Just don't confuse what Len says about legal with the consequences of the hospital staff finding out. As Len says, the most they can do is ask you to leave (if you are not a patient) or secure the weapon with hospital security if you are a patient. However, if you are not a patient they may well call the local PD as well. It's not inconceivable in a worst case scenario for the local PD to contact your home town PD and inform them of what happened. From there, who knows what might happen?
In Boston, Boston Medical Center and Tufts are physically and institutionally attached to medical schools. It's a little bit murkier at Harvard MS, because their campus is next to Children's Hospital, Beth Israel Hospital, and Brigham and Women's Hospital. All three are HMS teaching hospitals, although none of them are "owned" by them.
I hope we can put this to rest (permanently would be nice) with my following statement that I believe we can both agree on.
IF ANYONE AT ANY TIME EVER SEES YOUR GUN, IT IS NOT PROPERLY CONCEALED AND "BAD THINGS MAY HAPPEN!" Thus, if you are truly carrying concealed there should never be any issue, your chief will never know, and you now know that you are not violating any laws.
If you expose your gun any time outside of a gun club/shooting range, any sheeple could call the PD, your chief "MAY" be notified, and thus you could lose your license (as happened to Joe in Dedham - he didn't do anything wrong and still got screwed).
My position is do a good job at keeping it concealed and don't worry about something that won't happen.
Now to address some of your other examples:
- Since my Wife works for Partners Healthcare (as does SR's Husband), I know a little about their "structure". MGH, BWH, DFCI, Faulkner, McLean, Newton-Wellesley, No. Shore Med'l Ctr, etc. are NOT part of any college, they are defined as "teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School" by the
www.partners.org website. Thus, you can LEGALLY carry at these hospitals.
- Short story: My Wife had terrible back pains one Saturday (a few years ago) and the doctor told her to go to BWH ER and get checked out. They decided to do an MRI, but no doctors present could read the MRI, so they had us hang out then put Deena in the overnight holding area for the ER. The nursing staff was great, but finally admitted at ~0230 Sunday morning that it was hopeless waiting any longer and I could stay overnight in a reclining lounge chair beside Deena or head home, picking her up the next day after they read the MRI. I opted for home. The nurse begged me to get hospital security (unarmed) to escort me to my car (way down on Brookline Ave, by the area that the street people live in the wooded area). Finally I told her that I was well armed and could take better care of myself than the security people could do for me. She got the idea and said "OK, just be safe". Nobody saw anything, nobody called Boston PD or my chief, no problem.