10 shots at 23.0: avg 2504, es 100, sd 36
5 shots at 23.5: avg 2613, es 88, sd 37
5 shots at 24.0: avg 2702, es 54, sd 23
5 shots at 24.5: avg 2765, es 74, sd 38
I noticed in the 23.0 and 23.5 groups that carbon was visible on the brass back to the shoulder. In the 24.0 and 24.5 groups carbon was only visible on the neck. I think this means the brass was not obturating/sealing through the shoulder area on the lighter charges.
100 yard groups, left to right 23.0, 23.5, 24.0, 24.5. I feel like the flyer in group three was me not being up against the gun squarely, but hard to say. The 24.5g group measures 0.875" with calipers. Each of those last 5 shots felt good. Not an awesome group, but pretty good for my first test with this bullet. I may dial it up a little more, and play with seating depth a little more as well. I'm sure my technique could use some work too. This was prone off a rest.
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