US Surgeon Jackass Murthy: "Guns are a public health crisis" šŸ¤”

Pro tip:

You will never have covid, if you never take a covid test.
I will never take a covid test. Ever.

Why would I take a test for a virus that has a survivability rate of 99.9% for otherwise healthy people? Not to mention that the new guidance if you have covid is to go to work or school, unless you have a fever. Like you really need to be told to stay home if you have a fever.
I am more likely to die taking a shower or walking down a flight of stairs and a thousand times more likely to die driving to work. Mostly due to unlicensed, uninsured, illegals with Rhode Island plates that can't drive for shit.

It totally sucks that I have such little trust in medical profession and big pharma because they are so politically and financially motivated, and clearly no longer have our best interest in mind. And with the infusion of 30 million immigrants that we have to provide free care for, it is only going to get worse.

So I really don't care anymore. If they want them, they are going to have to come and get them. f*** 'em.

My wife took the test. I refused.

99.9% of the time knowing what it is is not relevant anymore.
How many medical malpractice deaths per year vs gun deaths?
How many kids drown in pools a year?

Accidental drownings in us per year.....4800
Accidental death with fire arm per year.....500

We need pool control more than gun control šŸ™„

Ffs 3 kids under 4 years old drowned in pools in 10 days in haverhill mass alone last week! Haverhill pd and HD are all over social media about water safety. 10 one mid size city. Problem is too many soccer moms staring at their phones and not watching their f***ing kids! But yeah.....guns are the problem. šŸ™„
We need pool control more than gun control šŸ™„

Ffs 3 kids under 4 years old drowned in pools in 10 days in haverhill mass alone last week! Haverhill pd and HD are all over social media about water safety. 10 one mid size city. Problem is too many soccer moms staring at their phones and not watching their f***ing kids
It drives me out of my mind sometimes. People are often resistant to installing a complete enclosure of their swimming pool. The way the code reads, if you can walk out any door in your house, directly to your pool, without having to go through a gate, that door is supposed to be alarmed. It costs $20 bucks on Amazon, just two photo eyes and a chime, just like you hear when you walk into a convenience store.
The problem is, those chimes are easily missed or ignored, and many building inspectors don't check to see if they are working when they sign off on the permit. In fact, many towns building inspectors don't know the pool codes very well at all. However, the three most strict towns in the country are here in Mass. Newton, Hingham and Quincy. All require 6' tall, non climbable fences with self closing, self latching gate hardware for pool enclosures. State and national codes call for 4'. And in Quincy you have to have a locksmith come out and install a dead bolt on all gates. But none of that matters if parents don't watch their kids.
Wow. A MEDICAL DOCTOR, whose entire profession is to diagnose and treat disease through the art of medicine, is saying that GUN VIOLENCE is a disease, and the only cure for this disease is BAN KILLY RIFLE!!

In his MEDICAL expertise, his MEDICAL recommendation for gun violence is
-national ban on "assault weapons"
-"universal" background checks
-stricter penalties for ridiculous "safe storage" laws


Seriously, f*** this guy. Joke of a medical doctor.

This POS is just taking his marching orders from the IDIOT president !!!
It drives me out of my mind sometimes. People are often resistant to installing a complete enclosure of their swimming pool. The way the code reads, if you can walk out any door in your house, directly to your pool, without having to go through a gate, that door is supposed to be alarmed. It costs $20 bucks on Amazon, just two photo eyes and a chime, just like you hear when you walk into a convenience store.
The problem is, those chimes are easily missed or ignored, and many building inspectors don't check to see if they are working when they sign off on the permit. In fact, many towns building inspectors don't know the pool codes very well at all. However, the three most strict towns in the country are here in Mass. Newton, Hingham and Quincy. All require 6' tall, non climbable fences with self closing, self latching gate hardware for pool enclosures. State and national codes call for 4'. And in Quincy you have to have a locksmith come out and install a dead bolt on all gates. But none of that matters if parents don't watch their kids.

I'm glad we've got government to keep us safe from swimming pools with all these regulations and enforcement. Common sense laws, right?
They blocked him in 2013 when Obama tried to appoint him because of his stance of guns as a public health crisis. Guess a bunch of them caved when Biden nominated him, or did they not have the votes to block him again? The fact that Biden nominated him again 8 years after Obama did tells you who is controlling Biden.

