What did you do in the reloading room recently?

Working on setting up my new blue xl750. Lots to adjust and a learning curve from my 550. I couldn't resist the 20% off on jan.20.
Take your time and don’t try to set every station up at once. Do one at a time and dial it in.
Remove the block that makes it auto advance to make it easier. The press will just go up and down but not advance so you don’t need to reset and move each station backwards while adjusting the dies.
Oof. The last place online that had 8 pound jugs in stock a few months ago was $400. With hazmat and shipping it’s approaching $500. Jesus Christ.
Sold out everywhere
I think I paid about $140 for a 4 pounder at Shooting Supply 2 years ago. I go through it pretty slowly so haven't had to get more since then. I just looked at their powder post from January, no 2400, but they do have all the others.

296 1 LB $38.99
H110 1 LB $39.99
IMR4227 1 LB $62.99
LIL`GUN 1 LB $39.99
Take your time and don’t try to set every station up at once. Do one at a time and dial it in.
Remove the block that makes it auto advance to make it easier. The press will just go up and down but not advance so you don’t need to reset and move each station backwards while adjusting the dies.
Will do. Having used my 550 for a dozen years, at least I have most of the operations such as primer changes, powder bars etc down. I just commented to a fellow 550 user that although that press could be a first reloading press (but I still think starting on a single stage, single die press is best to learn each operation), the 750 seems wayyyy too complex to be a first press.

I am going overly slow setting this up, enjoying the process. Tonite I adjusted the casefeed mechanism on the press as it wouldn't initially fully return to battery to pick up the next case in the feed tube.

My 550 will be hanging around, as I'm loading about 25 calibers and will work on mounting it in a new location.
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