Worman v. Baker (MA AWB) Oral Arguments 1-9-2019

that sounds like a trial by mob, may be the judge needs some outing and free publicity then ... to keep his/her decisions in line with mob.

See Caetano... That's exactly what happened. SCOTUS stepped in and smacked down the SJC with withering language.
The July 2016 edict was Left-wing Statist Gang Initiation: she had to prove herself worthy of the Cabinet by taking a giant shit on MA gun owners.

Her ambitions are beyond shithole Massachusetts, her best bet at this point is a Warren Vice Presidency so she can backfill Left-wing Statist Senator from MA. She needs to get as far away from MA as possible before SCotUS gets a hold of her edict in a couple years.
Fixed it !
Fixed it !

I doubt Warren-Mora ticket, too much NorthEast for a national run, moonbats of CA and NJ and NY want in too and there is no more vicious than your own moonbats backstabbing you ala Clinton-Bernie rape.

In any case, thank you for the update, it would be interesting to see how this pans out soon enough.
I doubt Warren-Mora ticket, too much NorthEast for a national run, moonbats of CA and NJ and NY want in too and there is no more vicious than your own moonbats backstabbing you ala Clinton-Bernie rape.

In any case, thank you for the update, it would be interesting to see how this pans out soon enough.

I think Squire was inferring that if Warren runs for VP, Mora would be appointed or elected Senator from Massachusetts.
I'm banking on the Political Black Hole nature of the MA AGs office... IIRC, the last person who stayed in public service after leaving the AGs office was a judge in the mid-1940s.
...Patiently waiting.
sooooo..... Nothing today?
Yeah.... Crap, I forgot it got moved up because it was at BU law. It ended a little while ago. I don't like for us to give updates on it, because it's usually tinged with confidential info even if we try to hide that. Anyhow, hopefully someone went who can give a more detailed report. I will keep en eye out for the transcript.

Electronic Clerk's Notes for proceedings held before Judge William G. Young: Motion Hearing held on 2/9/2018 at Boston University Law School re 57 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by David Seth Worman, On Target Training, Inc., Overwatch Outpost, Gun Owner's Action League, Inc., Paul Nelson Chamberlain, Jason William Sawyer, Anthony Linden, 61 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by Daniel Bennett, Maura Healey, Richard D. McKeon. After hearing from counsel, the Court takes the matter under advisement. (Court Reporter: Richard Romanow at bulldog@richromanow.com.)(Attorneys present: Attorneys Sweeney, Nardone, Woodward and Campbell for the plaintiffs, Attorneys Kobick, Porter and Klein for the defendants) (Gaudet, Jennifer)​
I didn't make it but I hear it was routine. We're waiting for the judge's ruling.
Keep fighting? Sure, but I admit, you can put a fork in Mass. It's done. Pretty much at Molon Labe now.
Was this intentional to force the issue in front of a national stage? They pretty much said that this isn't the right venue (applying a federal right to a state right).
Read the full PDF, yeah, the ending is epic, feels like a f***ing CNN editorial than justice.

May be this piece of worm shit William G Young needs to start using f***ing quill and ink if he want to exercise his 1st. What a f***ing travesty. So ARs are good to ban, what about AKs or Uzis? Lazy cocksucker.

This lawyer shit is all about twisting a f***ing sentence in plain English to fit whatever agenda. Taking it apart into "prefectory" statements etc. What a f***ing bullshit.
It sounds like he says the AGs enforcement notice can’t be challenged until she actually enforces it. Is that correct?
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