What did you do in the reloading room recently?

I just checked and the hodgedon website has load data for jacketed 158 using titegroup.......I find that interesting as 700x is a similar fast burning powders and it definitely gave me problems using published data in a henry rifle.

I know my lyman 50th has plenty of load data for 158 grain projos in 38 special but only in cast projos! 158 grain jsp for 38 soecial......crickets lol.
700-x is much faster than CFE per burn rate charts.

I'll try to remember to run the powders through GRT and post the pressure curves (and to put in the bullet jump for a 357 chamber with 38)

The jump with 38 in a 357 chamber can do some strange things to powder burn - I had some thin walled 38 cases that with fast powder and plated bullets would come out of a model 19 snubbie like you tossed them by hand or squib.
357 case with the exact same load was perfectly fine.

Sometimes reloading seems like PFM until you control for even what seem to be tiny differences.
After a few months break, I finished some 6.5 Creedmoor that I had cleaned, anneald and sized last year. Now I've started my first 38 special. I picked up a beautiful 686 plus 3-5-7 5" (already installed a Power Custom Trigger kit) I bought dies and some other goodies.

I'm going to start with 6.5 grains of CFE pistol under 124 FMJ.

View attachment 961575View attachment 961576
You need a separate seater die - not really NEED, but since yoy have the stations it helps with consistency.


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700-x is much faster than CFE per burn rate charts.

I'll try to remember to run the powders through GRT and post the pressure curves (and to put in the bullet jump for a 357 chamber with 38)

The jump with 38 in a 357 chamber can do some strange things to powder burn - I had some thin walled 38 cases that with fast powder and plated bullets would come out of a model 19 snubbie like you tossed them by hand or squib.
357 case with the exact same load was perfectly fine.

Sometimes reloading seems like PFM until you control for even what seem to be tiny differences.

You need a separate seater die - not really NEED, but since yoy have the stations it helps with consistency.
I'd consider cfe a medium burn rate sure.

My point is more than just because a recipe is "published" as a pistol carteridge......oh boy.....doesn't mean it'll be ok in a rifle.......might not even be safe to shoot on a rifle.
I'd consider cfe a medium burn rate sure.

My point is more than just because a recipe is "published" as a pistol carteridge......oh boy.....doesn't mean it'll be ok in a rifle.......might not even be safe to shoot on a rifle.
I believe I read your post wrong and thought you said 700-x and CFE Pistol were similar burn rates.
And I agree that reloading data is only good for the conditions and barrel length specified.

Did some quick loads with GRT - doesn't look like much difference but add a 0.135 jump for the 38/357 chamber length difference and you can see the effect larger effect on Titegroup

There is a bullet resistance parameter but I don't have knowledge or data on how to tweak that - would probably need a couple of barrel lengths and a bunch of loads to get it right for each bullet type.


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I added capability to cut down .223 brass down to 300BLK, since I built a couple 300BLK's.

Bought the little saw from HF and the .300 BLK jig from Amazon. Works great, cut down and sized a bunch the other night. Now just waiting for the trimming jig to come in, I bought a drill mounted one, and the regular Lee that goes on my brass prep station.....Im sure the drill one is faster. But it will be good to have both. I bought the collet in the drill one for 6.5 manbun as well.....
Setup the swage in a better location and tested things out. So far so good. Only thing that would make it better is if I went automated or upgraded to a 1050.

Swaged a shitload of cases.
View attachment 962547
This tool is a new to me. Why are some primers crimped? And does a primer pocket reamer get rid of a crimp?
This tool is a new to me. Why are some primers crimped? And does a primer pocket reamer get rid of a crimp?
Lots of mil ammo has crimped primers as does several civilian manufactured ammo. Swaging gets rid of the crimp and rounds off the material allowing primers to seat easily.

You can sort by headstamp or look at each case I dividully tk see if they need it or not but I’ll save my eyesight and can swage every piece of brass faster than I can look at each piece tk determine if it’s needed.
Here are the "mostly non-crimped" headstamps for 223/556. I say mostly since you will find crimps on some, like Norma 223. There are also really rare ones like an FC 223 with a larger font that are uncrimped. Range pickup (depending on the range of course) is about 35% uncrimped, mostly PMC, GFL and RP.

Non crimped
Hornady 223
Super Vel
S&B 223
Fiocchi (this is a separate one from GFL)
PPU (one with no date)
U (this is one that looks like a horseshoe that goes to the edge of the brass)
Norma 223

The ones with "223" have both a 556 and a 223 variant.

I can only do this because of the optical sorter I have. I continue to tweak it, but I've got it to the point where it's 97% correct on most sorting and 99% on some headstamps (like LC with the year).
Swaged another couple hundred cases, wet tumbled a batch to clean the primer pockets and get rid of the case lube.
Normally I would lay the cases out in the sun to air dry but that’s not happening with these cold temps so I attempted to bake them in the oven for a bit. 170° F for 30 minutes and they came out fine.

Wife looked at me funny when she saw my loading a pan with brass. Pretty sure I heard her call me an idiot. IMG_0626.jpeg
Love those molds
So do I !! That was about 1/3 of what I made. Pic is deceiving because you can’t tell the height of the pile from that angle but I coated up about 750 and probably had another 300 or so cast by the time they were done coating.

No need to water drop today. I just place the whole rack in the snow and fluffed some snow over the bullets. Nice and easy lol.
Swaged another couple hundred cases, wet tumbled a batch to clean the primer pockets and get rid of the case lube.
Normally I would lay the cases out in the sun to air dry but that’s not happening with these cold temps so I attempted to bake them in the oven for a bit. 170° F for 30 minutes and they came out fine.

Wife looked at me funny when she saw my loading a pan with brass. Pretty sure I heard her call me an idiot.View attachment 962897
Was going to ask if you waited for her to go out but finished reading. I did that in my youth with a pair of cylinder heads I was putting seats in didn't go over well
So do I !! That was about 1/3 of what I made. Pic is deceiving because you can’t tell the height of the pile from that angle but I coated up about 750 and probably had another 300 or so cast by the time they were done coating.

No need to water drop today. I just place the whole rack in the snow and fluffed some snow over the bullets. Nice and easy lol.
Schupter thinking of getting one of these and doing some Comercial stuff I contacted them the other day for lead time
Schupter thinking of getting one of these and doing some Comercial stuff I contacted them the other day for lead time
Let me know how expensive they are.

Just recently on FB marketplace there was a 4 mould casting machine and an automatic swaging machine for making jacketed bullets.
10k I think. It’s like a 20k set up
Let me know how expensive they are.

Just recently on FB marketplace there was a 4 mould casting machine and an automatic swaging machine for making jacketed bullets.
10k I think. It’s like a 20k set up
There in Europe 5k ish but I'll let you know what it is here. Would be an interesting endeavor. Pair with a commercial press and could be interesting
Let me know how expensive they are.

Just recently on FB marketplace there was a 4 mould casting machine and an automatic swaging machine for making jacketed bullets.
10k I think. It’s like a 20k set up
It was in PA if I remember correctly, but I just looked for the post and I can't find it anymore.
Let me know how expensive they are.

Just recently on FB marketplace there was a 4 mould casting machine and an automatic swaging machine for making jacketed bullets.
10k I think. It’s like a 20k set u

It was in PA if I remember correctly, but I just looked for the post and I can't find it anymore.
Was it the ace machine

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