You’re at a mass shooting event armed. What do you do?

If you decide to shoot an active shooter, once the threat is gone I'd highly suggest holstering your weapon and prone out with your hands on your head, because once the police show up and see someone with a gun they are shooting.
Why not holster up and flee with everyone else? Sort it out later.
Engage or get out of dodge?

Personally I’d be thinking to mine and myself and get out of dodge. If I was alone I don’t know for sure. Probably still get out of dodge. Though I’m sure some would engage. Hard decision.
Run, Hide, Fight in that order. People close to me that I care about are my responsibility. Everyone else has had the same chance in life to make the decisions that I did - if they chose poorly... Oh well.
You missed
6: While engaging the shooter, successful or not, you injure a bystander whose family bankrupts you in civil court.

In Mass you have a duty to retreat in public and even though you are legally allowed to defend others the jury will hear hours of testimony paid for by your taxes on how the right thing to do is observe and report while allowing the police to engage. You will be portrayed as a bloodthirsty vigilante and the jury instructions will not allow for the juror to use conscience.
Yup. Even more reason to retreat.
Not me. I hit peak Globohomo Fatigue a while ago. If Im in Cambridge and some guy is mowing down average guys in jeans and tshirts Id prob watch.
Hang around for the press and tell them that it was just like being in a real life John Wick film. I noticed in yesterday's fiasco, kids were just about pissing themselves to get on camera.
Where are all the NES keyboard commandos that were all ready to shoot someone for breaking into their car or opening their screen door to knock on the real door. Lmao.
Those are usually directed at people who can't fight back [rofl]
You missed
6: While engaging the shooter, successful or not, you injure a bystander whose family bankrupts you in civil court.

In Mass you have a duty to retreat in public and even though you are legally allowed to defend others the jury will hear hours of testimony paid for by your taxes on how the right thing to do is observe and report while allowing the police to engage. You will be portrayed as a bloodthirsty vigilante and the jury instructions will not allow for the juror to use conscience.

Meh lawyerism in this scenario is overrated. Civil suits in SD shootings are overrated and rare.

"Not getting smoked by the BG" or "protecting family" or "being alive for family" would be overriding concerns vs everything else. Everything else is noise, frankly. Yes, bad legal outcomes are shit, but not as likely as portrayed by ayoob glue sniffing gun rag media. It's not something I'm going to waste time getting wrapped around the axle about particularly not in an extraordinary situation.
Meh lawyerism in this scenario is overrated. Civil suits in SD shootings are overrated and rare.

"Not getting smoked by the BG" or "protecting family" or "being alive for family" would be overriding concerns vs everything else. Everything else is noise, frankly. Yes, bad legal outcomes are shit, but not as likely as portrayed by ayoob glue sniffing gun rag media. It's not something I'm going to waste time getting wrapped around the axle about particularly not in an extraordinary situation.
Yes, but the state would very likely hang it over your head (in anything other than protecting children)
E&E. If presented with an opportunity, take it, but otherwise leaving Dodge. Used to think I'd do more, but as I've gotten older, and the world has changed, I seem to be thinking more and more like Jose.
Yes, but the state would very likely hang it over your head (in anything other than protecting children)

Meh, if it happens it happens i just don't see it likely in "one of these".

Even in mass there's a point where "reasonable person " becomes a huge problem for the DA. I'm not too concerned that "persecution of someone who tried to do the right thing" in this sort of extraordinary situation is an overarching risk worth caring much about. This isn't shooting a dude who stole some ladys purse and you got in trouble for going Bronson on the thief type deal..... not to mention with an active shooter, there is no "possibly maybes" WRT the "threat" or "immenince" of death/serious bodily harm.
Sure - you have to explain why you departed, but you could always say you were concerned there was a 2nd shooter. There will be witnesses/cams and an investigation that defines who was the perp and who was engaging in self-defense. That said, maybe the cops shoot you to surrender takes some savvy.

In 2023, I'd have no problem explaining that "I departed because I don't trust the cops not to shoot me." No problem at all. They need to hear that.

But then, I'd probably be alive to say that. Because I don't intend to stick around and become a hero.

Even in mass there's a point where "reasonable person " becomes a huge problem for the DA. I'm not too concerned that "persecution of someone who tried to do the right thing" in this sort of extraordinary situation is an overarching risk worth caring much about. This isn't shooting a dude who stole some ladys purse and you got in trouble for going Bronson on the thief type deal..... not to mention with an active shooter, there is no "possibly maybes" WRT the "threat" or "immenince" of death/serious bodily harm.

