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I figured it out after the 4th one!they have figured out what causes them babies FYI

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I figured it out after the 4th one!they have figured out what causes them babies FYI
Get the F to work, slacker!
Everyone is always so excited on TV and movies when they have a new baby. I was scared crapless all 3 times. "S-word. My life just changed. . . . again!"
And in the meantime, I (and every other MA gun owner with a brain) will be buying a couple cases of stripped lowers.
Can you imagine that political calculation? Walk-back some very-popular state-level gun control (taking heat from constituents all along the way) to avoid SCOTUS review, or roll the dice with a SCOTUS review and potentially see a lot of other gun control get undone . . .
Yup if this FAQ gets slapped down I'm going shopping same day. The legislature probably has the new bill already penned.
Take note of WTF happened in CA. The court stuck down the mag ban, the reversed itself ... but, under the court order, >10 round mags procured during the window of legality remain legal. There will be a rush on lowers in MA if things open up a bit because gun owners are not going to let themselves get ambushed twice in a row.Yup if this FAQ gets slapped down I'm going shopping same day. The legislature probably has the new bill already penned.
Lowers are already widely available.Take note of WTF happened in CA. The court stuck down the mag ban, the reversed itself ... but, under the court order, >10 round mags procured during the window of legality remain legal. There will be a rush on lowers in MA if things open up a bit because gun owners are not going to let themselves get ambushed twice in a row.
Why did you stop shopping? Find an ffl who isn't a pussy who will mtransfer a lower to you and call it a day. Healey ain't bringing anyone to court over this shit. Its all scare tactics to keep ffls from selling.
Lowers are already widely available.
Healy crap falls into two buckets
1) stuff that while utter crap has some basis in law and a marsupial MA court might agree with
2) totally made up out of thin air and no basis in law
the statement about lowers of AW being AW is #2. It’s still a paperweight under MA law and therefore lots of dealers are selling paperweights. 4473 and off you go.
And in the meantime, I (and every other MA gun owner with a brain) will be buying a couple cases of stripped lowers.
Do you find this believable:
Lowers are already widely available.
Healy crap falls into two buckets
1) stuff that while utter crap has some basis in law and a marsupial MA court might agree with
2) totally made up out of thin air and no basis in law
the statement about lowers of AW being AW is #2. It’s still a paperweight under MA law and therefore lots of dealers are selling paperweights. 4473 and off you go.
I bet what really happened is the dealer in question was selling off list guns as frames straight up. Buy gun, break down, sell frame to MA resident, back door the slide. That will get you nailed the moment someone figures it out. It had nothing to do with AR lowers. That is my bet.
Which is why the smart ones have lawyers.FFLs get harrassed all the time for doing things that are completely legal.
Take note of WTF happened in CA. The court stuck down the mag ban, the reversed itself ... but, under the court order, >10 round mags procured during the window of legality remain legal. There will be a rush on lowers in MA if things open up a bit because gun owners are not going to let themselves get ambushed twice in a row.
I call bullshit on the ATF audit caring. The ATF just audited every dealer at the Littleton Mill in June and July and other than the normal small paperwork issues everyone passed. There was ZERO scrutiny of lower transactions. Inventory audit, one year of 4473s, thank you and good bye. We had every inspector in a 300 mile radius on site, Boston, Hartford, NH, etc.
Now the local licensing authority may have overstepped their authority and pulled the “may issue” state license claiming a violation. I would love to see the details on that one. Pulling based on Healy is a shortcut to court proceedings on a Healy that I have to imagine everyone on our side would jump on.
I bet what really happened is the dealer in question was selling off list guns as frames straight up. Buy gun, break down, sell frame to MA resident, back door the slide. That will get you nailed the moment someone figures it out. It had nothing to do with AR lowers. That is my bet.
FFLs get harrassed all the time for doing things that are completely legal.
Do you find this believable:
Clarity is needed around audits. There are two types, ATF and local licensing authority.Gartman Arms was being audited years ago and it made the owner nuts. He said they would harass him every few years.
The licensing authority shall enter, one time per calendar year, during regular business hours, the commercial premises owned or leased by any licensee, wherein such records required to be maintained under this section are stored or maintained, and inspect, in a reasonable manner, such records and inventory for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this section. If such records and inventory contain evidence of violations of this section, the inspecting officer shall produce and take possession of copies of such records and, in the event that the licensee subject to inspection does not possess copying equipment, the inspecting officer shall arrange to have copied, in a reasonable time and manner, such records that contain evidence of such violations and the costs for such copying shall be assessed against the owner of such records. Licensees found to be in violation of this section shall be subject to the suspension or permanent revocation of such license issued under section 122 and to the provisions of section 128. Nothing herein shall prohibit the licensing authority or the department of state police from conducting such inspections pursuant to a valid search warrant issued by a court of competent jurisdiction.
