Trump at NRA Convention

The alternative is DeSantis that ran full speed ahead into signing Red Flag laws and didn't push for Constitutional Carry until he needed it politically. Very few politicians are genuinely pro-2A instead of being 2A opportunists.

True, but he has a better chance of winning simply because he may be able to siphon some votes from the middle.

Trump is way too polarizing.. I mean even suggesting he isn't the greatest human since Jesus, I have been called gay lol
I just want to say something before I go to bed. It's obviously no secret I'm not a fan of Trump and I don't think he's a quality person or candidate but my jokes and criticisms are aimed at him and not you or anybody else that supports him. I'm just busting balls. I don't believe in attacking people because of their political views. I respect your choice and opinions even if they differ from mine. I'm here because this is a gun forum and I believe that that the 2a is absolute regardless of political opinions. I love you #nohomo
Trump is with certainty the best 2A Presidrnt in modern history. Unfortunately the bar to sit on that throne is very low.

His personal opinions on guns are ridiculous, i.e. bump stocks.

His pick of SCOTUS judges gave us the best decision for gun rights in over 100 years with Bruen.

The NRA? f*** the NRA.

With trump in office again you could kiss your chances of any meaningful legislation on guns getting passed. With Lapierre in the NRA you can also ensure he helps cement that case. The least polarizing candidate stands to draw the least furor from the masses will be able to real shit done under the radar. The only thing trump did which was likely at the advisement of his staff was his SCOTUS picks which seem to have consistently ruled against him in many ways.
Gee, I wonder what suit cost more...
Trump is with certainty the best 2A Presidrnt in modern history. Unfortunately the bar to sit on that throne is very low.

His personal opinions on guns are ridiculous, i.e. bump stocks.

His pick of SCOTUS judges gave us the best decision for gun rights in over 100 years with Bruen.

The NRA? f*** the NRA.
His scotus picks have ruled against a number of his actions. I think that was a function of his advisors than his own intellect.
His scotus picks have ruled against a number of his actions. I think that was a function of his advisors than his own intellect.

Regardless, he gets the final decision and pushing judges through at all levels was probably the second best accomplishment of his presidency behind no new wars.
"Don't let your dingle dangle dingle in the dirt, if you must let your dingle dangle, tie it to your shirt" How many people will get this lol
It’s an old training cadence to remind the newbs to keep their dog tags tucked into their t-shirts at all times, even if they’re in the front lea(r)ning rest.
I don't think corrupt management should be elected to manage the NRA.
The design of the NRA board is to enable the corrupt management to stay in place, undisturbed, with their snouts down in the trough of member contributions. Wayne LaPierre is the very definition of a swamp creature.
Bump stocks are stupid, but they don’t miraculously change a semiauto rifle into a select-fire or full auto rifle, regardless of what the AFT claims.
So then it would be Trump looting the NRA instead of LaPierre. No thanks.
Why would he need to loot the NRA, or are you just blabbering bullshit because Trump posted some mean tweets? What the Democrat/Communists are doing with the legal systen to stop Trump from running, should scare the shit out of you, if you have a brain bigger that AOC's.
NES: Trump doesn't know anything about the 2A!

Also NES: Trump did what the NRA told him to do, what an idiot!

Reason says to me if Trump isn't a huge gun guy, he would go to the largest gun organization in the country, that the left also happens to hate. The zinger is, it was taken over by lefties years ago! Gotcha![rofl] [rofl]
So, why wasn't Obama invited to the NRA convention? He was more pro 2nd than Trump IRT passing restrictive laws.

It's about the money Trump brings and shows everybody exactly what the NRA is about.

They are BOTH a joke when it comes to our rights.
I don't know your political positions. However I do know that Neocons, Globalists, RINOS and never Trumpers use the Obama is better on guns than Trump narrative. The Obama versus Trump thingy is on page one of Leftist talking points.

I'm sure you are not in that camp, at least I hope you are not. In any event I would respectfully ask that you and others refrain from using Leftist talking points in some sort of attempt to mask your dislike of Trump.

There must be some better way to make your point instead of using Leftist talking points.
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It was this that initially attracted me to the Libertarian Party. It's stated support in the 2A. I thought they were real and supported them. Then came the brutal betrayal of the 2016 ticket where a drunk, liberal gun grabbing Republican was placed in the VP slot.

To me, this was the most serious 2A betrayal of any party and as far as I am concerned the end of the Libertarian Party.
If we think we are going to click our heels 3 times and wake up back in utopia we are just all going to be be frustrated at the end of the day. We are in a very deep hole, very deep, and it will take some time to dig out of it.
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