NES Member
Welp...good news and bad news. Last week did 1k 124 grain 9mm. Over the last 3-4 days I did almost another 1k. I was in the home stretch today and the e clip that holds the de-priming rod in place...disappeared. Looked for quite a while and have no idea where it ended up.
First time for me with this particular break down so I kind of jumped the gun a bit. Disconnected the powder drop rod, pulled out the toolhead and removed the sizing die. (couldnt get a wrench in there to remove the die so I had to pull the whole toolhead). Went to Home Depot, then another Home Depot and finally Lowes and picked up a few 1/4" e clips. Put everything back together, double checked the powder weight and started again. (had maybe 100-ish bullets left in the box of 1k)
Im in the habit of eyeballing the case when I set the bullet to make sure theres powder in there and maybe 50 rounds in I see one that looks way low. Pull it, weigh it...1.9 grains (!?!) I was loading 4 grains of Titegroup for a couple weeks with no issues. So I start charging and weighing one by one and theyre now ALL not only low but all over the road. 2, 1.8, 3.1, etc. Usually the Dillon powder drop is right on the money every time.
No idea what the deal is but I pulled the 9mm head and figured Id switch over to 223 since I only had a literal handful of 9mm projectiles left (of that box at least). Planning on pulling the powder drop die apart and seeing whats what. Silver lining is that before I puled the toolhead the first time, I dumped the finished rounds from the bin, so I know that I have the questionable ones segregated.
About to lube up some 223 and get started on those.
Anyone experience such a dramatic change in charge weights with a 650?
You pulled the toolhead to remove the sizing die.
It's supposed to stay stable when you put it back; have same measurements - that's the whole point of separate toolheads, just swap the toolhead back in and get back to work.
I found that I needed to doublecheck all of my measurements after swapping toolheads. OAL and powder throw particularly.
But - you have second problem - powder throws are all over the place.
Four thoughts -
1) Check the alignment of the powder fixture, the failsafe rod should be dropping vertically, not vertically and horizontally. It should be straight, not slanted.
2) Did you put the failsafe rod back in backwards? It should hook through from the left.
3) Look at the travel of the powder measure. Is it going all the way forward and all the way back? Short measure implies less than full travel.
4) Did you get moisture in the powder while it was off? Is there some sort of clumping in the powder? Dump powder back into container, eyeball the fixture and refill it.
That's all I've got right now...