Worman v. Baker (MA AWB) Oral Arguments 1-9-2019

Thank you. I dont have access to PACER and the site i was looking at doesnt have anything past April 24th. Now i know " im not worthy" ha ha. Thanks again.
You can register for free and if you don't go over a certain monthly usage you don't have to pay. The relevant case at the moment is in the First Circuit, Case 18-1331. The District Court case is on hold until the 11th Amendment appeal is ruled on. After you search you have to click on the case number to get to the docket, it's confusing because the case name is right below it and they look like the same link.

Or, after you log into PACER, click here: https://ecf.ca1.uscourts.gov/n/beam...&caseNum=18-1331&incOrigDkt=Y&incDktEntries=Y

Latest filing is here, if you don't want to use up your PACER limit: Uploadfiles.io - Pullman 6-18.2018.pdf

Realistically, Comm2A does a pretty good job on notifying us. These 63 pages don’t mean much till a ruling is rendered.

The one that's going to trial isn't a Comm2a case, though they may be involved for all I know.

Healey's filing was yesterday at 4:45pm, so I just happened to check at the right time
Realistically, Comm2A does a pretty good job on notifying us. These 63 pages don’t mean much till a ruling is rendered.
Unfortunately, there's that day-job thing. As much as we'd like to do this full-time, we can't. Keeping the website up to date and email blast are low on the list of priorities behind managing litigation and dealing with all in problems people come to us with. Right now, the FLRB thing is hot topic and is keeping us very busy.
You can register for free and if you don't go over a certain monthly usage you don't have to pay. The relevant case at the moment is in the First Circuit, Case 18-1331. The District Court case is on hold until the 11th Amendment appeal is ruled on. After you search you have to click on the case number to get to the docket, it's confusing because the case name is right below it and they look like the same link.

Or, after you log into PACER, click here: https://ecf.ca1.uscourts.gov/n/beam...&caseNum=18-1331&incOrigDkt=Y&incDktEntries=Y

Latest filing is here, if you don't want to use up your PACER limit: Uploadfiles.io - Pullman 6-18.2018.pdf
If someone with an account uses the RECAP extension on Chrome or Firefox, it becomes available for everyone else to view for free.

RECAP Project — Turning PACER Around Since 2009

Good. Keep it up.
'The ban is unconstitutional' <<< this 100,000 times over. Mag limits, the whole thing etc...etc..etc..
“Because the law includes an exemption for law enforcement and retired law enforcement clearly demonstrates that these arms are suitable for self-defense because all arms carried by law enforcement are for defensive purposes.”
Love the pointing out of the double standard. Not that it will do any good but it doesn’t hurt to have it out there.
Today the First Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral arguments in Worman v. Baker to challenge the MA AWB. Audio will probably be posted tomorrow, January 10th, at First Circuit Oral Arguments

For more information on the case, please visit Worman v. Baker - Commonwealth Second Amendment, Inc. (comm2a.org).
There are some rather strange "evidence" that AWB are effective from Stop Handgun Violence that you can read about in the link above.

"Extensive research also establishes the terrible cost – emotional, social, and economic – that is borne by places where mass shootings occur. The assault weapons ban has effectively shielded Massachusetts from these horrific costs for the last two decades. The assault weapons ban is constitutional and the district court properly upheld it."

Hopefully the court will say the ban is unconstitutional, but we will probably have to wait a while before we have a ruling and regardless of the outcome it will most likely be petitioned to SCOTUS I would think.
If anyone were there maybe they can chime in so we don't have to wait until tomorrow...
After having listened to the arguments from both sides, I am not so optimistic on the outcome since the justices were a lot more critical to the plaintiff's lawyer. It didn't seem like that the court bought the argument that it was a ban on a class of weapons since not all semi automatic guns were banned. The defendant's lawyer argued that these weapons (ie. ar-15) were offensive weapons with no defensive uses...
After having listened to the arguments from both sides, I am not so optimistic on the outcome since the justices were a lot more critical to the plaintiff's lawyer. It didn't seem like that the court bought the argument that it was a ban on a class of weapons since not all semi automatic guns were banned. The defendant's lawyer argued that these weapons (ie. ar-15) were offensive weapons with no defensive uses...
Is the offensive/defensive justification for gun rights a new argument? Historically I think the intent of the 2A was offensive. Defense is just value added.
Didn't Miller decision say something about a short shotgun or something not used by military?
The judges' logic that restriction on AR style rifles is not a ban on them, just leads to the expansion of restrictions until it is a defacto ban.

The defendant's/AAG also argued that self defense isn't self defense until AR shots are fired or that more than 10 handgun shots are fired.

My AR with 30rd mag is definitely defending my house and she can't tell me otherwise.
Retired SCOTUS Justice Souter is on the 3-judge panel for this case.

Souter, you may recall, was one of the 4 dissenting votes in Heller.

So you should have a pretty good sense of how he's going to decide this one.
I just listened to the entire argument, while the judges questioned both parties, I think our side made some very valid points. I hope these judges rule in our favor but the past leads me to think this will stand as is.
As mentioned in the NSSF filed vs AGO! thread...
On a related note, we (Comm2A) have until September 23rd to file our cert petition in Worman, our AWB case.

It just looks so cool to see this the Worman case listed on the SCOTUS website.
Search - Supreme Court of the United States

Filing for cert and taking this case to SCOTUS takes dough.

Just added another donation, smaller this time but I hope to continue to chip away.
Join / Donate - Commonwealth Second Amendment, Inc. (comm2a.org)

I want to be a part of the team that gets this case before SCOTUS if only in my small way.

As mentioned in the NSSF filed vs AGO! thread...

It just looks so cool to see this the Worman case listed on the SCOTUS website.
Search - Supreme Court of the United States

Filing for cert and taking this case to SCOTUS takes dough.

Just added another donation, smaller this time but I hope to continue to chip away.
Join / Donate - Commonwealth Second Amendment, Inc. (comm2a.org)

I want to be a part of the team that gets this case before SCOTUS if only in my small way.


Donated. I love supporting 2A and getting a tax writeoff at the same time.
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