The IDIOT president has not had an original thought since he's been in office !! He's been totally controlled by the left wing of the liberal party !!
Speaking of malpractice, I would like to know what are his credentials for that qualify him to propose policy on firearms? Is he currently a practicing licensed physician? Where in his medical education or training did he acquire expertise in firearms and firearm law? What medical liability does he have when making these recommendations?

What's your problem ? He's a LIBERAL and LIBERALS are expert at running the lives of EVERYBODY !!!
My guess is that the surgeon general received a hefty sum of money from Bloomberg or one of his dark money operations and that money went straight into the till of Biden's campaign. The reason why I say that is because all of the Bloomberg groups on Twitter were all amplifying this message with nearly the same thing about 'gun violence epidemic'. That's how I can tell it's an organized campaign. Money is exchanged, people are aware it's going to happen and prepare a response, the event happens and the pre-canned responses are played out in real time.
Take a look at this birdbrain ! He/she doesn't have a lane ! He's a dumb-ass super highway !!!!
Iā€™m going to assume in the interest of civility that youā€™re referring to the surgeon general as a bird brain, not me.

If not, please let me know so I can respond appropriately.
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It drives me out of my mind sometimes. People are often resistant to installing a complete enclosure of their swimming pool. The way the code reads, if you can walk out any door in your house, directly to your pool, without having to go through a gate, that door is supposed to be alarmed. It costs $20 bucks on Amazon, just two photo eyes and a chime, just like you hear when you walk into a convenience store.
The problem is, those chimes are easily missed or ignored, and many building inspectors don't check to see if they are working when they sign off on the permit. In fact, many towns building inspectors don't know the pool codes very well at all. However, the three most strict towns in the country are here in Mass. Newton, Hingham and Quincy. All require 6' tall, non climbable fences with self closing, self latching gate hardware for pool enclosures. State and national codes call for 4'. And in Quincy you have to have a locksmith come out and install a dead bolt on all gates. But none of that matters if parents don't watch their kids.
Those door alarms won't do shit when mom's that wear pajamas all day are staring st tick tock in a semi comatose state.

Building codes and regs don't do engaged and taken care of your f***ing kids.
I'm glad we've got government to keep us safe from swimming pools with all these regulations and enforcement. Common sense laws, right?
It may be considered harsh.....but.....Darwins theory of natural selection is a thing.

Your too brain dead to properly take care of your don't get to pass your genes on......probably a good thing.
Let's see, guns, the climate, the Bible, cash, owning precious metals, jabs (of course jabs), gardening, chickens, raising cattle, and family meals are all urgent public health crises. They all must be stopped so we can send our grand kids to die in Ukraine to save
"Our Democracy."

Fk off.
It may be considered harsh.....but.....Darwins theory of natural selection is a thing.

Your too brain dead to properly take care of your don't get to pass your genes on......probably a good thing.

That's my theory as well. Plenty of hypocrisy on here though, we don't (including me) want any "common sense" gun laws but then people are referencing other laws/regulations that need/should be followed.
Ah, cross-agency work. Nice! So is vaccination a national security issue? (Throws bomb into NES and quietly backs away - LOL)
That's my theory as well. Plenty of hypocrisy on here though, we don't (including me) want any "common sense" gun laws but then people are referencing other laws/regulations that need/should be followed.
That's what I'm saying.......rules and regs are useless and not needed.......just take care of your friggin kids.
That's what I'm saying.......rules and regs are useless and not needed.......just take care of your friggin kids.

I'm in my 50s, when I was a kid we had a pool without fences, gates, etc., all the neighborhood kids would come over, we all survived perfectly fine, but, like you said, our parents kept an eye on us.
Like the bumpstocks
An unelected bureaucrat in a 3 letter agency making laws that they cannot pass in congress
Iā€™m going to assume in the interest of civility that youā€™re referring to the surgeon general as a bird brain, not me.

If not, please let me know so I can respond appropriately.

Just to be sure I don't make another enemy, YES, I was referring to the a**h*** in DC !! šŸ˜
Let's see, guns, the climate, the Bible, cash, owning precious metals, jabs (of course jabs), gardening, chickens, raising cattle, and family meals are all urgent public health crises. They all must be stopped so we can send our grand kids to die in Ukraine to save
"Our Democracy."

Fk off.

"I'm from the government and here to f*** you up and take all your money !!!!"
It would be funny if lots of gun owners, FFL's & LE would write up BS papers on epidemiology and bombard his home and office mail with them.
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