Ultimate SHTF rifle???

By far the best SHTF rifle I own, and I own more than two or three.

I've long been curious how many fellow Vz58 brethren we have on NES. I think of it as a fairly "niche" rifle, but I'm pleased to see so many of them in this thread. There also seems to be a moderately strong correlation between Vz58 owners and FAL owners.

Good taste, that's for sure. [cheers]
There's not nearly as many as there should be!
I couldn't be happier with mine. Fit and finish is as close to perfect as it gets, uber reliable, and very accurate and smooth. I recently finally found an optic rail as well to top it off. Very happy with it. What more could you ask for? Maybe ak mag compatability. But these are reasonably cheap and easy to find so it's no biggie really.
I think most either aren't familiar with them or if so think they can't get one here. Which you can, ordered mine brand new from Atlantic.
Fal's are where my heart will always lie though. Just something about them, wish I saw more of them around here as well. Have yet to see either at the club I belong to.
There's not nearly as many as there should be!
I couldn't be happier with mine. Fit and finish is as close to perfect as it gets, uber reliable, and very accurate and smooth. I recently finally found an optic rail as well to top it off. Very happy with it. I think most either aren't familiar with them or if so think they can't get one here. Which you can, ordered mine brand new from Atlantic.
Fal's are where my heart will always lie though. Just something about them, wish I saw more of them around here as well. Have yet to see either at the club I belong to.

My only problem with the Vz58 is that getting one basically put all my AKs out of a job. I slowly sold or traded all of them away, the last for a nice preban L1A1.

But I just picked up a Maadi this month, so I'm back on top now! It felt weird not having an AK. But SHTF will feature my Czechpoint Vz58, not my AK.
A follow up to this:

I have a plan for after Antifa breeds with the Mad Max mutants and they begin to raid the outer lands. If I'm feeling perky I'll simply drop trees across my dead end road once they enter then go after them with the Stihl 660. No need to waste ammo plus it will make great YouTube video. I sharpen my own chains but I think this is a job for a dull chain. I have my own well, so plenty of water to hose myself down after a day of fun.

If I'm feeling a little lazy, I'll just sit on the front porch with my 10/22 and zap them in the nads a la IDF style. So I guess my answer to OP's question is 10/22 Ruger. This also will make great YouTube video.


Everyone faps to their SHTF defensive strategies. F defense. Why miss out on all the fun?

(Above comments for entertainment purposes only, blah blah blah...)

Also OP must be new here to not think this one would go off the rails. I'm here to help. [laugh]
What's the story behind that pic? Do IDF just stealth shoot Palestinian and other Arab kids in the kneecaps with a suppressed 22?

Edit - looks like Israeli military considers 22LR 'less-lethal' and good to go on Palestinian protestors lol.

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What are people's priorities for SHTF? The things to me that seem to priority, in no particular order would be weight, ruggedness/durability/reliability, ammo weight, availability of ammo, stuff like that.
I would think a PS90 would rank pretty high if it wasn't for the uncommonness of 5.7, although with recent additions to the market it seems like availability is coming up and price is coming down.
My only problem with the Vz58 is that getting one basically put all my AKs out of a job. I slowly sold or traded all of them away, the last for a nice preban L1A1.

But I just picked up a Maadi this month, so I'm back on top now! It felt weird not having an AK. But SHTF will feature my Czechpoint Vz58, not my AK.
Damn I feel like I'm talking to myself lol
I haven’t shot my sks or ak since I got it either. Also currently working on de-banning a century l1a1 I just picked and have been toying with a maadi for my next ak. Always loved the beat up look to them.
Good tastes in deed!!
What are people priorities for SHTF? The things to me that seem to priority, in no particular order would be weight, ruggedness/durability/reliability, ammo weight, availability of ammo, stuff like that.
I would think a PS90 would rank pretty high if it wasn't for the uncommonness of 5.7, although with recent additions to the market it seems like availability is coming up and price is coming down.
5.7 is just centerfire 22WMR.

The P90 is awesome because it's a short-barreled, select-fire space-gat with 50-rd magazines. PS90 in MA misses literally all of that.

I'll be snapping necks, cashing checks, and beating feet to some other AO while the OP is still changing like three kinds of batteries.

But? OP, if it's what you train with and feel comfortable taking to war? Go with your bad self.

Yes. Ak irons don't loose zero when dropped, don't require batteries.

One thing I'd really want is a good AK stock where I can get a TIGHT cheek weld to look thru an optic with. I've tried RMRs, normal RDOs, etc on even the lowest side rail mounts, like RS Regulate. Like the good one you get with irons, your cheekbone on the stock tang and eye at the dust cover spring button. Issue for me is with a beard I can't get a good cheek weld any other way.
5.7 is just centerfire 22WMR.

The P90 is awesome because it's a short-barreled, select-fire space-gat with 50-rd magazines. PS90 in MA misses literally all of that.

The FN Five Seven and similarly designed 5.7 handguns seem aweseome, super low recoil with a reasonably effective + reliable, center-fire caliber usable in a self defense scenario. Just sucks to the point where it's not worth to buy it in a state with a 10-rd low cap limit. having 20rds a mag is a big pro of the caliber.
5.7 is just centerfire 22WMR.

The P90 is awesome because it's a short-barreled, select-fire space-gat with 50-rd magazines. PS90 in MA misses literally all of that.

Which makes it more reliable, no?

Isn't the accuracy step up nothing to sneeze at on a P90 vs PS90? Plus the velocity bumps?

