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I find it "interesting" that no one from Comm2A has commented???
Maybe they are too busy "crossing their fingers" to type an update on this thread?
or maybe they need to maintain silence for now? or too busy?I find it "interesting" that no one from Comm2A has commented???
Maybe they are too busy "crossing their fingers" to type an update on this thread?
Unfortunately I tend to agreeSCOTUS will punt on this one.
SCOTUS will punt on this one.
SCOTUS will punt on this one.
So, could the AG send out another letter saying "just kidding, carry on as if 6/20 never happened" to try and avoid this? kinda like what NYC tried to do, or are we way past that?
wasn't a "slam" against any of the Comm2A staff/volunteers/etc.Comm2A is a handful of people who have actual day jobs and lives outside this forum and doing Comm2A stuff. I'm guessing Knuckle Dragger hasn't even seen the updates to the thread.
As you already noted, this isn't really interesting news anyways - the case arrived at SCOTUS and cert has been applied for, that's it. The only interesting thing that'll happen is SCOTUS will either grant or deny cert, and there's no way to know which way that'll go until it happens.
So, could the AG send out another letter saying "just kidding, carry on as if 6/20 never happened" to try and avoid this? kinda like what NYC tried to do, or are we way past that?
There is an ego there the size of Mount Everest .
She really does believe the public serves her and not the other way around.
She will ride it in.
Great , now I have to kill some brain cells to get that picture out of my head.Ew. 3 words that shouldn't go together she(referring to Maura) and ride it
You deserve a vacation. Thanks for all your work folks!I’m actually on a shot vacation this week. No computer, out of cell range and only very limited WiFi.
I don’t think Worman will get a cert grant. There are already too many good and less controversial petitions pending. But these issues still have to be put before the court.
We may know a lot more about pending petitions on October 2nd. I also hope to get an OT 2019 preview posted by then.
Correct. Worman challenges the AWB. The NSSF case - still in the district court - challenges AG Healey's new interpretation of the AWB.I think what you all are missing is that the Worman case isn't JUST about the Healey letter. It's about the '94 AWB and mag limits and all the other BS associated wiht the MA AWB. Becasue of this it might trigger SCOTUS Cert due to it's direct conflict with Heller AND the fact there are similar cases ongoing in NY, NJ, and CA.
"The complaint make three allegations:
- That the Massachusetts Assault Weapons Ban is unconstitutional because it bans the possession of an entire class of 'arms' that are in common use by law-abiding adult citizens in violation of the Supreme Court's decision in DC v. Heller.
- That the Attorney General's July 20, 2016 Notice of Enforcement is unconstitutional because it amounts to an ex post facto enlargement of an existing criminal statute.
- That the term "copies or duplicates" is unconstitutionally vague because law-abiding citizens of average intelligence are not aware of what conduct is prohibited."