Clarity is needed around audits. There are two types, ATF and local licensing authority.
The ATF audits on average every 5 years (what they told me/us). If they find significant issues, they will increase an individual FFLs audit frequency to as frequently as every year. I know FFLs that are on the every year plan. They do this to insure that large issues are addressed after which they return to the ~5 year plan (sounds like a socialist country). Remember, the ATF cares about FEDERAL law and regulations. Correct bound book. Inventory matches book. 4473s correctly filled out, etc.
Then there is the local licensing authority. By law (MGL 140 123) they SHALL audit dealers every year (once per calendar year). They are looking at MA law and need to insure compliance with the MGL 140 123 paragraphs 1 through 21. Glidden's book has a nice checklist of made up steps that are not aligned with MA law that most licensing authorities use. In any case, yearly audits by the local licensing authority are the law. Harassment? possible. That is why you have a lawyer. The law actually says "in a reasonable manner" for how the audit shall be conducted
From MGL 140 123
So if they visited Gartman Arms "every few years" it does not necessarily imply "harassment"
Take note of WTF happened in CA. The court stuck down the mag ban, the reversed itself ... but, under the court order, >10 round mags procured during the window of legality remain legal. There will be a rush on lowers in MA if things open up a bit because gun owners are not going to let themselves get ambushed twice in a row.
Having a couple cases of stripped lowers is a nice "FU" but unless you also have a couple cases of LPK's, a couple cases of barrels, a couple cases of uppers, a couple dozen cases of magazines, etc., it doesn't mean much.
Having a couple cases of stripped lowers is a nice "FU" but unless you also have a couple cases of LPK's, a couple cases of barrels, a couple cases of uppers, a couple dozen cases of magazines, etc., it doesn't mean much.
Since you are hearing more about people busted with ghost guns in the news I do worry about new laws regarding parts kits. I have seen a few being thrown around in discussions among anti 2A regulars.
I have shipped a lot of normal capacity magazines to out of state addresses recently. You are not the only person thinking this way.After CA, I started to stock up on magazines out of state for everything I currently own, may own, or would own if our unconstitutional laws were shut down. I wouldn’t have to worry about stores selling out during a narrow window.
No reason they will grant cert on this. Maybe in a couple years when Trump needs to put a RBG replacement on the court they will have something worth deciding.
Theres zero chance they will see this case. SCOTUS's strategy has been to see the stupidest most niche 2A cases possible so they can pretend they are keeping an eye on 2A. Then all the actual legit shit that needs to be heard gets brushed aside.
Looking at you NYC case coming up. Complete waste of f***ing time compared to the real shit going down. Scotus will hear it, be proud that it hear its occasional gun case and then continue to deny all the other cases.
Even if we win NYC we lost big time by wasting our time on bullshit.
Not sure I understand that. The NYC case could prevent a lot of states creating and pulling laws to avoid SC scrutiny. That by itself would be valuable.
In the age of the antis trying to ban SKS's under AWBs theres bigger fish to fry right now. The "you can own these guns for X arbitrary reasons" case law is not currently in our favor and at this rate isnt going to be.
Just wait till our case here in MA gets to SCOTUS and they say no thanks. It's a case that would be impossible to lose in SCOTUS short of them refusing to hear it. Which is what they are going to do since they are getting their freebie 2A case out of the NYC challenge.
Instead of striking down arbitrary bans we are striking down NYC's games. Ones a lot more important than the other.
SCOTUS has been going way out of its way to avoid legit 2A cases. It mailed it in with Heller with "common use" whatever the f*** that means (because AR15s are the most common rifle sold yet apparently still fail to qualify under every court that hears this), and then onto Caetano which said if the gun didnt exist 9,000 years ago it's still covered under the 2A. And here we are back again with states still banning guns arbitrarily for looking to killy, etc.
They refuse to define what common is, what an authorized bearable arm is, etc. They just use vauge language that gives enough space for hostile courts to abuse.
i hope your rightWhen the Court was divided 50/50 nobody wanted to take 2A cases. Now they're taking them because they have a 2A majority. We really need one more Trump appointee though.