Anything MA compliant is impossible to be "ultimate".
Which makes it more reliable, no?
WRT ignition? Probably. WRT effectiveness on target? Depends what you're shooting, no?
Isn't the accuracy step up nothing to sneeze at on a P90 vs PS90? Plus the velocity bumps?
It's a PDW. Its purpose is to protect vehicle crews better than a sidearm.

People should get what interests them, regardless of what some idiot on the internet says. From where I'm sitting, the PS90 oboe serves to remind "what could have been."
Anything MA compliant is impossible to be "ultimate".
Those VZ58s and FALs are no-compromise awesomeness. The M1 is the greatest battle implement every devised. A properly built AR15 can be a perfectly good firearm. Any of these can be compliant in MA and still useful.

You were on the right track, asking what people want to use their weapons for in their apocalypse dreams.

I'm going back to the lawn chairs with @whatluck and I'm bringing whisky.
WRT ignition? Probably. WRT effectiveness on target? Depends what you're shooting, no?

It's a PDW. Its purpose is to protect vehicle crews better than a sidearm.

People should get what interests them, regardless of what some idiot on the internet says. From where I'm sitting, the PS90 oboe serves to remind "what could have been."

Those VZ58s and FALs are no-compromise awesomeness. The M1 is the greatest battle implement every devised. A properly built AR15 can be a perfectly good firearm. Any of these can be compliant in MA and still useful.

You were on the right track, asking what people want to use their weapons for in their apocalypse dreams.

I'm going back to the lawn chairs with @whatluck and I'm bringing whisky.
Unfamiliar with WRT. I meant rimfire vs centerfire. Effectiveness on target is moot when talking about a caliber. Load and projectile shape/composition means a lot more than it's diameter.

Aye, MA compliant things can be serviceable, but not ultimate. And an m1? As in, garand?? With iron sights and a 8 round capacity of hard hitting, but heavy 30-06? Maybe for it's time. I'll take a m14 over it any day. And even an m14 is almost 70 years old.

I once got handed a bottle of Jeremiah Weed when I asked for the new liquor store owner / employees what they recommended for a gift.

Editing this because my s22 is a pos
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Pretty much lo
A follow up to this:

I have a plan for after Antifa breeds with the Mad Max mutants and they begin to raid the outer lands. If I'm feeling perky I'll simply drop trees across my dead end road once they enter then go after them with the Stihl 660. No need to waste ammo plus it will make great YouTube video. I sharpen my own chains but I think this is a job for a dull chain. I have my own well, so plenty of water to hose myself down after a day of fun.

If I'm feeling a little lazy, I'll just sit on the front porch with my 10/22 and zap them in the nads a la IDF style. So I guess my answer to OP's question is 10/22 Ruger. This also will make great YouTube video.


Everyone faps to their SHTF defensive strategies. F defense. Why miss out on all the fun?

(Above comments for entertainment purposes only, blah blah blah...)

Also OP must be new here to not think this one would go off the rails. I'm here to help. [laugh]
just grab the rail gun at that point
For hunting? Self/home defense?

Assuming home/self defense/tactical use. What carbines are being fielded by other irregular, non-highly trained/funded groups in real life SHTF everyday?

Military Arms Channel Guy made a pretty good point; that an M4/fancy gun with optics, etc is great when you have an infrastructure + company of men behind you supporting it, but for that 'post apocolyptic The Walking Dead-type scenario" he says he'll use his AK-74.

And it's simple enough that a kid can use it. (and many do every day, smoking optional)


Unfamiliar with WRT.
Sorry, WRT = With Respect To.

Effectiveness on target is moot when talking about a caliber.
effectiveness is the only thing that matters. If you're shooting something, it's because you have a desired effect. The variables you name only exist to modify your effect. Since civilians can't (easily) get AP ammo for 5.7, I see an expensive 22 mag.
Aye, MA compliant things can be serviceable, but not ultimate. And an m1? As in, garand?? With iron sights and a 8 round capacity of hard hitting, but heavy 30-06? Maybe for it's time. I'll take a m14 over it any day. And even an m14 is almost 70 years old.
Lol. SHTF nazel gazing threads are all the same. Obviously, a GAU-8 would be ultimate, and they should all be pre-86...
I once got handed a bottle of Jeremiah Weed when I asked for the new liquor store owner / employees what they recommended for a gift.
I'm afraid I've never had that one. If I'm drinking American whiskey, it's probably Ol' Grandad.

If I'm watching the world burn, I'll probably stick with scotch - Laphroaig seems fitting.

Military Arms Channel Guy made a pretty good point; that an M4/fancy gun with optics, etc is great when you have an infrastructure + company of men behind you supporting it, but for that 'post apocolyptic The Walking Dead-type scenario" he says he'll use his AK-74.

I think that’s a little dubious. AR maintenance is pretty low and it can easily be done by the user with simple tools. Keep a few cheap and light extractors on hand and you’re good to go.

What are people going to do in the apocalypse when their AK wears out a barrel?

The one benefit of the AK is that it operates better with less lube.
You just pick up your other AK, of course...

I kid, but if I'm wandering through a postapocalyptic wasteland, I suspect I would have an easier time fixing an AK than an AR.
Only because schools stopped offering shop class. Now you have to luck into a mill and lathe.
Chances are your only going to need your SHTF rifle for a handful of gunfights if your lucky, most will get hit and be out of the game even if they survive their first encounter
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