What did you do in the reloading room recently?

Working on setting up my new blue xl750. Lots to adjust and a learning curve from my 550. I couldn't resist the 20% off on jan.20.
Take your time and don’t try to set every station up at once. Do one at a time and dial it in.
Remove the block that makes it auto advance to make it easier. The press will just go up and down but not advance so you don’t need to reset and move each station backwards while adjusting the dies.
Oof. The last place online that had 8 pound jugs in stock a few months ago was $400. With hazmat and shipping it’s approaching $500. Jesus Christ.
Sold out everywhere
I think I paid about $140 for a 4 pounder at Shooting Supply 2 years ago. I go through it pretty slowly so haven't had to get more since then. I just looked at their powder post from January, no 2400, but they do have all the others.

296 1 LB $38.99
H110 1 LB $39.99
IMR4227 1 LB $62.99
LIL`GUN 1 LB $39.99
Take your time and don’t try to set every station up at once. Do one at a time and dial it in.
Remove the block that makes it auto advance to make it easier. The press will just go up and down but not advance so you don’t need to reset and move each station backwards while adjusting the dies.
Will do. Having used my 550 for a dozen years, at least I have most of the operations such as primer changes, powder bars etc down. I just commented to a fellow 550 user that although that press could be a first reloading press (but I still think starting on a single stage, single die press is best to learn each operation), the 750 seems wayyyy too complex to be a first press.

I am going overly slow setting this up, enjoying the process. Tonite I adjusted the casefeed mechanism on the press as it wouldn't initially fully return to battery to pick up the next case in the feed tube.

My 550 will be hanging around, as I'm loading about 25 calibers and will work on mounting it in a new location.
The 44 mag reloads i made for the new winchester 1892 are accurate enough.....but having to squeeze the lever to get the bolt into battery......they feed fine.....but the lever stops before the bolt is in batter and have to give it a bit of an extra squeeze.

I've heard levers can be sensitive to oal with respect to cycling properly so I made the oal of these reloads exactly the same as the factory ammo I used the first time I fired it. If I insert the round right into the chamber it has just the tiniest bit of the back of the round sitting back......factory of the same oal sits flush.

Should I just seat the next batch a scooch lower? What would cause this thread bullet profile? Cuz the oal is identical to factory thay works perfectly.

Load data is below.

Should I just seat the next batch a scooch lower? What would cause this thread bullet profile? Cuz the oal is identical to factory thay works perfectly.
Yeah, my knee jerk reaction would be the bullet you're loading is wider somewhere than the factory load's. Can you put them side by side for comparison or is that factory ammo all used up now?
So seat a little deeper? I'm at 1.585 now.
Yeah just a touch.
I would go maybe .020 deeper. Crimp just a touch. More like a taper crimp.
That way you can chamber check it and if it’s a little long you can seat it a touch deeper without crushing the case

Once you find that happy length screw that crimp down tight.

Also if you’re working a near max load you could back off a tenth or two on powder.
Yeah just a touch.
I would go maybe .020 deeper. Crimp just a touch. More like a taper crimp.
That way you can chamber check it and if it’s a little long you can seat it a touch deeper without crushing the case

Once you find that happy length screw that crimp down tight.

Also if you’re working a near max load you could back off a tenth or two on powder.
Ok i get it.....maybe I'll make a dummy at the new oal and cycle it thru the rifle and check if the lever closes easily......I'll feel better about cycling it thru the rifle in my basement that way......probably should have done that in the first place.....make a dummy and chamber check it...... Not a huge deal those will go thru my 629 no problem.

As far as powder charge it's h110......can't play too much with that powder anyway.......load data is 22.5 to 23.5 I loaded these at 23.1 so I could back it down to 22.9 if I'm gonna seat lower.

Good news is the load is well enough accurate in the 1892.......that Pic was standing off hand at 50 feet. From a rest I'm sure it would tighten up even more. It's a hell of a pretty rifle.
Ok i get it.....maybe I'll make a dummy at the new oal and cycle it thru the rifle and check if the lever closes easily......I'll feel better about cycling it thru the rifle in my basement that way......probably should have done that in the first place.....make a dummy and chamber check it...... Not a huge deal those will go thru my 629 no problem.

As far as powder charge it's h110......can't play too much with that powder anyway.......load data is 22.5 to 23.5 I loaded these at 23.1 so I could back it down to 22.9 if I'm gonna seat lower.

Good news is the load is well enough accurate in the 1892.......that Pic was standing off hand at 50 feet. From a rest I'm sure it would tighten up even more. It's a hell of a pretty rifle.
Sounds like you’re on your way to success then.
Ok i get it.....maybe I'll make a dummy at the new oal and cycle it thru the rifle and check if the lever closes easily......I'll feel better about cycling it thru the rifle in my basement that way......probably should have done that in the first place.....make a dummy and chamber check it...... Not a huge deal those will go thru my 629 no problem.

As far as powder charge it's h110......can't play too much with that powder anyway.......load data is 22.5 to 23.5 I loaded these at 23.1 so I could back it down to 22.9 if I'm gonna seat lower.

Good news is the load is well enough accurate in the 1892.......that Pic was standing off hand at 50 feet. From a rest I'm sure it would tighten up even more. It's a hell of a pretty rifle.
Any pressure signs on the spent case.
Beautiful rifle and I had the same exact problem in the spring with the Marlin 1894 in .357. I had to seat the bullet .01 deeper or I had chambering issues. The manual actually listed the max COAL when I went back and read it. I love the wood on that rifle.
Do you have a bullet comparator ?
How about load data for the reload bullet.
Any data specific to lever gun?
Load data for the reload is below. OAL is set to exactly what the factory loads that shot well in the rifle was.

I don't have any lever gun specific load data.....but I'd like a reload that'll work in my 629 and the new rifle.

I think it's the profile......its got a wide nose so is hitting the rifling a touch. I'll make a dummy and drop it in the chamber and test it....then nudge the bullet down .001 or .002 at a time till it'll chamber.....and see how low I have to seat it before I make more.

Load data for the reload is below. OAL is set to exactly what the factory loads that shot well in the rifle was.

I don't have any lever gun specific load data.....but I'd like a reload that'll work in my 629 and the new rifle.

I think it's the profile......its got a wide nose so is hitting the rifling a touch. I'll make a dummy and drop it in the chamber and test it....then nudge the bullet down .001 or .002 at a time till it'll chamber.....and see how low I have to seat it before I make more.

View attachment 960054
Its not always easy getting a load for both platforms. Because of bullet ogive.
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