I would hope so, but what they did to that Good Samaritan who smoked the stabber at Mass General some years ago made me lose a lot of faith. Yes, they didn't charge him... but they held it over his head for six months or so.

That should have been a five-minute investigation. They dragged it out for months on that guy. f*** them.
If i got the people I'm with I'm outta there! I'm a straight white male, I'm certainly not getting in a gun fight to save mostly people who look at me as the enemy. NFW!

It's sad now but this is kind of a consideration. If I'm standing in moonbat land, and this happens, am I going to (unnecessarily) risk my life for people that gladly vote for people who would kill me and steal all my shit if they could get away with it? When i can just walk away? Nope. Too bad, there are downstream consequences for f***ing with other peoples rights. I don't give a shit about a pregnant dowanna on the side of the road with a flat tire either. I'm just done with these people. If I lived in a more normal state I'd feel differently because then there's a non zero chance someone else might not be a commie. Nowadays in mass its 80% chance of commie or commie sympathizers.....
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Remember, Massachusetts discourages self-help. Read about defensive shootings in the state and you'll see the DA wrap these people up for months if not years. One that comes to mind off the top of my head is the guy who was a Boston special police officer who killed the individual stabbing the female doctor at MGH. He didn't get a disposition for 18 months
Remember, Massachusetts discourages self-help. Read about defensive shootings in the state and you'll see the DA wrap these people up for months if not years. One that comes to mind off the top of my head is the guy who was a Boston special police officer who killed the individual stabbing the female doctor at MGH. He didn't get a disposition for 18 months

Same one I posted just above.

Senseless. That incident really did open my eyes. And that happened WITH the media deciding the guy was a legit Good Samaritan right off the bat; didn't save him from getting hassled.
In 2023, I'd have no problem explaining that "I departed because I don't trust the cops not to shoot me." No problem at all. They need to hear that.

But then, I'd probably be alive to say that. Because I don't intend to stick around and become a hero.

I would hope so, but what they did to that Good Samaritan who smoked the stabber at Mass General some years ago made me lose a lot of faith. Yes, they didn't charge him... but they held it over his head for six months or so.

That should have been a five-minute investigation. They dragged it out for months on that guy. f*** them.

Yes, it sucked, but when the dust settled, the correct thing ultimately still happened. It's still not really a consideration for me, regardless.

There was an SD shooting with dead BG several years ago during a liquor store robbery in central MA. BG pointed gun at owner's brother, guy smoked BG in the store. No charges, relatively quickly. (Under a couple weeks iirc) then again I have a feeling that the DA didn't mess around because this particular dead guy was a huge source of embarrassment to local law enforcement. He hit several liquor stores and was never caught until he got smoked by joe citizen.
Engage or get out of dodge?

Personally I’d be thinking to mine and myself and get out of dodge. If I was alone I don’t know for sure. Probably still get out of dodge. Though I’m sure some would engage. Hard decision.
I have no children so I wouldn't have to protect them. I'm looking for an escape and not engaging unless I have no choice.

For TWO reasons.. one I could miss and be killed and.. the police or another armed civilian could mistaken me for the shooter and see ya later. I'm gone.

I've taken the get off me approach.. as my grandfather taught me.. I have no duty to kill. the duty is to stop the threat.. weather that is running away or firing a shot to "stop" the active shooter. This stuff happens FAST.. Also as mentioned before I try to avoid sketchy areas and crime magnet areas like malls etc. However.... I don't know NC as well as know MA.. many "mini springfields, lawrences, and new bedfords" exist down here.


ASP is okay.. but I stopped carrying OC spray unless its the ONLY weapon I can have.
If I'm armed at a mass shooting event chances are I'm running.

My gun is to protect me and mine, I cross paths with the shooter I'm smoking em, but other than that I'm not going out of my way to be a hero, especially if the shooter had a rifle.
ASP is okay.. but I stopped carrying OC spray unless its the ONLY weapon I can have.
OC is another tool so you aren't backed into a corner with having to go to the gun.
Very few hot heads will power through a face full of hot sauce and those that do are objectively dangerous.
You can't shoot a dude who is looking for a push-me festival but OCing him followed by a quick 911 call to report him for A&B is a much better choice to keep yourself out of both jail a d the hospital.
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