always find them in the morning too.

My boots and pants got the pemethrin treatment last month. I also go crazy with bug spray.

Now my methods are as soon as I get home, strip down in the garage and go take a shower to check for ticks. Haven't found any since the pemethrin and changing to this method.

You need to do more than your boots and pants. Do your shirt, Jacket, coveralls, and hat. I mix my own from concentrate by the gallon so treat all outer layers liberally. I also have been known to treat the seats in my truck if I am hunting with someone that doesn’t treat their clothing.

Permethrin is the real deal. I treated my hunting clothes once before deer season last year and I never had to pull a tick off. The year before when I didn't treat my clothes I was stalking a buck through some thick brush. Every 15 minutes I pulled 40-80 ticks off my legs.

I used to have a wicked tick problem in my yard. I started saving all my dryer lint and TP cardboard rolls, filled the roles up with Permethrin soaked lint and tossed them out in the woods behind my house during different times of the year, the following season, no ticks, and have done it every year for the last five or so and have only had limited ticks on the dogs and none on humans. Apparently, all the creepy crawlys, mice birds etc make nests out of it and the ticks have nothing to feed on.
Maybe lay many yards of chip if you have the cheap means to do so. Dealing with greens is annoying.

Once I move I'll run it over with a ride on mower-that's looking at the driveway there. Chips from a future PTO chipper on a future tractor will go to the rest of the trails.
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