What did you do in the reloading room recently?

Loaded up another 300 rounds of 9mm using the ZERO 125gr JHPC bullets and Vihtavuori N340. That about does it for my second canister of N340, except for some N340 that I have earmarked for the 180 grain .430" rebate bullets that I chose when I filled out the rebate form for the 9mm Hornady dies I bought. I'm still not out of 9mm factory ammo, though I might save the factory stuff I have left for my son who bought himself a Shield a few weeks back. I've loaded up so much 9mm at this point, and only shot a few hundred rounds of it, that I finally just had to give up on boxes of any kind. I've just been putting 50 rounds in each sandwich bag and putting 4 sandwich bags each into a quart zip-lock bag. That seems to stack reasonably well in my ammo locker.
Loaded up another 300 rounds of 9mm using the ZERO 125gr JHPC bullets and Vihtavuori N340. That about does it for my second canister of N340, except for some N340 that I have earmarked for the 180 grain .430" rebate bullets that I chose when I filled out the rebate form for the 9mm Hornady dies I bought. I'm still not out of 9mm factory ammo, though I might save the factory stuff I have left for my son who bought himself a Shield a few weeks back. I've loaded up so much 9mm at this point, and only shot a few hundred rounds of it, that I finally just had to give up on boxes of any kind. I've just been putting 50 rounds in each sandwich bag and putting 4 sandwich bags each into a quart zip-lock bag. That seems to stack reasonably well in my ammo locker.
Have you compared N340 to N320?
What are your thoughts?

I use N320, but being out of stock almost everywhere, I might try N340 for a few different guns.
Have you compared N340 to N320?
What are your thoughts?

I use N320, but being out of stock almost everywhere, I might try N340 for a few different guns.

I have not used N320 yet. As luck would have it, I snagged a pound of N320 in June because the vendor was out of N340. I have 1600 bullets and primers earmarked for 9mm, and those will be loaded with N320, but It will be awhile before I crack open that canister.

Unfortunately I have limited experience with N340 outside of the 9mm 125 grain JHP loads I have been making. Those are great, very clean shooting, accurate, standard deviation in the 11-12 range with the Zero 125 grain JHPs. With the 125 grain Zero JHPC's I got a standard deviation of 7.5 when I verified the same load (different COAL). So I'm pretty happy with N340. It hangs up a little in the Hornady powder drop when it needs to cut a stick. N340 is easier to cut than N110. I'm guessing N320 will be easier to cut than N340. Unlike N110, it seems to meter quite reliably to 0.1 grains in my powder drop.

I did load up some 44 magnum 240 grain Speer FMJFP's over 11 grains of N340, and that was nice out of the model 69, though even at that charge, which was nowhere near the max, it was obvious that the pressure was higher than my bigger booming N110 loads out of the same gun. I'm not sure how this powder behaves if you load it light, but it seems versatile enough, a nice alternative to your mid-range powders like HS-6, CFE Pistol, etc.
9mm. Hornady dies. Single stage Hornady LNL press. Already deprimed and resized a crapload of shells.. so now I'm running thru the expander, hand priming, then dropping powder and seating the bullet 50 or so at a time..

not sure of the brass as I'm not sorting it by mfg.

thinking my expander die was set too deep.. tried another 50 yesterday with it set a bit shallower and didn't seem to have any issues with bullets slipping back into the cases..
I loaded some 200 grain cast sized .429 to shoot out of the model 92 in .44 magnum. I did it out of curiosity and boredom. They shot like shit. The group at 50 yards was about 8". I also shot some Lyman 429421 sized .430 and the group was less than 2". I guess I'll use the .429s in .44/40.
Range trip today and found over 100 rds of 308 brass in 1 bucket. Don't typically dig through the brass buckets but it was just screaming at me.

Quick tumble to remove any debris, sized and deprimed, removed primer crimp as needed, trimmed and tumbled again. Mostly Winchester and Federal.
View attachment 372859
New bumper sticker. "Will dumpster Dive for 308"

How about "308 Trash Panda"
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This guys got primers,powder, and projos. I emailed him yesterday he stated roughly 2.5k spp, 4K srp, and 4K lpp. He also has listing for quite a few powders. I don’t know him but figured I’d post if someone’s looking. He’s in Enfield CT. I’m tapped with recent haul.
Just started tumbling some brass with walnut. I’ve used only corn cob thus far so I’m gonna compare this run to see how it compares to the corn cob.
I would stick with corn cob, if you leave it in walnut too long you will destroy your brass. I use a 50/50 mix of NuFinish car wax and Mineral Spirits with Corn Cob media. I just let it run for 6-8 hours if I want real shiny.
Ran for three hours with the walnut, just as I would corn, and it seems like polished a Bit shinier than the corn cob. It also seems a little finer than my corn media and didn’t find any in flash holes.

what’s your preferred dry media?
lizard litter , walnut .....cap full of Newfinish and Oderless Mineral Spirits.
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