I loaded 241 rounds of 147 grain Berry's plated RN bullets in 9mm to finish off an open box of bullets. Man this load is light! It's above the starting load, but I basically chose it not from trying to work the load up, rather to almost run out of powder when I run out of bullets to load. Kind of silly, but I'm silly in that way sometimes. With my hot 125 grain JHP loads over N350, the Canik TP9-SFL launches the brass way the hell over there. With these 147 grain loads it tosses them one foot in the air and to the right, landing within arms reach on the bench.. It's great that the gun cycles reliably at these extremes. Not super accurate with the 147 grainers, though not terrible. Not sure whether that's the plated bullets talking or the fact that I loaded them in unsorted, oddball brass to discard. It'll be good enough for 9mm. Who really cares how accurate 9mm is?